*falls to ground* your giving up that easilly
nope but i hope they don't i'm in cahoots in this with 8-axel
so it seems cr and joe are talking and so is joe and nas
let me guess you saw the group or he told you
so got some feelings for kim eh watching over her eh while cr's not looking
spying on nasirrich and charonus rex and keyblade master joe
yeah i'm just spying on two friends make that 3
so who's he in love with
ah great just chilling killing
ow that hurt * shoots a barrage of red thunder bolts at you from the sky
hey hows it going
laughs lover boy ahahahahahaha
oh yeah sorry
it seems kim had a little fun with joe while not telling cr
damn right this time lighning and thunder won't be the weakest element
id watch my clones if i were you once they get near you kaboom they self destruct *takes you by the arm and flings you*
to get the upper hand on em
really wow i'm gonna do some dirty work if you know what i mean
*vanishes above you and creates clones* get ready for this * the clones light up and charge at you
really where