OOC: You....you quit the blog? *tear forms in eye*
Namine smiled and put her hands on his face, pulling him towards her's. They locked lips, and Namine threw her arms around her loved one.
"Ha! Stop! Haha!" She wringled in the air, reaching for someone to save her. "Somebody please help me! Oh.." She looked at Roxas." My hero's already here."
Namine giggled. "Stop! That tickles!" Without knowing, Namine snorted, and started to blush. Oh em gee, he's not gonna like me now, she thought.
"You know..." Namine blushed. "Make me feel better, brighten my spirits, turn me on." She smiled.
OOC: We're out of character right now, roxas 95, hence the OOC. Forever Love is asking you a question OOC, please answer it.
"Your giggle always warms me up..." Namine mused, admiring his biceps.
OOC: I is confused....*eyes circle around in sockets dizzily*
OOC: XD PM joke! "I like it..." Namine said while stroking her fingers down his abs.
I'm not gonna die...
Namine zips down Roxas' jacket to examine his muscles. "Baby, you've been working out!"
*drops keyblade in astonishment* Wha...
I'm not gonna die again! *blocks attack and aims for head*
No! *Roxas attacks Sora from the side* Leave her alone!
Namine then put her arms around him, giggling. I've never felt so happy, she thought to herself.
Namine glomped him in the booth, kissing him. She looked into his eyes and kissed him again. She then laid on him and giggled.
Namine then said the impossible for a nobody. "I love you, Roxas."
Namine smiled and layed her head on his chest. "Please don't ever leave me..."
Namine looked into Roxas' eyes. "And the knight took the angel as his, and they lived happily ever after..."
Kairi! Find Roxas and Namine! They'll help you!