is is done...
i give you all my sympathy now emma....
i just lost a part of my darkness inside.... it's so......cuuute....*sob*
good for you sir! Bah! i'l make that thread now!
but wouldn't that be using you sir fayt? i cannot do that... ...i'm sorry for not being able to submit my service emma...
lucky me...i guess... oh, right! i await instructions...
hhmm....alright then... what would you like to be sir?
i guess i have to return the favour... although...i cannot hug people... hm...*bows*
can i help you emma? it sounds amusing but why should i... i would not be able to mantain stabilty in such a place...
...i hope i haven't done anything wrong miss ctr...
has something happened sir fayt? and make... your true darkness is something you will have to find out in your own... loyalty nor power may find it..
*lunges claws into make's heart... liquid darkness flows and injects the heart with pure darkness...* awaken my child... thy very fabric is now complete.... thou hast no light any more... hello sir roxasora! want to become darkness itself sir make? your very life ay hang by a thread...
*drinks* blast...i have been everywhere besides greece... wait a second *spits back the drink* i have never felt proud...
i hope so as well... where are your sisters miss?
hmm...well...i believe you will make it anyway...
oh... i havte to too soon as well.../FONT]
gahh!! i would invite you to become d´see through darkness otherwise...blast... a nice dad you have at least...
the darkness can now mend thy wounds and i have given you the ability to blend in to anywhere you want... you can practically be invisible miss... i shall smite the teachers!
would you like to become an artist?