Lol. I heard pepper and used coffee work too when you don' t want them around a specific plant in your garden, and not just on cats.
Short answer, because of our genes and our biological clocks. Source :
I' ve never played with the normal grid. Too restrictive for my tastes, it almost looks like XIII' s paradygm shit straight line.
The Mysterious Cities Of Gold This is my childhood right there. Only the first six episodes have been uploaded so far, but they' ve been uploaded very recently (episode 6 was uploaded three days ago) so hopefully all 39 episodes will get there eventually. If you never caught it on Nickelodeon and would like to know what you' re getting into here' s the pitch :
I' d listen to it but ... long story short, I can' t. I wouldn' t participate though. Writing in English is one thing, speaking it is another. I' d totally sing for the chorus but, yeah, still no mic.
About to snap ? Just remember ...
Heard it being thrown around a lot back when our government was about to legalize gay marriage. "What a bunch of whiners, we have bigger problems on our hands !" Sure we do, but it' s a problem nonetheless. An easy and quick one to fix at that, as opposed to fixing the recession, so we might as well do it. There are more important things to do than flossing, does that mean we shouldn' t floss ?
I don' t use Facebook and the likes at all, just forums. I have people in my family who are clearly too addicted to them for their own good (and more importantly that of their kids) but it' s a risk that comes with any media. And in their case I' d say it' s a symptom, not the illness. Just like Ienzo I' m in it to lighten my solitary moments and to meet different cultures and point of views. When TV was invented we were promised a window to the outside world, a tool for worldwide understanding. Can' t say it really delivered on that one, the desillusionment towards the establishment medias is growing bigger and bigger. The internet seems far more appropriate a tool for that. There' s a reason say, China or Turkey fear social medias. Good, bad, at the end of the day it is what you make of it. So far I' d say the good outweights the bad, we' ll see ...
Finished it myself a few weeks ago. Judging from the interviews its writers didn' t understand and didn' t care about the cult thing. But that was the point, it was scary because of how nonsensical i.e. unpredictable it was. Now that SH2 has become the ad nauseam formula we can see everything coming from a mile away. I hope whoever makes the next one will actually try to be disturbing.
Yup. Between 31rd and 33st. What is wrong with you people ?
I go with thirty-tooth, but it' s up to you really.
I also believe in 32th floors. Problem ? :3
I believe I have wings ! *jumps out of the 32th floor window*
All I had to say when I answered the phone was "*insert work place name*, hello !" And it' s official language is French (well, their own version of French, it differs a little from ours), which wouldn' t be the case anymore if they weren' t adamant about it. If an American restaurant in a highly latino populated area was to answer the phone in Spanish first English second it would probably raise a few eyebrows too. Remember the Coke superbowl ad scandal ? As for the French being dicks to Americans, well, if we' re talking about Parisian waiters they tend to be dicks period. The French in general might get pissed at you if you just expect them to speak English, but otherwise there' s no golden rule. Personally I' m super nice with them (or tourists in general, I don' t mind them).
Err ... guys, no one is that stupid. You can however be that corrupt. From the original AFP news :
I' m confused why they' d mute any word out. Yeah, it was arguably derogatory in one case, so ? What' s the next step, mute the words "girly", "effeminate" and "not manly" ? Mute "black sheep" because that' s racist ? Besides, muting it doesn' t prevent people to get it anyway, it' s as ridiculously useless and hypocritical as those ****ing lil stars. It alters the style, not the substance. Ironically that' s why they had a problem with the way the word gay was used here to begin with, it was used to bash the style rather than describe the substance. What the hell is fundamentally wrong with the word **** in and of itself exactly ? I' m all for raising awareness about those issues but pretending they were never there is not the way to go, that' s just political correctness gone overboard. A TV show isn' t a nanny, a teacher or a parent. Using the word gay in that fashion is a symptom, not the disease. Muting words around won' t change nor supress our gender roles stereotypes anytime soon.
They' re all part of the same universe but their movie rights belong to different companies. Spiderman belongs to Sony. The X-Men belong to 20th century Fox and the Avengers belong to Marvel. Now here' s where the headache starts : some characters are in a legal grey area. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch for instance (Magneto' s children). They' re both in X-Men Days of future past and Captain America 2 but they' re played by different actors. X-Men and the Avengers are still two separate canons. As long as the studios remain territorial about their rights (I wouldn' t expect them not to anytime soon) those three will never ever merge into a single verse.
I threaten to sue. For copyright infringement (exhibit a : Pikachu) and for kidnapping (exhibit b : their ****** Sokumenzu Generator clearly shows that SQUAREENIX reads like KIDNAPPING from the side). I also press up up down down left right left right b a on my keyboard, just in case.
I thought phase 1 was rather good. The movies were linked together, but in a pure fan-service fashion. You could pick any movie and enjoy it for what it was, having watched the others was by no means a requisite to grasp the one you were watching. I haven' t watched any phase 2 movie but from what I' m told problems are beginning to surface. For starters having characters confined in their own movie again feels contrived, did they lose the others phone number or something ? Yet even separating them again isn' t enough to make them self-contained stories, they' re built on previous entries now. And finally, not only are they enslaved to the past, they' re also enslaved to the future. Are they making 2 movies a year because they genuinely have something to say, or for the sake of keeping the hype up ? I' m told in Cap 2 aknowledging an issue=solving it, once it' s been pointed out just pretend it was never there. It' s not about the character anymore, it' s about where the plot needs to be by the end credits.
Yeah, 18th or 19th century French literature. Admitting you haven' t read the book spells an under 10 grade, no matter how good of a bullshitter you are. Denying the obvious spells a zero.