lol, that was hilarious! and you got knocked unconcious!!! lol, dude you rule... *dies of laughter*
OMG great chapoter! =D i choose Awakening!
hey everyone.
A light tapping could be heard, as the 13 year old teen lightly typed on his keyboard, his parents sleeping peacefully. "They're not here..." He slowly whispered to himself as the two people he had wanted to talk to were seemingly offline, many hidden and unwanted memories forming in his mind, as he realised that, if only for the moment he was alone, with memories he wish he didn't have...
Hey CupCake.
hewwo! :3 someone remembered my birhtday!
"Try giving up?" L suggested reasonably.
"Yet you persist in smoking..." L muttered.
"you do realise that you're likely to die from lung cancer since you are smoking from a young age right?"
L walked up to Matt queitly.
"You just make some stupid moves..." L reasured. "Now go apologize... i'll come again if i must."
"Think about it."
"Then go apologize..."
"Well, Juliet did want to make-up with you, you know." L explained trying to pull the covers off of his head.
"About the girlfriends..." L persisted, hoping the guilt was finaly getting to him...
"Mello, why were you saying those things...?"
Lshrugged, and walked past Matt, up to Mello.
ooc: Masta D has been here for awhile, Dein's dead and Mellosdy's waiting for a chance, i can't do anything till RA's on >.<
"What do you see?" Mellody whispered.
"Yeah..." Mellody smiled offering her a hand. "Let's go help Near..."