Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Krow Minamimoto @cstar @LadyAzura @Maka Albarn @Jube @Beucefilous Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @CrownMoksha @cstar @Arch @Glen @C @Beucefilous @Plums @Cat~ Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Midnight Star @LadyAzura @PlushChrome @Heart ❤ @Maka Albarn @Ghost @Fearless @Plums Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. TWO?! White Skull Way of the Waves Alice Dandelion Dreams Arch Wuz Here I Will Survive Prideful Hearts Cinderella Engineering Duo Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Tellia nodded as she did her best not to look at all the blood on herself, instead just looking at her brother. She was tired and scared and a little confused. She wasn't really aware of what happened after Orcus took over. She felt a sting in her arm and looked down, only now noticing not all the blood on her was from something else. She looked back to her brother in horror. "Am I going to turn into one of them." She glanced at the corpse with it's throat ripped out before looking away. She didn't know that the wound was not from a crawler, she didn't know that Orcus had done it to her to mess with her brother. As far as she was aware he just helped kill all the walker. Zelph wasn't answering him, he wasn't even looking at him. Annoyed Hedgrit turned towards the door. "I am gonna patrol out front. When ya feel like sharing what the hell that was, come find me." Slinging his ax over his shoulder he took Iridia with him as he cleared the barn, after what he just saw, he wasn't keen on sticking around.
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. Valentine's Day Dance KH-Vids User Awards Castle Oblivion Mr./Ms. KHV Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. Ars Nova Roxas Ace Phoenix Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ @Sabby @Makaze @Saxima Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Aelin @cstar @Arch @Boy Wonder @Heart ❤ @Fearless Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Shiki @Amaury @CrownMoksha Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Mish @Aelin @CrownMoksha @LadyAzura Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Arch @cstar @awesomeinmyworld @Cat~ @Calxiyn Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Cat~ @Amaury @Yozora @Shiki Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Cat~ @LadyAzura @Plums @Boy Wonder Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Technic☆Kitty @♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ @ABSOLUTE PURPLE Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. Mafia Royal Mafia Question Time Pokémon: KHV Version KHV Union χ Leaderboards Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. Role-Play Arena The Spam Zone News The Playground Production Studio Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
Welcome to the final cycle in the KH-Vids.Net User Awards, the General Nominations! Thank you guys for giving your input, nominating, voting, sticking with us, and just being an all around cool bunch of folk. @Amaury @PlushChrome @Beucefilous @Skyheart @Arch @Boy Wonder @CrownMoksha @Heart ❤ @Roxam Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations
The grin on the entities face just spread. He could sense the despair and licked his lips. He knew that what would come would be tasty and a treat to have. Sitting back, Orcus just watched the slow process of Zelph draining blood into a cup, anticipating the blood, licking off some of the blood from Tellia's own arm, the blood that he drew. "Fear is nearly as tasty as despair." Orcus laughed a little bit before Zelph was finally done and handing him over the cup for him to drink of. Greedily Orcus took the cup and drank deep. It seemed that the fangs absorbed a lot of the blood before it traveled down Tellia's throat. It was still messy, drinking blood through fangs. Tellia ended up with even more blood on her, which only mingle with the crawler blood and her own blood that coated her. Orcus made sure to take his sweet time finishing the blood, making a show of it for Zelph, making him wait it out a little longer before he finally finished it off and put the cup down. "Delicious." He grinned at Zelph, blood still dripping down Tellia's chin. "Now I take my leave." Slowly the claws started to vanish, then the fangs, then Tellia collapsed. While her eyes were open and she was breathing, it could look like she was dead for a moment from the empty look in her eye. It stayed like that for a good minute before like started to cross Tellia's eyes and she began to stir. "Is everyone alright?" It was the first think Tellia asked, because she was afraid that someone was hurt by the crawlers. Hedgrit nearly fled from the whole situation, taking Iridia with him to safety, but when he heard the demon talk, head that it was exactly what he wanted, Hedgrit remained and watched. When Zelph finally got the thing, whatever it was, to leave, Hedgrit gently poked at Iridia. "Ya can drop the magic lass. Then sleep all ya want, I think we are safe now." He told her, waiting for the feeling of the magic around them drop. When he knew he was visible he approached closer to Zelph. "What in gods burning name just happened there. You better start talking, because that was ****ed up!"
Sasha could only be bothered to nod as the woman spoke to her. She wanted to pull away from the cloth that was cleaning her wound, whatever was on it burned to no end. Sasha whimpered a few times but overall was able to control herself enough not to be too loud. Looking over it looked bad, really bad. As soon as she looked she knew that she shouldn't have, immediately it made her light headed and she had to reach out and put her good arm on the woman's shoulder to steady herself. "S-sorry. I... I don't feel well." She admitted.