"Or..." She continued."I could get you that Metallica wristband you want?"
"I hope so." Namine giggled."Want me to get you one?"
Namine gave it to Roxas."Her birthday's next week."
Namine giggled and zipped Roxas' jacket back up. She then pulled out a charm bracelet. "I got this for Kairi...You think she'll like it?"
Namine giggled, and hugged Roxas. "You're soooo cute!"
"Do you think my butt's too big?" Namine asked, looking at her rump,
Later, dude.
"Your eyes are gorgeous..." She sighed, holding his face in her hands.
Okay, whatever floats your boat.
"I will for you..." She said before locking into another long lasting kiss of pure love.
Yeah, I don't mean to be rude if I am....am I?
Namine cried. She had never cried like this before. She was thankful the Burgr King was empty, cause she wouldv'e never done it in public. She looked into Roxas' eyes. "That was a fool's question. Of course we love each other...we didn't have to show ourselves we did..."
It's kinda stuff I'm talking about in PM I'm busy with.
Namine was choking on her sobs. She wrapped her arms around the only person she had ever loved. "I shouldn't have asked you that."
Namine turned around. She started to cry. "Yeah, but I asked you to make a permanent commitment with me....I'm the idiot..."
Namine slapped herself. "I can't belive I'm asking you this..." She gasped. She then started walking towards the exit. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Roxas..."
"You don't have to, if you don't want to..." Namine got up and stood beside Roxas.
"So...that's a no?" Namine questioned, giving Roxas a sad look.
"Ummmm...." Namine whispered it in Roxas' ear. When she was done, she leaned back and bit her lip.
A thought ran across Namine's mind. She looked at Roxas. "Do you think we should 'show' each other our love?"