well i refuse to take part in it again no i'm not scared of CR it's just that i feel sorry for him is all
heads up he's at it again
oh boy do you ever give it a rest
so you think in the name of god you better hope so
don't you have your life to worry about
well you kinda started i mean we started the whole thing i was behind him all the way i'm no position to criticize
*goes to kim grabs her hand and pulls her over to CR* kim he's all yours
good luck i'm challenging CR to a battle to the death i'am so dead aren't i
oh brother then when you get back to full health i challenge you to a battle to the death
anyways im not scared i m gonna challenge him when he gets his full strength back and don't trifle with kim
Your still on that
whats the matter afraid of a little pain
yeah maybe it's time me and you left for some training
CR get over it the main point is kims ok you didn't blow up the earth and now I'VE GOT ANOTHER CRACK AT YOU so if you even think your gonna leave kim i'll punch you right here right bow
you should after everything you've done
hey ax it's time me and you talked
uhhh nope thats good even though it was my fault for not stopping ax myself
go to it save it and go to user cp and then goto edit avatar then go to browse and get it from where you saved it at
ok thats good news but how did the whole thing start
sure go ahead