I can ride my bike with no handlebars-Uknown
HAHA you wish!!! NINJACAT ARMY :ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat:
6 or 7 outta 10
ok so by posting 6 friends means that no one else can come? or you keep adding on?
Well i didn't mean you. but its form That 70's Show. Ashton Kutcher sais it after the opening credits.
Wow. really? best you could come up with. GoodnightT Wisconsin!
=D *fillerz*
Becuz i live to please people like moses. people with a sense of humor.
well i haven't seen any of his posts :\ id like to now tho. omg ahahahahaha
WOW. I MEAN REALLY! WOW. that is definitly the first time ive EVER heard that in my life. no one has ever said that! did you make that up on your own! i mean wow two words never heard ur mom. WOW i mean god amazing-.- stupid joke.
What did he do?
EXACTLY!!!!! G for God doesn't like her.
OMG I GOT IT! say its a sleepover place for all the CHICKS!!!
Praling the evil tigress?
Ok. Now ive liked my friend for about 5 years. She's really cool. And my other friend (guy like me) likes her too. in fact he recently asked her out. she said no. lol. Ok But the bad thing is she said this in a text to him. "Atleast you had the balls to tell me unlike Tyler (me.) His name is Brenton. Rachel (girl) Ok. so. My friend told me the whole story and i was compelled to text her. So i started off the text by small talk. then i said "Brenton told me that you said i didn't have the balls to ask you out. Is that true?" ok now this is EXACTLY how she answered. for some odd reason she talkd to me as though she was talkin to someone else. idk but it was directed to me no one else. "Yea. You were younger then. But Tyler has more of a chance then Brenton does with me." Now she never has liked me before, and there is about a year age difference im younger. Now here is some of my thoughts on it. - She is making it up so it doesn't make her look bad. - She hasn't ever told me she liked me becuz she wanted me to ask her out first. Ok Second part of the post. This is what i replyed after she said that and i wana know if it is good. "Well i just really want you to know that I never told you i liked you or asked you out becuz i thought that our friendship was more important. Ya know i didn't want to make it awkward. And i basically always knew the answer if i were to ask you." Ok now after that text she never texted me back... is that a bad sign!? im really confused :ninjacat:
WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!??!?! weirdo. no one should love their life that much. :nono:
Strangest move. Manniquen
what guy? im confused
Meh. agree to disagree