and the battle
I CAN SEE THAT so what are kims conditions
wow this looks intense wonder what went down here
umm wow gay joking so what happened in the group
-_- and thx very much for diggin the ride why i oughta.......umm never mind
can someone fill me in here what happened to kim
thx so far CR went on a rampage and it seems me and you are going to have to sit this one out it's getting real ugly up there
uh-oh this is gonna be dangerous especially with mr.blow it all up here
*appears in front of rosetta* Rosetta stop this it's just making things worse
whatever heero told you was a lie
ax and i was in on it the whole time but i didn't want to go this far
wow thats tellin him
thats what im asking
well i wouldn't count on it
hey where did cr go if anything i hope he went after kim
ax's reason is not my concern right now but his reason is to get too cr and kim and as you can see it worked what else ha has planned i don't know
*barely stops as i get closer to the shield* oh kim i'll have to talk to her later now i've got to stop rosetta and cr* vanishes to where they are*
vanishes in front of kim kim stop
*goes even faster * kim it's ok let me help you
*vanishes then goes after kim* kim wait