rosetta loves kim it's simple easy
awwwwwwwww CR u suck
jump jump jump jump jump jump
yo sup hows it goin
ahahahahaha hey CR your losing your touch man ahahahahahaha
ahahahahahahaha well out of this i gots my fight now
damn right baby i'm givin it all i've got
ahahahahaaha why do you want kim so badly
--_-- why am i not suprised by rosettas words
your damn right i won't next time i'm not slackin off on the job i'm challengin you to aww screw it
will you 3 quit it this lovers quarell is making me sick with your cutesy little kisses and bullsh**
wow he's got you beat dude
what a clever little sneak
dude i don't know if i should go along with ax's plan i mean all that power CR had it was amazing but i don't want to hurt them again what should i do
*shoots ax in the a** with red lightning and turns around whistling* WHAT I CANT WHISTLE
then again with that strength he had i refuse to get caught up in this