"Aahhh, i see..." L muttered passively. "Still, two wrongs don't make a right..."
"That's all?" L asked a small sign of surprise crossing his face. "I thought he's done worse than that before..."
"L... i mean Lana..." Mellody started softly. "it'll hurt alot more if you don't at least admit you love him..."
L attempted to smile sitting down next to her in his normal way. "So, tell me what happened between you and Mello?"
"oh..." L muttered pushing it open.
"Tell me..." Mellody started. "What do you think is worse? showing him love and compassion that only you can for the last few moments of his life, or having him die not knowing you love him?"
L looked back to the door again. "Now if you don't mind unlocking it...?"
L looked at Mello.
"I know your friends." Mellody exlpained. "But i know you both want to be more than just friends, and if one of you's die without admitting how you feel..."
L silently walked past Mello and knocked patiently. "Juliet, it's L would you mind if i came in to talk to you?"
"whatever." Melldoy shrugged.
"So are you going to apologize or do i have to for you?"
"Of course, he cares for you..." Mellody taunted cheekily.
"You hate me..." Mellody reminded. "You're not meant to compliment anything that do or that i own." Mello looked over at her queitly. Still... maybe she's not so bad... and contineud to look at the screen shortly afterwards, sighing as another hospital clip came up, this time with double screens, one side showing Lana reaching for her telephone, the other showing Near walking up to her room.
L shruged. "I can't say i know for sure, but she really likes you..."
"She's just going throug ha confusing moment..."
"Thne apologize..." L suggested turning towards Juliet's room.
"Not really..." L disagreed. "Just a little disapointed."
L didn't reply but simply turned towards the stairs.
"You're choice." Mellody shrugged.