i don't know if i would let you normaly miss but even if i did let you, you would turn into a pile of smoke and ashes....i'm sorry... it's really good to see you though!!
well done! you have a good talent for this...
i'm here now miss... if you ever wanted it...
not when i serve here!! *hides thread in the darkness* can you see? can you live here? will you survive? see my eyes? they are feed by souls like yours...now...let me feed... hehehehe...
...your married to... never mind... um...shall i hunt her down and empty her body of all organs in the most painful way possible?
but...isn't he kind? i am the unny king so i understand why i am married at least...
a habit and what i do when i serve people... i hope you didn't get mad... i'm already married (by force) with miss roxas-chick... oh right! i have a gift for you as well emma! *summons a cadny store* it's all yours!
i'm gettin overly protective...i'm sorry...
understood... she must be very cute...well... hm..together...both you and sweetheart must look like angles...heh...
you kicked a cat.... you kicked a cat!!!! well...i did promise my services to you emma... some time ago...you may use me as you see fit...
boring huh? but um...emma... where are everyone anyway... everytime i'm here there seems to be loads of people gone... it's nice to see you again anyway...and um...can you show a picture of sweetheart? um...sorry for asking...
no one is allowed to kill any kitten!!! i stake my life to hunt down anyone and slaughter that person if he/she likks emmas kitten!
...i'm sorry.... but sweetheart sounds adorable anyway! um...has anything happened scince i was here?
um...am i still allowed to be here?
...i hope it won't burn your fingers anyway... ...hun?
arrigato miss.... but don't hug me... your skin and bones will only vaporise upon contact with my body...
gaah!! you had me in!? you...you!! ...thank you miss...
hi miss, and you have a kitten? what is his/her name?
wow, that is a lot! you are a good person...
hello sir! wow...what will you buy it for sir?