Mellody smiled at her happily, trying to hide her blush. "Well, how about you? what's your way of doing things?"
Mellody blushed lightly at the praise but continued her cheeky smile. "Who said anyhting about style? i like to blow sh*t up with class..."
ooc: O.O i've gotta watch what my oc's say around you... "You know..." Mellody joked. "In the end, blowing sh*t up is justified!"
"Shall we do things..." Mellody started. "My way?"
"Huh... too bad..." Mellody sighed sitting down. "I wonder..."
Mellody shrugged the question off, and offered her the glass of water. "Speaking of which... how's the Kira case coming?"
"Okay" Mellody nodded gettting up and walking off to the kitchen. "Let's see..." Mellody muttered to herself going through her glasses. "Which one? oh this one!" Mellody sighed as she felt the glass get a little heavier, a silent tear freely rolling down her cheeck as she looked over at her and Dein's pic. This is stupid! she told herself wiping the tear away and walking back to Lana.
Mellody smiled at her. "Well, i'm thirsty, you want something?"
"It's nothing..." Mellody insisted again. "I'm just thinking that's all."
"It's your imagination..." Mellody taunted poking Lana lightly.
"Nothing." Mello defied. "And don't call me pet... or i'll tickle you..."
"True..." Mellody sighed in agreement looking away slightly.
"Yeah.." Mellody agreed a little sadly. "But hey, we gotta catch Kira, so there's no point dwelling in the past is there?!"
Mellody nodded. "Will you stop asking that already?" Mellody asked impassively. "I just haven't had this much fun in ages..."
Mellody simply smiled trying to calm down slightly.
Mellody smiled, shaking her head slightly.
Mellody shrugged. "You're stories mroe tragic, mine's more... blow things up?" Mellody giggled.
Mellody looked at her innocently.
"Me and Dein were on our own..." Mellody shrugged. "How else were we gonna survive?"
Mellody shrugged. "Benefits of Mafia..."