Namine wrapped her arms around her love. "I still feel horrible for it...I never knew he would have a nobody. When I met his nobody, I met heaven, and I drifted away from the boy and fell for the nobody..."
*jumps in front of strike* Ah!
Don't destroy Kairi, Sora. *summons Darkside* At least, I'm not gonna let you destroy her. It's cool, nobodynerd. :D
Namine got up, walked to Roxas, sat in his lap, and put her head against his chest. "A memory witch who's hurt her boyfriend's other doesn't deserve a valiant knight in shining armor."
Namine leans over, kisses him on the forehead, and whispers, "The truth is I don't deserve you."
*jumps inbetween Kairi and Sora* That's not Sora. I'm Mickey right now.
Whoa! Didn't see that comin'!
*grins sheepishly* It's not one I really like to mention. It's my least favorite power.
*unsummons keyblade* Well, it is Kingdom Hearts. *smiles* You now have the power to control, track, and manipulate hearts.
Namine giggled lightly. I've got the perfect guy...she thought to herself.
Well... *pulls out Darkside keyblade* I knight you the Wielder of Hearts. *knights Kairi*
She smiled and kissed him. "Now it's officialy a promise!" She grinned largely. OOC: Thanks, Forever Love! :D
*looks at Kairi intently* Kairi, this is Kingdom Hearts. How do you use everything in Kingdom Hearts?
Namine held his hand. She leaned over the table. "You promise?" She whispered.
Whoopdy frickin' do! You summoned it! *scratches ear* Looks like I was of some what some help...
"I...I just don't like you working over here..." She sighed. "I know Axel's your friend, but I just think you might go back to the darkness..." A tear fell from her eyes.
Well... *puts hands in jacket pockets* Last time I checked, you two kissed...
"I just can't stay away from you..." She sighed."I think it's the paopu..." She smiled sheepishly.
*nods with a large grin* Think of Sora when you summon it. I know you two have a strong bond.