Namine hummed to herself and drew on a notepad. "Hey Tarzan!" Simba called to his ape-like boss.
"Want me to carry you?" Roxas asked, still concerned.
"Kairi!" Riku called, ignoring Cloud. All he cared about was finding Kairi, the only person he loved.
Roxas saw Namine looked troubled. "You okay?" He asked in concern.
Roxas laughed. He took her arm gently and they proceded toward the islet.
"I gotta find Kairi!" Riku said, running deeper into the forest.
Riku looked at the tiger corpse. "It tried to attack me! It was self defense!" He shouted.
Roxas cupped his hands around Namine's face and brought hers to his. They kissed for a minute, and Roxas caught his breath. "I'm sorry...I kinda liked that.." He giggled.
Whoa, Roxas thought as Namine kissed him. He blushed and giggled a little. "Is that a yes?"
Roxas grabbed Namine's hand gently."Do you want to....I'll understand if you don't..." He turned his head to the ground and blushed.
Riku saw Cloud approaching. He hesitated. I can show them I'm not worthless! He thought to himself. He pulled the blade back, letting the tiger go. It circled around him, snarling at its prey. It lunged at him and Riku thrusted the blade into the animal. A loud roar filled the forest.
Roxas' breath quickened and said something he wanted to say for a long time. "Will you go out with me, Namine?"
I think I'm gonna do it, Roxas told himself. He breathed deeply and looked into Namine's eyes. He smiled slightly at the sight of her eyes. "Can I ask you something, Namine?" His breathing stopped and his heart skipped a beat. His breathing then turned to normal and he payed attention to Namine.
Roxas wished he couldv'e told Namine how he really felt. He smiled sheepishly and giggled a little."How's yours?"
Roxas saw Namine heading over to them and jumped off the tree. "Namine!" Roxas said, his grin beaming with joy as he rushed to his friend.
"Whoa!" Riku hollered, dodging a tiger biting at his leg. He was running out of the jungle towards the others. He turned around, pulled out his keyblade, and slashed at the tiger. The beast's fangs met his blade."Help!" He shouted, losing strength from the large animal.
Roxas sat on the usual tree on the islet at the Island. He was staring out to the sea, thinking about the other worlds, and another nobody. He was really into Namine, but he didn't know if she felt the same way. He heard Sora and Riku talking, so he entered the conversation. "'Sup?" He said very casually.
Sure, darkblademaster 907! :D
Okay, nobodynerd100! :D
"Kairi! Kairi!" Riku called into the forest. He had ran after her for half an hour. He entered the forest, and called for her again.