but it is true shes way too nice one day someones gonna step all over her
just for refernce ihad nothing to do with this plan of his
no not really dude
yep he's dead rosetta , cr , and kim, im outta this one
uhhh yeah ax you asked for it *transforms back*
oh now you get here rosetta thank god
transforms into thunder wolf [/IMG] time for you to get an old fashioned butt woopin boy
yep your a** is grass
well he's all yourds i just don't wanna get on kims bad side
*vanishes to bar and says * he's all yours
i'am so gonna regret this *trips up cr then looks away and whistles
hey cr lets have a drink
yep he's dead *gets between ax and cr* hey look at me i can drink beer through my nose
oh man he's dead
great now make sure kim didn't know i had her money
here take kims money
vanishes to 8-axel and gives it to him
dude i think i took kims money by mistake
here you take this i don't wanna get into trouble
oh **** it's about to get bloody up in here