lol really? mind if i have a sneak peek? :3 oh... poor thing... lol, wait... can he see?
O.O wow... that must've sucked... probably still does... why was it put to sleep? damn... to the doctors! lol, seriously though, you two should go get it checked. hey i love that song! =D
ooc: Hey everyone, can i have a recap? and Death, i don't meant to spoil your fun but i think i've come up with a passable plan AROUND Near showing up on tv >D "i'm not so sure..." Mellody persisted but shrugged it off. "Just remember to keep your cool no matter what okay?"
oh okay... so what happened? >.< you gone to get it checked yet?
huh... i would ask but it's none of my business... anyway, how are you now?
nope, you haven't. I have today of off school so i'm running into alot of people i haven't talked to in awhile.
hey V! nothing much as far as i know.
*pokes* why are you standing on one hand? O.o and noting much, my manga site just got fixed and i have like 198 volumes of manga to catch up on *sweat drop*
Hey Destiny!
nicely done... been awhile since i've read something i have no clue about and like it...
hey everyone...
Mellody sighed. "I'm just saying..."
"Who said anything about anger?" Mellody taunted. "Anyway, we're beyond those arguments, thepoint was you sounded like you were gonna snap before..."
"You need to calm down..." Mellody explained blankly.
Mellody shook her head as Lana persisted, walking slightly out of the door.
Mellody sighed, hearing the slight crack in Lana's voice. She let her stand there for a minute, but wuickly walked through the doors. "Lana, could youcome with me for a moment?"
hi... CLD says hi as well... (CLD = Creative Little D)
ooc: hi.... "It's a completly different subject." L muttered turning away from Matt and walking in the direction Juliet had disappeared in.
morning CupCake, what's new?
yes Destined wins... and my asthmas back -_-