Well, I hope all goes well for you xD
Ahh, I would try and help you there, but er, I dont know anything about that stuff :lolface:
Cool...xD So, whats up?
Username- Roxas&Sora4E Name- Ally Age- 15 Appearance- http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSg5KAFW3tdM6yIlusSsOromkGAdCN7ij6BVspnCNrFfdAvxqMxRw Likes- Spending tim with freinds, staying up late, having fun and shopping. Dislikes- People yelling at her, being rushed, and being ignored. Strengths- People motivating her, consintration, and people believing she can do things. Weaknesses- Doubt, people saying she cant do things, unfocused and lack of energy. Car- none Weapon pack- none
Videogames are awesome though...xD lol, people with accents like that are awesome...xD
Riku? :cold: Did you leave? :(
When you speak english...xD
1) Thats a really good drawing...xD 2) Do you have an accent? xD
*hugs* Oh, you dont live in america? o.O
Oh, ok. You almost gave me a heart attack right there...xD lol What holiday?
SCHOOL!!! :/8D: Bro, im on break WTF is your school on? Drugs?! Gosh damnit!!! D8
Avril Lavigne - Hot
Im doing great <3 How are you..xD
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, what if he thinks im realy ugly, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike godzilla ugly...:cold:
Telling Terra...:cold:
Awh! Thanks bestfriend..xD Now the hard part...-_-
Are you only saying that...>_>
Its in my album the one thats called "Random (like me) lol" Or however it is, its in there...xD
Well, it works for me....xD Hold ons...xD
I like the angry birds...xD Its so funnn...xD