hit me when you want sir...
pure humans of the light side blood that is... good for energy...
um...are you sure you are not annoyed by me or my speaking? and furthermore... you do not fear me?
ah...sir roxasora... i have a gift for you as well... i made a shadow-spawner enabling you to kill unlimeted amount of shaow and neo-shadows to lvl up easily and take out your anger...
hehehe...no one loves the darkness... i am unloved and it fits me...
always... *summons a pool of blood...* it is yours sir... a present you might say...
um...hello again sirs and misses...
it is time for me to die already? i understand... i have no regrets...
nothing you should apologise for sir...
i'm sorry but i lost myself in laughter there... you rated me 10? AHAHAHAHAHAAA....
i do not think this is the right place for me... um... i'm to afriad to rate...
please don't name it sir... you made me ashamed already...
bye miss... see you next month perhaps...
i will sir... what is it?
i could otherwise sacrifice my body to create an anima of darkness to annihlate buu's body and then let the darkness consume him ridding this world both of him and me...
it's a nice picture sir!
may i join forces with you? i have unfinshed business with the humans...
please take it easy miss... fear brings panic, and panic is never good...
um...how and when did miss emmax get a baby? ...don't make me fall for you miss... who made the second heart of darkness rules!!!?
'tis my nature miss... my whole life in R.L i have served all sorts of humans up untill about now when no one cares any longer... but i often had to put up with them complaining on me so i have become very....different compared to a normal human...