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  1. Aelin
    "We will figure it out. I don't know how, but we will. I promise." Aislinn didn't know that she could make that promise, but she would at least try and do what she could. Her mind fell back into that of a guardian corps, just how it was her role to protect people no matter what and it didn't matter what the cost it was to her. She fell into almost a militaristic mindset, perhaps not as strict as that, but her own mind fell into a certain rhythm of planning, scannign the area's and figuring out what they were to do.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    This month we are doing an Atlantica theme for the themed pins. There are also new rotating pins up and a new one munny pin that are now available in the pin shop. So head over and check them out!
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 2, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Aelin
    Perhaps if they just went to the camp long enough to distract Radcliff for a while, maybe Pocahontas could come up with a way to save John. If there was no attack from the "white men" then maybe the chief would change his mind, at least with enough convincing it could be possible. It was worth a try, but then they would need to find the horseman and fast. Whoever t his guy was, he was bad news, especially one without a head. And Aislinn couldn't help but think of what the chief said, he claimed their hearts were now clouded with greed, but Aislinn didn't see that, so maybe Nanaki was right, it was something wrong with this world.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    "The ability to manipulate something as wild and unpredictable as weather is a dangerous gift no matter who has it. He just wanted to make sure that if I grew up not as... docile... as he hoped that the danger would be limited by giving people knowledge of what they were getting into" Sasha defended the king. She always trusted and supported his decisions, she trusted that he would know best, much better than her at the very least.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    Leaning into her brothers hug more, Tinarah cried harder. The way he held her, just the gentle embrace of her brother was something that she had really needed. Not since she left Fost and Stamatis had someone really hugged her like that. Felt that sort of love from someone and it cracked something, some wall she put up to protect herself from Torrin. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I am so so sorry." Sorry for pushing him away. Sorry for believe he would ever do such awful things to her. Sorry that she stopped caring for herself so much that her brother was clearly worried sick, but she brushed it off like it was nothing. That it wasn't about him, but her actions affected everyone here, not just herself. She had so much that she wished to sort out but the way she had been acting wasn't acceptable, and she didn't have to protect herself in such a way.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    Is it though? Is it? You aren't as bad as the rpa but still.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  7. Aelin
    Harry suddenly fell silent and Sasha looked at him nervously. "I apologize. Did I upset you, your majesty?" She asked, fearing it had something to do with her words and not liking it. She was just being honest with him, and didn't think anything of it until he stopped talking.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    [​IMG] Tellia couldn't contain her giggles as she looked at Hedgrit before adding some sparkles to his beard for good measure. She didn't know if Iridia was able to do it on her own, but his beard needed to match his hair. When she was done she ran back over to the bags doing her best to clean them up, and by that, all it really was was throwing things back in bags and pretending she actually knew how they should be organized. "Favourite food? Hmmm. I like bon bons. You know the kind of soft candies, at least on the inside but they have powdered sugar coating them. The white ones are my favourite in particular. They are toffee flavoured. Have you ever had one Iridia? What is your favourite food if not bon bons?" The small girl prattled on, clearly in a much better mood now.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Aelin
    "I was raised to." Sasha reached up and ripped up the rest of her sleeve on the side that had been injured. She tried to avoid the makeshift bandage, but get enough of her sleeve off her arm to show Harry some of her markings. A storm tattoo adorned her upper arm as Sasha showed him sighing. "When I was a young girl and my powers were barely showing, His grace caught word of it and ordered these markings as a warning of what I am. The magic is a rare but powerful one, not suited for a servant girl. so I was forbidden to use it, but marked so I couldn't hide what I am. When you grown up knowing that, it is hard not to fear your own powers, not when showing them could mean a lot of trouble for you and your entire family."
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin


    "Ah, see now you are talking. Trigger happy, fights? That sounds like some good fun. Standing around here isn't great, but if we find some trigger happy people that need dealt with, I would be happy to oblige, and if we manage to get some of those memory shard things on the way too, then it would be great!" The lack of memories was a pain and just trying to figure out what to do and asking a useless bot questions was boring Raelyn. She preferred to figure things out on her own as they went, though most of the other people here seemed to be a bit of a stick in the mud just wanting to clear things up. If they were here and had no memories of before, what was the big deal? They could worry about that when they knew more about what they were forgetting, but for now she wasn't fond of wasting time.

    Turning back to the group she looked for someone that seemed somewhat exciting, not seeing anyone she let out a long drawn out sigh.
    "Please don't tell me that you guys are going to be this boring the entire time. I think the system set me up with the wrong people." Surely there had to be more interesting people in this world than the ones she was forced to start the game with.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    "I.. am not really sure your majesty. As I told you before I think the storm came from me, but I don't quite understand my own magic. I was forbidden from learning. I think that it has something to do with my emotions. When I was more worked up it was reacting more." Sasha pointed out hoping that it made sense. She didn't honestly know if it made sense herself, she didn't understand any of this, but it was just what she could feel in her blood, the magic and reaction to it all.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    W-was this normal? They just saved everyone, but now they were the bad guys? How was that even possible? Why was that a thing?"Is this usually what happens when you go to other worlds?" Aislinn had only been to the worlds in the Mark of Mastery. She thought for that at least the situation was controlled. Here despite their best efforts they were being made the bad guys. "And he thinks Radcliff is our leader? We have no influence wit him. He would hardly listen to us." Aislinn pointed out. "But we have to do something. Maybe if we can get them to agree to back off then they will let John go? I don't know I suppose it is worth a shot." It wasn't a good chance, but it was a chance.

