then who's is.......??? oh ****
whats the matter you want your money back what you gonna get kim ha what a joke
alright thats tellin em
tampering with cr's head can be dangerous you know
oh by the way this was his plan give the bill to cr
nah im judst trying to focus on keeping the money i stole *opens electric portal and goes throught hen closes
what is thy bidding my master
hides behind tree then makes clones
LATER *vanishes*
Do it do it do it
whats that suppose to mean
oh good job was that your plan because NOW YOUR DEAD
h-hey whats hiccup that suppose to mean
*gets drunk* i-i just don't get women why hiccup why are they sooooooo moody
whispers i'll put in with ya
ok the truth is i don't want to battle you i was gonna battle you for your money what i use to be a thief still am
hey everyone lets go party drinks on ax
ive got one question for you *vanishes to in front of you and puts up one finger* do you have any money i promise i'll pay you back
ooh i'm shaking in my boots
*catches it* heh did you think you were gonna hit me