1) put it in your mouth 2) profit
Huh ? Oh no, you' re getting the wrong idea, I just often try to add a joke to my wishes. Of course he was just being sweet.
You know you' re getting old when people wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN BIG LETTERS !
Salut ! Juste par curiosité, c' était quel forum ? Il existe plus ? J' ai jeté un oeuil à quelques forums KH francophones par curiosité, mais leur fréquentation avait pas l' air folichonne (quantitativement parlant). ^^'' En tout cas bienvenue !
So, I saw two writers on TV discussing their book about rape in the French army (which is the most feminized army in the world). Apparently that problem ignores borders. They only gave the German statistics : 55% of the women and 15% of the men interviewed admitted having been submitted to sexual violence (ranging from snide remarks to outright rape). Keep in mind though that humiliation in general is institutionalized in the army. From what those writers heard forced shaving of dicks as a rite of passage is still very much a thing here. I think we can safely assume there' s not a single person in the army that hasn' t been humiliated in some shape or form. Unfortunately, French politicians ignore that problem every bit as much as in the US. Everyone seems to take for granted that it' s just an intrinsic part of the army. Sweden would be the exception. They had a real political will to crack that problem and they managed to significantly curve their numbers down in three years and a half.
Blocking youtube won' t silence the leaker(s). More details here : Spoiler
I don' t remember my chocobo race score but it usually takes me an hour to get the prize. It' s annoyingly luck-based. I always got the lightning thing on first or second try though. Well anyway, if you are playing the international version for the first time, know that you can now farm Dark Yojimbo. He drops 4 slots weapons with extra damage (for every character) quite regularly. They don' t have all the hidden abilities of the mini games ultimate weapons, but that doesn' t necessarily mean they' re less useful mind you. Either way they' re a good alternative if some mini games are just too annoying for you.
My sister has a painting of a skeleton with an affro, a friend of her gave it to her. It looks just like Brook, though it' s morbidly realistic. Apparently her friend painted it long before Brook was even introduced in One Piece. Weird ...
Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon. A paranoid thriller about the price of fame. Rubber by Quentin Dupieux. A sentient tire with psychic power goes on a post modern killing spree. You read that right. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon by Ang Lee. Wild and woolly martial arts spectacular.
Hopefully things are better where you live ?
Well judging from what you said earlier your neighbourhood is pretty ******y. I' ve worked in retail and didn' t have it nearly as bad as you. ... Now that I think about it the girls had a lot more incidents than I, but it was still pretty rare.
How about that one ? XD Spoiler
It was crystal clear the first time. If you' re fine with public domain "as long as" then you' re not fine with public domain in all its implications, one of them being forfeiting your bragging rights. Do you source its original author everytime you crack a joke ?
Think of it as an issue all you want it doesn' t make it one legally speaking. I just thought it was important to warn everyone to keep that in mind because seeing your art "stolen" is far from being the worst thing that could happen to you, your selfies could land on a porn site and there' s nothing you could do about it. That tumblr I mentioned earlier ? Porn. If you' re not comfortable with your pictures becoming public domain I suggest you actually keep them private.
The latter. http://www.kwqc.com/story/25060066/razor-blades-injure-2-year-old-in-east-moline
This. A more convincing looking cut wouldn' t be hard to fake anyway. All the police reports I found on local news do say his lacerations were minor.
Wait, art theft ? As far as I know, unless you copyrighted your pictures, legally speaking posting them on the net is a tacit agreement on your part to let anyone and everyone copy and share them. Don' t like it ? Doesn' t change the law. I' ve seen a tumblr home page disclaiming not to bother contacting its author to have pictures removed unless they' re copyrighted, he doesn' t care and knows he doesn' t have to. I always keep that in mind whenever I post pics, once posted they aren' t private anymore.
The Oliver Stone movie starring Val Kilmer in the lead role is a good watch, if you can get your mits on it.
I hardly think any kind of in-game cameo would be appropriate, but I guess they could contact them to do some kind of special video before the game is released. For instance le Joueur du Grenier, a French youtube celebrity, already did that kind of thing. He' s been invited by Pixar studios shortly before the release of Cars 2, and Capcom hired him once to make pre-release vids about Dragon Dogma (I doubt they regret it, the result was hysterical). I bet he would agree to make something similar for KH3, judging by his video about Disney games he' s a total Disney fan.