    Nanaki then mentioned about how people were acting differently, and about some sort of headless horseman. They needed to check that out, but where did they find him?
    "Nanaki, where did you see this horseman? Perhaps we should find him?" She suggested as they were already on their way to find Radcliff and stop him as well. "I don't think that guy from the camp is going to listen to anything that we have to say.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    Tinarah followed Chrono because he asked her. She didn't really have any reason not to go with him even if she didn't want to do anything. Following her brother to her room, she found him already with her violin in his hand. She slowly took a seat on the edge of the bed, watching him a little curious. She stayed quiet until her brother started to play. She didn't know what he hoped to achieve, but as he played, her eyes started to water. Everything she worked on essentially forgetting when learning to move on. It all came flooding back to her, everything with her and her brother, all the time he spent helping her through their mothers death, and all the time he spent beside her hospital bed after the attack. She had let herself essentially forget all of it because she felt so betrayed. A sob slipped from her lips and Tinarah just shattered.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    As the mention of some child having more magic than normal, Thea felt all eyes of her and began to back off, nervous. She didn't like all this attention, and it felt negative. Thea believed that the council liked her, but the way they were looking at her now, it didn't seem that way. She was almost thankful that they were led out of the room and Thea stayed close to Midarah. "Why are they so mean today? They aren't usually this mean!" Thea tried to ask although it was largely based off her miss reading things before. "They are going to let Izra go right?"
    Getting home Everette had not been able to sleep on the way back. Everette made sure to stay awake and keep an eye out during the time they traveled. Even if they helped the town, something didn't seem right about the whole situation and Everette couldn't put his finger on it. At least everyone was safe though. In the end they managed to get home safely. Walking through the doors of the guildhall, Everette looked over at Conrad. "Tell Midarah I will have the paper work in tomorrow. I need sleep." He said sounding worn out. As he passed Lakoda, he signed a greeting to her, but didn't stop to have a conversation, sleep sounded really welcoming right at that moment.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    "Okay good." It was unlikely the raiders had done anything much further spread than the castle yet. She had no doubts that it wouldn't be safe long, but it was a start. She just hoped that she would be able to lead Harry there as they continued through the city, eventually cresting into more open farmland, before the woods beyond making the boarder of the town. They would be out in the open, but they had no choice. At least by now they had been on the move enough that the storm had calmed down and the unusual weather almost cleared. She had no doubts it would come back though if they were in danger again.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Torrin was talking about food, but Tinarah couldn't bring herself to particularly care. She needed food, but she didn't want food. She was familiar with this downward spiral, but didn't do anything to fight it. Her mind was rather empty, thinking about mistakes she made, the life she missed, the connections she could make. In the end she found herself just staring off into space as Chrono approached her. He said something but it was barely registering. "I'm fine." If anyone knew how much of a lie it was it would be Chrono, only him, her father, Stamatis, and Fost had really seen how far this could spiral, that had all seen it in the past. Chrono on and off after their mothers death until the point he decided to leave. Even for a few days after he left. It amazed her that it had turned into such fear of losing her brother that she want after him. That was not typical. It was days like this that even picking up her violin seemed difficult. "When are we leaving?" Was all she managed to ask.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    No she didn't, and her how storm made it hard to tell direction. Sasha was not fully educated but she did know east and west in the castle, she used that to at least guess the general direction of north, but as soon as they were away from the castle she wouldn't as easily be able to figure it out. Instead of running north however she ran directly east, the way they were facing, just to get into the cover of the town. Once they found some darker allies to hide in, she then turned them to what she thought was north. "Any idea where we can go?" She whispered as she slowed down to creep between the streets and not draw attention to them.
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    Well here we are. Two Goofy Movie song down, and now one more pop up, as well as two different songs. What has you getting ready for summer? What do you want to do this month for the Chorus? You have until August 5th to get your votes in.

    I 2 I - Goofy Movie
    Original | Karaoke
    History Maker
    full song | instrumental
    Ballroom Blitz
    Original | Karaoke
    Good Time
    full song | instrumental
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  19. Aelin
    I will start by disclosing I tried my best to get one of the images to rendered, but it didn't work upon upload, and I wasn't fond of staying up past midnight when I had to work the next day, so I am sorry that it is like that. I also tried to last minute fill in the parts we were missing myself, so they are sufficient but not great. Despite all that I think it turned out great and I am glad to work with all you again. Starting this chorus there is also an award for participating. Everyone who participated will be getting 50 munny soon. Enjoy!
    Thread by: Aelin, Jul 30, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Aelin
    "That means you can leave the rest of the work to me. I've got this." Aislinn gave a sly smile back to Kel as she turned to face the last heartless that remained. "That is enough tormenting these poor people for today. You don't stand a chance!" Her voice full of optimism and cheer as the battle was seeing it's end. There was no way that they were going to lose, or anyone else was going to get hurt at this rate. She prepared herself before setting out on a full fledged round of attacks on the heartless, doing everything she could to take it down. First she knocked it higher in the air, before jumping up after it, volleyball spiking it back to the ground essentially. When the ship was grounded it was easy enough to take it out now that it was unable to fly circles around her.

    When it was taken care of Aislinn stepped back and surveyed the area.
    "Is everyone okay?" She paced over to Kocoum to see if he was alright. She had only managed to get him out of the way, so any injury he sustained would have still been festering while they had fought. She just hoped that they weren't too late. Glancing behind her she looked to Luna. "Go check on the princess."
    Heartless Defeated:
    Jim the Battleship Jr Jr:

    Heartless Remaining:

    Words Written:

    EXP Gained:

    EXP Total:
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena