yahoo! someone that's honest...nearly... it should have been 1/10...
hehe...sorry...i just wanted to help...
um...sir daxma, if you seek to be with mis ris please beat me down to impress her...
you have not seen. nor heard of me... i cannot vote as there is not enough space to fill it out[/B]...
i am a leader of one family and a king in another... i have much power which i don't use anyway... power does not fit me...
...that's creepy...
i am fine with working for her...
ah... i cannot break free of my service so i will stay anyway...
ah..understood... how was it?
um... i don't think i should rate now...
i'm sorry? i'm a ******...
that's very nice of you miss... you should show it in the bunny-castle...
you looked for it for me or did you just happen to find it miss?
i never thought that i would win.. i just wanted to do something...ehehe...
...thank you miss...
yes... i love bunnies...
...*sigh* i'm quite speechless...
how can we cheer you up miss emma?
let fayt do it... he is the sig-master...
you are darkness now fayt... you already have...