yes had a hard time w/ some...well actually all of thm >.>
yea but dont remember all the characters tho only remember a few
XXDD tell her i said hi! XD
XXDD well r u gunna txt her?
txt her or something lol y u complaining to me lol
no. not yet anyways. tat means you did something to her!
ikr!! but the computer keeps lagin on everything so he had to delete lots of stuff and so he deleted my movie maker but now the computer doesnt...
yea i gunna find some other fun thing to do now something tat i dont need to download......
.............o i see XD wow! XXDD kool >.> but i cnt make vids no more bcuz my brother deleted my movie maker and said its taking the computer's...
O.o tat is impossible >.>
yea i cn but he jus being a jerk >.> o well i'll find something else fun to do
=/ i cnt make vids because my brother says its taking up the computers memory
XXDD lol i gtgs nites
XXDD lol and she looks evil XXDD
XXXDDD almost you should try and watch it XD its about four boys turning a "ugly" gurl to a lady XXDD