uhhh not really but i can give you a run for your money* thinks to self hahaha thats genius*
*vanishes behind rosetta and whispers i'm sure they'll forgive you* unlike me i'm dead ahahahahaha
hmph i wouldn't be so sure
you've no idea who your dealing with do you yep thats right your dealing with the ultimate chaos
ahahahaha i'll be right back
what is thy bidding my master
ahahahahaaha you know we were just kidding well i know i was get it stupid computer:crashcomp::rofl:
wait um shouldn't we pm each other this or cr will kill us i mean he is online
so what are you upto
you should totally do it i'm behind you 100%
ahhahahahaha so whats going on
so would if you do i'll back you up
but why thats the part i don't get but i don't think so as strong as kim is she or cr would tear you to pieces
yo whats up
why would you do that unless you gots a plan or you like her but don't like like her
man i need help i just don't get women
i don't get it you mean yto talk to her
i mean nas, joe , and cr it's all a love quarell with kim she's a ........well you know just don't tell cr or he'd kill me
so far from what i've read it's a lovers quarrrel ahahahahahahaha
thanks f they found out they'd kill us