omg, go to the usual spot and go to the thread I posted in...xD lol
Spoiler: me being silly Uhm, I look terrible :lolface: I took this on my b-day, but uhh, I dont look like im 16 :/8D: But, lawl at that, this is a cute pic of me...xD
Kairi- *sees them* Wth are you guys doing? o.O Namine- At your best, its better if its unanswered...:) Trish- Trying to get to heaven? Wow, they never told you? :/gasp:
What? Eye just said shure why knot xD
Hehe, you like it?
Right. xD So whats new?
I already fell in love with the title xD omnomnom <3 Maroon 5 :lolface:
It is spelt right xD lol Imma watch it soooooon cuz its seems really goooooood xD lol
It is. Eye will get bored with it soon though.
Eye am going two start talking in those same sound different meaning type words. Sea? Eye half accomplished it
shure y not xD
your welcome <3 So, whats up xD
young droplet- nonono, im 6. xD Namine- o.O
:inlove: like a fluffy pillow xD
young droplet- Im five o.O
They look so fluffy and cuddlay xD
Hello hello hello xD
N'yaww :o Their soo cute... xD
kk Ill have to start tomorrow (late reply) xD
young droplet- :glomp: :D