no... you do it if you want to but i'm not going to vote miss...
then follow me!! *grabs hold of r-c and drains out her life-essence* hod sucks... r-c rocks... morning sir!
i don't believe you... and who made the bunny-castle with the ninja-bunnies and who has always been kind-hearted and pure? people here love you for the way you are... you understand people well, you are clever... and you are helpful...
destroy me then, oh bunny queen! try it out! double fixed...perhaps?
can somone love bunnies or take such good care of bella as you miss?
your eyes speak the truth miss... my eyes are darkness... is it not destined for me to destroy then? i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck i suck suck
but miss... you shouldn't feel that way! i don't think they can be better at anything like that and also... you are the youngest of the three...that means you have not lived as long to learn as they have right? and don't hurt your hands anymore....
*traps r-c in black strings* indeed the eyes...what do you see? no worries miss.... i'm the annoying one...
...please don't do that miss... and why are you angry?
good... release your anger... show your pain... now...spread it to the world... *grabs r-c's neck* darkness flows through take a look at my eyes...what do you see?
i-i didn't mean that it was bad but i just wondered... are you sad in someway miss?
n-no!! i'll destroy this world and you, my beautiful queen shall follo-... yes i was acting... i could never use the poor bunnies for this... nor can i use you miss... *hides* i know i'm weird... but i feel angry and tired and i sometimes act out in different sort of ways...
i do not understand why one must be called emo for his or her liking in songs... that doesn't make sense...
indeed... but i can make the bunnies follow me... you shall as well! *drains darkness into r-c* can you see the beauty of this world? no! not anymore!! not with the humans! forward my loyal bunnies!! we shall have the corrupted monsters at our mercy! *turns around* and you miss queen? are you loyal to your husband now? ... i really love acting...hehe...
i'm going to be evil... * dramatic music* and i'll start here!!! *let's liquid darkness burn everything surrounding Hod, a black tornado evaborates from nowhere* i'm sorry, but the humans shall pay!!
i know what i'll do... it fits me perfectly... the humans made me to be like that...
*drops strings of darkness witch clings to r-c* i can hug you...
...i should ask you miss... am i a failed king? i have never done anything good here... can i be a servant instead? who made the Hod rules tag!!? are sure? i nearly killed someone i should not name yesterday... oh right, i gave miss Xieve dark powers yesterday...
bu-but my darkness is to dangerous... i can't even touch you or you may get absorbed... i didn't mean to do that agaisnt emma!!