It's like a prom thingy....I don't know, cause I'm not going... Do you believe in true love the first time you ask someone out?
....Lucky. We have homecoming this week. I'm skipping it cause I got a date with FL on Friday. Wow, 2:31? It's 10:36 here.
Isn't it, like, 3:00 where you are? I've never stayed that late up on a school night....
I cut the word Batman into my arm today....I have no clue why. I'm not emo, I was just bored and I was wandering if the plastic clips on mechanical pencils could cut you....o_o
Roxas saw a black figure come from behind a tree. "Who's there?!" He shouted, pulling out Oathkeeper. A large muscular black monster came from behind the tree, standing on two legs. It had a long tongue and a large spider symbol on its chest. And so enters Venom! Who wants to play him?
Dude, same here....same here...anytime you need me, just hit me up.:D
Thanks, man. That means a lot...:)
Words echoed through Riku's head. Learn about maturity, Riku.......How can you be so immature?.....I wanna go home......Come on, Riku!.......It all buzzed through his mind. He knew what he had to do. Riku awoke on the beach, a new power surging through him. He was confident, he was strong, he was ready. He summoned his weapon and ran off, looking for the gang.
Yeah, same for me. I hope it's the same for FL.....
Sorry, but what does that mean?
Two girls that we stick up for and treat us good, give us confidence, ect.
That's cool, dude. We're really lucky.:D
Yeah...I think it is...:D
It's cool. I took my anger out during football practice. I did so good, I think they're putting me at line backer! :D Ever since I asked FL out,...
I wanted to kick a kid in the balls today he pissed me off so bad...:(
XD Soooo, how's life?
Talking like "talking" talking(which I have no clue what it means, I've just heard people use it) or just talking?
Thanks. I'm trying my best. I've told most of my friends at school about her. They either support me, bring me down with "She's probably a man..."...
Haven't been caught yet! :D Nice new pic. I thought your eyes were closed first time I saw it.XD
Thank you!:D But I still have a soul, so I feel some guilt for disobeying my parents. I just wanna talk know who.