where is miss emma anyway? i have not seen her...or her baby...
you made it miss!? and the glomping thing...um.... i...uh...it's hard...to..um...be near pretty girls for me...[/FONT]
can someone delete the heart of darkness rules tag? it angeres me...
... GAAAAAH!!!!! AS IF BEING STALKED BY SOMEONE SO PRETTY ISN'T ENOUGH!!! *escapes* i'm sorry miss...
um...miss... have i done something wrong?
i'l show you my invulnerability... i have to leave briefly...
good man... hm...sir...`? try stabbing me with one of your weapons please... hmm...i just checked a little of the bunny-castle earlier pages... is luna someone's baby!?
a mercenary perhaps? ...sadly i cannot ask for your help...i am alone...in everything...and that i don't think the misses here would like you being gone...
cala... i have hopes that you will feel sadness for the poor dog... you donät have to cry for anything but showing no sadness to a dead friend is ...wrong... may cala's soul rest in peace....
hm...you would make a good ally sir...
my avy is me....
my senses are partly as a vampire but compared to me...vampires are weak... i function at the same rate regardless of my hunger and i can take pain and be manifested upon my poes normaly, much unlike a vampire... i understand you and i agree but i am a vegeterian... so um...yeah...
i feed mostly on humans... they are my only enemies....and the light!!
...hmm...i gain at least 11 different sorts of nutrients but it doesn't matter because my life force isn't powered by regular food... the only drawback for me with my power is the hunger... it is...untameable...
...i liked it... it tastes good... but i prefer blood...
why hello miss e_b oh right... um...sinä ja sinun siskot rokkatte! i hope i spelled it right...
the one that burns like acid sir?
hm...friend... i am...friend?
here you go sir... coffee is free in the bunny-castle...
she needs time sir... please understand for her... unwell... and hos ist thou sir?