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  1. Aelin
    I will take 2 AP boosts and 2 HP boosts, as well as Leaf Bracer
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Aelin
    Well the battle went over well enough. They managed to kill all of them this time. Silently Auburn made one more scan of the area, just to make sure that they were really all gone. She was still a little paranoid at the moment about a similar situation to last time happening. It wasn't that she didn't trust her teammates, she just didn't trust herself still. Even so she didn't let herself lag too far behind the others as they continued on their path towards the temple. On their way they came across a river with a branch partly across it. Auburn was looking for a solution when she noticed something. "Um... Did..." It seemed to have stopped though and suddenly Auburn felt like she would sound stupid if no one else noticed it before.

    Biting her lower lip she focused herself on just the task at hand. She had to think. Her eyes kept darting back to where the statue was, even as the water raged harder.
    "I um... I" Why was talking so hard, why was her heart pounding so much at the simple mention of her plan. She nearly shrank down to a mouse to just hid, but Auburn knew that she needed her semblance for something else. "I..." Before she could actually get the words out, Auburn's size just grew to that of enormous proportions. From this size it was easy enough to just step across the river.

    Bending down she put her hand out for her friends to climb on, but she refused to say a word, a little embarrassed about everything. She waited until everyone had got on her hand before she took a large step across the raging river, clearing them to the other side.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    With the wind knocked out of him, Karina turned around and kicked him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Mortimer tried to catch his breath and speak up again, but before he really could Karina stomped on his throat.
    "I don't want to hear your stupid voice anymore." Karina snarled before she moved her foot just in time for her keyblade to connect. It wasn't as satisfying as she thought it would be. The data image faded and Karina felt no satisfaction in the kill, just kind of empty. Staring at the body she finally forced herself to turn and move on, this time not daring to look at the clock as she wondered what awaited her at the top of the next floor.

    Ascending the stairs, Karina laid eyes on her next opponent.

    "So finally it is time to see which one of us is stronger, is it? Well bring it on?" She had her keyblade ready and a glint of excitement in her eye.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin


    "Awe come on, let them fight. Chick fights are the best!" Jay called out to the man who stopped the fight. "Testy testy this group is." He commented as he walked towards the man stopping the girls from fighting and put a hand on his shoulder. "What kind of living being doesn't want to see chicks fight? Or what these muzzles do. You know if we can sort that out, I bet my brother could jam them." Jay pointed behind him to Jim before turning to wink at Lydia. "Besides I bet she could hold her own just fine." He didn't stop his eyes from wandering. "So what do you say, letting them fight?" He let out a bit of a laugh and a smile.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aelin

    This was bad, this was bad, this was so bad. Tinarah couldn't suppress the yelp of pain as it felt like her arms were going numb. She had to hold on, just a little longer, she couldn't let Chrono and Take down. Through watering eyes she saw that Chrono wasn't the only one on his last legs, it seemed to be Kefka was too. She was torn between healing her brother or trying to finish off Kefka. Chrono might survive another hit if she helped him, but he might not have to take another attack if she managed to take Kefka out. Take and Chrono seemed to be going all out, so perhaps she needed to as well.

    "Sorry." She softly commented as she looked towards Kefka from her brother. "I need to end this before it gets worse." Ice exploded from her as music surrounded her, intertwining between the shards of ice. Bursting forth was a terrible blast of energy and ice and music as it poured forth towards Kefka, bending around her companions. Ice lightly covered her own clothing and keyblade as the blast subsided and Tinarah fell to one knee panting. She was was getting tired. Her body wanted to give out but she couldn't just yet. Dizziness and nausea hit as Tinarah tried to get back up to her feet to make sure that Kefka was down before she let her body get the better of her.
    Tinarah used Blizzara doing 45 Damage + 15 for drive + 15 for the magic bullets = 75AP
    HP: 16/85
    AP: 0/58
    MP: 9/30
    DP: 0/3
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin

    "Try me." Karina retorted as she pulled back for a moment. "You know I have learned a new trick. Too bad you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Karina laughed a little bit. She didn't actually think of Fang as old, but she still thought it would be fun to mess with her a little bit.
    "Who are you calling old?" Fang retorted as she prepared for whatever Karina was going to do, but was caught off guard by the magic that Karina threw at her. A ball of flames shot for her. As it hit, fang stumbled back and Karina got her opening she needed. As she got the keyblade up to Fangs throat, Fang put her hands in the air, dropping her spear to the ground.
    "Nice going kid. I am proud of you." Karina strolled past Fang, glad that she didn't actually have to finish Fang off for this test to be over.

    "Well well well, what do we have here." Oh no. She knew that voice, she knew who that was. Oh she was going to enjoy this all too much.
    "I was wondering when I would get to beat your face in."
    "What no more smooches?" That was all Karina needed to hear before she launched herself at the mouse. There was no time for talking, she would not give in to his smugness. Flipping her keyblade around, she smashed the end into Mortimer's chest so that the air was knocked out of him. No more talking, she was going to finish this one off quickly.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    "You'd be surprised how well we can keep up, especially when I have my music." With that music burst forth and filled the air around them. Tinarah smiled a bit feeling a little more invigorated as music notes swirled around her. "I think we will be just fine now." She couldn't help but smile a bit as she felt like they actually had a chance to win this. The green energy that was almost always around her keyblade turned from green to a frosty blue. Magic gathered at the tip and came out as a large ice shard, followed by several smaller ones that came out behind it. With the blizzard attack in effect, Tinarah launched herself after the attack letting her mind go blank, following the instincts that were drilled into her mind by Torrin.
    Tinarah used Blizzara doing 45 Damage + 15 for drive + 15 for the magic bullets = 75AP
    HP: 48/85
    AP: 20/58
    MP: 13/30
    DP: 0/3
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    No, what? How? I am a perfect angel.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards