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  1. Aelin
    [​IMG] Orcus paced like a predator around a helpless prey. Ah, here was the desperation that he was looking for, what he fed off of. "What do I want from you today? What is worth me giving up this body before I am forced to instead of hunting. Hmm. Well..." Orcus gave a wicked grin. "I never have tried fairy before." Not that he knew where they were now, but he had spotted them when he first came out. He waited for a reaction before licking his lips. "But I suppose if you don't want to hand over that, you blood is full of negative emotions, full of pain and desperation. One cup of that and I will leave the child be... for now. But remember boy, she called on me this time. You should feel lucky that I am so willing to cooperate with you, I don't have to you know. She isn't even trying to fight back, I don't think she is aware that the fighting is over. I could hold this form for much longer if I pleased." There was a gleam as he took one of his claws and ran it up Tellia's arm, drawing a small amount of blood just to prove she wasn't really there for the time being, the control that he truly held. He would never kill Tellia though, killing her meant killing himself, but the same went the other way too. If one was to kill him, Tellia would not survive it.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aelin
    [​IMG] "We are linked. Will power means nothing. She will cave eventually and I will always be there waiting. You can't get rid of me that easily. Perhaps I will wait and share with her what she refuses to accept and you refuse to say. It might be enough... One day. If only to watch you squirm. But you are right, the more she grows the stronger her magic will be, the stronger I will be. And when I do decide to take my claim, I will be sure you are there watching as you lose her." Orcus kept taunting Zelph, but it was a promise, he would make sure that Zelph is there, for not only did he feed off of Tellia's magic, but other's pain was like a fine wine to him. He didn't need it to sate thirst or for power, it was just delicious and tempting to feed off of whenever he could.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aelin
    [​IMG] The demon turned it's/Tellia's head towards Zelph giving off a fiendish smile. "You want me to lock myself away after just being let out again for the first time in a long time, don't you?" He sounded like he was about to have some fun. "While not strong, this body is fast, perhaps I should take it for a good hunt. I am hungry after all. Your mortal food does not sate my appetite." They both knew that he couldn't hold control forever, not with the way he was tethered to this world, much like any being of magic, if he pushed too hard he would need to rest, and during those times he couldn't keep control even if he tried. The only thing keeping him in her body was the magical tether that Orcus himself had no control over. At this point he was just trying to get a rise out of Zelph.

    Rising to it's feet it walked over to another crawler body and ripped out it's heart.
    "Tell me boy, what happened to your friends. Did they abandon you like every one else does? Perhaps you weren't good enough for them. Or perhaps it is her fault. It would be so much easier for her if she just surrendered her body over, she wouldn't have to feel the pain of no one loving her, no one wanting to stay around."
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aelin
    [​IMG] Turning form the bloody corpse that she left behind Tellia turned to the next Crawler in the room. She seemed to leap for it at the same time that it leaped for her, however before it reached her Zelph's dagger embedded itself into the crawlers shoulder, stumbling it back long enough for the demon in Tellia to reach out and claw through the chest, reaching for the heart of the previously female young woman that they were attacking. The heart it pulled out was nearly black from the whatever the disease was that created crawlers, and while one more crawler was still stalking the room, the demon seemed content on slowly draining the blood from the heart with the shadow fangs that it had grown.
    "I told ya, not right-" Finally Hedgrit started to wake up and hear the sound of combat. Opening his eyes he looked around and... oh gods what was that thing? He almost didn't recognize Tellia at first and he reached for his axe instinctively. "W-what is that thing?" He tried to ask before being force to swing his ax from a sitting position, taking out the ankles of the remaining crawler. Scrambling to his feet he took two more swings down at the crawler before holding his ax up, pointing it at the girl warped with darkness, feeding on what seemed like a heart.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aelin
    [​IMG] As the darkness crossed her vision Tellia seemed to not be entirely there anymore. Darkness radiated off of her as she crouched in more of an animal like fashion, and from the darkness, it formed like a coating of claws and fangs. It wasn't that Tellia grew the fangs and claws from her own being, but the darkness solidified around her form in such a way. "It has been far too long since I have gotten to play." A distorted dark version of Tellia's voice rang out as she charged towards one of the crawlers, attacking it with nothing but her bare hands. The scary part about it however wasn't the idea of Tellia getting hurt, it was the fact that she wasn't. As much as the crawler thrashed, she was faster, avoiding attacks before her shadow fangs sunk into the neck of the crawler ripping it out.

    The sleep spell was holding firm, so as Iridia tried to wake him, while Hedrit stirred it was only slightly as he mumbled some curse words and tried to swat Iridia away. "Not now Shelly. I won't be late, just let me sleep." Whatever he had been dreaming about was clearly effecting his judgement at that moment, not quite aware of what truly was going on around him for the moment.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aelin
    [​IMG] Wrinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue at Iridia's answer, Tellia clearly didn't seem to like it. "But Vegetables are yucky. It must be horrible having to eat only vegetables. How can you stand it I would die!" Perhaps she was over exaggerating a little bit but she was not fond of them. Iridia then went on to talk about grapes and Tellia's lit up a little bit, now that was something she could relate to. "I like grapes as well, mommy used to always get them for me when she claimed I ate too many sweets. They were always good, and daddy claimed they could be used to make a really good drink.. but I was never allowed to try it, he always told me that I had to wait until I was older."

    Talking freely and a bit louder had drawn the attentions of crawlers near by. As Tellia was rambling on there was a groan, followed by the squeak of the door opening.

    "I am sure you could try and make it if you want. I will be fine if you ge-" Tellia was cut off as she noticed two crawlers enter the room. Placing down the bag she started to back away. She looked to Zelph where he was sleeping and knew that she needed to protect him this time.
    "Iridia, my friend is going to come play now." She whispered to the fairy as a dark look started to cross her eyes.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aelin
    "You are an idiot if you think that is going to help." Aislinn put herself between Ratcliffe and the path towards the natives. "They are only getting violent because you are getting violent. If you stay back we might convince them that you aren't evil but at this pace there is going to be a ton of bloodshed, bloodshed that I won't allow." Aislinn stated as she even summoned her keyblade to make a point. "I am not on their side or your side, I am on the side of no pointless bloodshed because you your stupid lust for gold." She stated angrily towards them.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    "O-Oh. Okay" Sasha nodded holding her shoulder the best she could. She was trying to be strong and brave, she was trying not to let the pain get overwhelming, but it was and all she could think about was that her parents were in that ballroom when the explosion happened. She couldn't hold back the tears before the girl came back into the room and Sasha did her best to compose herself. She wasn't sure if she knew of what happened at the castle yet, or how long till the news got out. While it was possible that people didn't know yet, Sasha knew better than to talk about it. She needed to make up an excuse if asked what happened and lying wasn't something Sasha was good at. She didn't even know how to repay the girl when she was done fixing up her arm.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Sasha slowly nodded and quietly started to follow the woman since Harry seemed to insist and they seemed to be waiting for her to leave the room with the other woman. As they walked Sasha started undoing the make shift dressing on her shoulder to show the full bloody damage of her shoulder, the skin where it seemed to be torn a bit wider than just the entry wound. The sight wasn't pretty and Sasha could barely stand to look at the full extent of the damage. With the pressure off, blood started to flow anew and soon Sasha was noticeably more pale as she sat down just so she wouldn't pass out on the woman. Her markings of what she was were also clearly visible under neath the blood that coated nearly her entire shoulder and upper arm.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    They walked in and Harry immediately drew attention to her should, but Sasha was more worried for Harry. "It is wrapped and okay for now. But His-Harr-Harold hurt his ankle earlier and has been walking on it. You really should look at it." It was a hard adjustment for her to make and she probably sounded like an idiot, but the princes health was far more important than her own, so she didn't care, as long as it got someone looking after him first. She was a mere servant girl, her life meant nothing, but Harry's meant everything, it was her duty to make sure that he was healthy, even at her own cost.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    Tinarah sat with her brother a moment longer. In Theory it shouldn't be too hard to get her and Torrin talking, but theories tended to not work out as they were planned. "Should we check to see if the food is ready. I uh..." She looked down at her own body and how thin she really was. "I am still working on getting my strength back." It was the less worrisome way of trying to tell her brother she needed food before she hurt her body even more. The toast she made last night had not been enough, but it had stopped the shaking and pain enough for her to fall asleep, but now she knew she had to do something about it, more so when they had time to rest, but for now keeping an eye of her eating habit was a good start.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Sasha could understand why, but she couldn't help but wonder if she was capable of treating Harry any less than the prince he was. She would have to try, but she wondered if it would be better if she didn't say anything at all. "Yes your majesty. Lead the way, please." She didn't trust herself not to screw something up if she took lead, knowing her she would say the wrong thing or accidentally let it slip who she was with. There was enough that could go wrong, she didn't trust what could go right.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    "I don't think trying to reason with him is going to get us anywhere Kel. We just need to keep them from attacking long enough to deal with that headless horseman, because something is telling me that he is a bigger priority than we are making him." Aislinn warned, still eyeing Radcliff, still ready to fight if need be. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt each other, but she couldn't be in three places at once and that was starting to become a problem. Sure they could split up, but could any one of them deal with a group by themselves? Likely not, the needed to work as a team, and they needed more time.
    OOC 4/30
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Looking down, Sasha mumbled an apology for not getting them there as well as she hoped. At least she got them somewhere recognizable. Sasha's eyes darted around as they were about to enter a rather open area. Looking back towards the town she could see smoke rising up, and a few people fleeing town, but no one who looked unsavory as of yet. "Alright, I will be right behind." She looked around again. She would watch the prince's back and make sure that he was safe as they made it across the open planes towards where the place of worship should be.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    Where have they been? Like he even cared. Aislinn rolled her eyes before he started making comments about Nanaki, which put Aislinn on edge, stepping between him and Radcliff. "There will be no battle, and there is no savages. The only savage one I see here is you." Aislinn finally just talked back to Radcliff, not even feeling a little bad. She could see the darkness radiate off of him and she wouldn't let him anywhere near Pocahontas. "It is because of you that Smith is in trouble and if you lay down your arms maybe we can help, but an all out war will do nothing to help your cause, only damn you more!" Aislinn tried to make her point but had a feeling it would go unheard.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Good, she would never say it out loud, but her shoulder hurt to the point it was almost numbing the effect it had. Sasha worried if it could be getting infected already or if she was just being paranoid, but if they were almost there, then she was relieved. Part of her wanted to offer to help Harry too since she hadn't failed to notice a slight limp since the fall, but she couldn't drain her own energy anymore. They had to make it to this temple, rest a day or two, then she had no doubts that they would have to be on the move once more.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    Thea nodded her understanding, but she still didn't like it. She was going along with what was said just for show more than her actually agreeing to it. She knew better than to spend too long arguing with Master Midarah. And when she spoke to Gavin, Thea shifted uncomfortably as happy as she usually seemed, Thea never liked talking about her past, or at least the part that brought her to the guild. She liked living out her high end life style that she had grown up with, but beyond that she tried to avoid most of the stuff about her past, she simply found it too painful to face.

    And then like that Midarah was called away and Thea was left waiting with Gavin and Zephyr, who she chose not to talk to for the time being. She didn't know how much they knew but didn't want questions asked about it either. It was fortunate that Midarah didn't take too long before she came out and told them that Izra would be able to come back with them. She didn't care if the older girl was under house arrest, at least it was a good sign that she wouldn't be in too much trouble.

    As they exited the building and Thea saw Izra, she got a little upset, the girl looked tired and not in good shape.
    "Izra! Areyou alright? You get to come home with us now! The guild is great, nothing like these grumpy old people. Come on. When we are back I will introduce you to Samuel and Everette, they are like big brothers to me. Oh and Nagata. She buys me a lot of pretty dresses." Thea went off before hugging the girl trying to make her feel better.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    She shouldn't need some sort of warning word, she didn't need one. She knew how to control her emotions. The only time she was unable too was when they were in too much danger for the warning word to even help. "No, I think it is fine. I am usually good at controlling my emotions. All the danger had me scared is all. I won't let it happen again your majesty." Sasha bowed her head a bit, submissive to the end. "But if your majesty wishes it, I will try it."She assured him.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    An option in her life? She could say with confidence that she never really had many of those. Sasha bit her lip and glanced around nervously. Everything she learned growing up was around treating her powers like they didn't exist, but after what happened back there, out of control powers seemed.... well dangerous. She had called lightning down around them. What if she had hit someone innocent? "Well... I... it might be good to know how to control them so I don't hurt someone." She admitted seeming a little nervous to even say that much.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Tinarah took another minute or two before she finally settled herself the best of her ability. "Things still aren't.... right... but I promise I will try harder to make them right." Tinarah tried to assure her brother. "Hey... Chrono... could you help me... um... well... learn how to talk to Torrin. I- I don't think this is healthy for the group... us avoiding each other and such." She could admit her own mistakes, and it would be hard, but maybe it was the first step into learning how to deal with the people who made her uncomfortable, and letting Chrono in to help with that might be the start in repairing the rift between them. At least she hoped it would.
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena