may i protect you now emma?
but....should we not be thinking about emma?
but it's not kind to use you sir fayt... i will have to live in shame for eternity then... i'm sole pupose in life is complete... sir sora? how can i make emma trust me again?
i'm such a failure... *sob*
it doesn't matter! i care not for my life!! *dramatic theme* but for that i cherish! i will give my life to protect emma!
...i'm sorry emma... *stays underground* i promise that i'll guard you untill i have gained your trust again... do not hurt her!!
i'm still sorry miss! it wasn't meant to happen!!
umm...isn't roxas acting more pervert than me?
*flies over emma* you what!? YOU HUMANS NEVER UNDERSTAND!!! HATE...HATE...HATE!!! GRAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
shooting will still not help emma... i didn't mean to...i only wanted something helpful... you were asleep and i though you would sleep better in a warm bed...i...
no!! i just remembered the damn thing after i carried emma to the bed, then my damn skin burned her clothes and after that i made her new clothes... waahh!!! i didn't mean to... emma thinks i'm a pervert and you are acusing me...
can i not earn your trust somehow miss? it wasn't meant to happen!!!
*doesn't budge* i'm sorry...that doesn't work on me... gaah!!! it wasn't meant to happen!!! i just wanted to...i mean i wanted i.... *sob*
a divorce? hmm...this looks bad...
ehh...ahh...umm...i made new have them on right now... it's not what you think!! i carried you to the bed but my darkness burnt your clothes and...!! i'm sorry... i'l take my punishment now...
damn dark burning!! hmmm...ehh...aghhh!!! *creates dark clothes which fits into emma perfectly* i hope it won't burn... ... blast it all...
carries emma to the bunnybed... puts a blancet over her... oh no... my darkness burned off a part of her clothes!! agh!!i'm guilty!! she's going to think i'm a pervert!! ahhh!!!
bad day sir?
]nice sir! it's kind of you to do that![/FONT]