Sounds pretty bad if you ask me. But then you have to wonder why the hell they failed to implement the required standard tests, and for how long. Could be their schools suck anyway and they wanted to conceal it, could be their politicians are incompetent enough to let it slide, could be both. Looks like politicians incompetence is part of the equation. If their schools don' t actually suck then yeah, it' s definitely bad. Otherwise loosing funds won' t make them worse than they already are.
Still works on my end. However, since around easter, my PS3 youtube app needs a few minutes to access upload lists. Once it has caught one if I want to switch to another list I have to wait again. Nice. It has acted wonky for a few days in the past, hopefully this will pass too.
I didn' t really mind having fire/wood/ice levels. Metroid games are as much obstacle games as Mario, they just added exploration and keybearer ingredients to the mix (much like Zelda). I did however mind Other M' s linearity. Not that it' s the only offender in the franchise in that area. Nor the worst, that' d be Fusion. Metroid 1&2&Super left us perfectly free to explore their areas in any order we saw fit, which couldn' t screw our save file. Replay value right there. Super even encouraged it, showing us the bomb trick in its intro and all, so I can' t fathom why they suddenly locked everything up in a connect the dots fashion. It' s not as if Metroid needed an elaborate plot. The Primes also locked their areas, but they did it the modern Zelda way (through power-locks rather than outright locks). No bomb trick bypass anymore, but at least by exploring anyway what they want to remain dead ends for now we might find a few expansions.
I don' t think your lack of experience will be that much of a problem at such a methusalemic age as 21. ^^'' I' ve been in the same tough spot, twice. If you know someone who can lend you a room in a bigger town with more job opportunities you might want to consider that. Worked for me. You might also want to consider interim jobs. Interim recruiters won' t give a damn about your lack of experience. As long as you keep asking them if they have something for you, daily and early, they' ll see for themselves that you' re willing and able and they' ll give you something eventually. It' s a nice way to rack experience in a lot of areas (and a bit of money) real fast.
I ceased having art related classes when I was, idk, 16, but I liked them. I kept scoring 18/20 minimum in music (not surprising considering I was actually learning music outside of school) and 14/20 minimum in drawing (never learned that outside of school but I drew a lot on my own, I was a comics junkie just like my father). I even drew stuff when I wasn' t asked to. My lil' sis confessed to me she "stole" all of my old drawings stash to submit them as her own work (to the same teacher, who never noticed :3) Heh, not sure how it is in other countries, but I' m pretty sure I aced my biology finals and I still got 18/20. Never heard of anyone getting more than that.
If Saga Frontier 2 is in your backlog you might want to cross it out immediately. Most ridiculously overpowered last boss I' ve ever seen. It made me start the game from scratch, grinding as much as I could this time around, and I won ... out of sheer luck.
Yeah, it sounds suspicious to me as well. I mean even if it is true both survival skills would be useful regardless of gender, so that explanation doesn' t make any sense. I doubt males waited to have a female around to eat the berries they found (not to mention edibility =/= color), and I doubt predators were giving females a break just because they weren' t hunters.
A few monsters/places like Via Infinito aside, this game is a cakewalk anyway. Besides, once you' ve mastered that garment you' ll switch to the others right ? Well, unless you want to waste your time, there are much quicker ways to grind than spaming ultimas. Lol. ^^'' I did finish the game 100% and master every job, by that would be the game' s own specific definition of what 100% means. I didn' t actually collect everything nor bothered acing every mini game. Just ... No. ****ing. Way. And I' m talking about the normal version.
Women are actually hairier than men, their hairs are just shorter and thinner on average (vellus hairs vs terminal hairs).
Wait, does Enix know about any of this ? Or is she locked up in your cave, sewing up a couple Dragon Quests for food ?
Just bring the discussion back to the point you' re actually trying to make. Words are just tools we use to convey our thoughts, if the label you used isn' t doing the job for you just stick to the definition you had in mind. In this case if "imbalanced" is lost on him in that context just stick to "one is far more interesting than the other". If you still care about having a discussion with such rigid people that is.
I don' t know how long you have but you might be better off recording anything and everything in order to make a library you can fish in rather than coming up with a story first and trying to illustrate it second. It' s easier to let the sounds convey pictures in your mind than to try to recreate the exact sound you' re looking for. I heard that' s the way professionals work, what they end up using often comes from sources you wouldn' t expect in a million years. For instance if memory serves the Tie fighters engine sounds from Star Wars are modified elephant trumpetings.
I always thought the bikini last shot was an obvious homage to Ripley' s last scene in Alien. But yeah, the high heels thing seems highly impractical. Judging from the remake that introduced the zero suit without her armor she' s no ninja fighter. No super speed, no monkey agility, no fancy karate moves, she' s forced to play hide and seek to survive.
I ... think you might be overthinking it. ^^ Why you' d rather force yourself to be someone you probably aren' t rather than just do you is beyond me. Sounds like a recipe for depression. I' m not the kind of guy who knows what he wants, but I know what I don' t want. I guess that' s a start. I' m certainly not the alpha male stereotype, that' s for sure. When my sister saw me playing with my two years old nephew' s toys last christmas and comply to his every whim she said she didn' t know which one of us was the most childish. XD
I think your problem is that you' re bundling feeling offended / stating it' s racist and claiming to be discriminated together. The former does not entail the latter. I don' t think anyone here would be dense enough to play the white victim card. Personally I' ve mostly seen instances of that in the US news. Either the Ku Klux Clan type claiming whites are under attack or the Bill O' Reilly type claiming there' s a war on christianity. The recent onslaught of religious "freedom" bills and the gay agenda bullshit also come to mind. In short, it comes from bullies feeling entitled to bully.
My dentist mistakenly removed four of my teeth instead of two when I was a teenager, so when my wisdom teeth eventually popped up they had all the room they needed. I can' t even tell when they came up exactly, I didn' t notice.
I had 30 hours weeks when I was a cashier/retailer, almost everyone did. The normal week is 35 hours here but they stuck us at 30 in case someone didn' t show up (that way they could throw five surprise hours at anyone at the normal hourly pay, if we went over 35 they' d have to pay us more). My first boss there was cheating the laws in pretty much every conceivable way. He didn' t even give chairs to the cashiers, that' s how cheap he was. Eventually someone denounced him and we got inspected. Watching him mumble pathetic excuses, if he could even come up with one, was quite enjoyable. It almost made his usual barking worth it. Shortly after that he sold the store to someone else.
Let me rephrase that for you, his normal grid sucks balls. And btw I hope XII will get the HD treatement someday. From what I heard the Zodiac Job thingy allows much more customization too.
XIII had ceilings every step on the way, grinding was a no brainer. Unlock everything you can, move to the next chapter, whatever you unlock first barely matters. Overal I enjoy the FF that let me customize my characters as I please, like V and VII, rather than have the exact same team as every single player on the planet. I love you IX, but your characters are really rigid. The expert grid lets you experiment much more. I' d rather take my chances at either botching or OPing my characters than have SE holding my hand all the way. Yeah, his intended path sucks balls.
I gave it a good long look on the guide. You have to wait hours and hours to be allowed to make any meaningful choice, everyone' s stuck in its own job for quite a while.