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  1. Peace and War
    I'm the type of person who feels like they need to cram the most into their day if over two hours of your day was spent on a train, so i play games, watch movies and stuff till late to try and make up for it.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    So my point isn't getting across and my main arguments are rarely being addressed, along with certain people starting to get personal, so i'm going to put this forward broad post forward.

    You guys don't like the spamming of likes? Fair enough, I agree, it's not a problem that I've ever heard complained about but apparently it's a thing now people have become vocal.
    I'll ask around and see if Likes can be edited to be restricted in their usage a bit more, similar to rep use to be.

    Otherwise, people are basically telling me to pick a side, because the neutral opinion and perspective seems to lack credibility.
    I don't want it back because it's not a necessity, you can still positively rep someone with a like, and the argument about 'constructive criticism' can still be given through profile posts or in the thread itself or more privately in Personal convos.
    The abuse of the Like system I agree should be addressed and we'll see what we can do.
    Otherwise I see no actual benefit from this system apart from nostalgia reasons, which isn't reason enough to change a complete system. And rep was abused in the past, this system won't topple the problems of the current, simply it will be called something different.

    And so far, many people in this thread are currently abusing the like system to try and prove a point. The fact you're abusing the system, isn't giving me confidence you won't abuse the next one.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Peace and War
    I'm trying to put the perspective that this isn't affecting a handful of people, but a lot of members you don't know, I don't know, in sections like Roleplay, Playground, Discussion, Gaming, Literature, Forum Families. There are A LOT of people both current, returning and future members this will affect. I'm keeping in mind more than the people in this thread.

    That's under the pretence that everyone openly complained about the negative rep they were given. I never thought of approaching staff back then when I got neg rep that was hurtful because the Staff didn't seem approachable. And I had friends who would contact me about rep they received and would confide in me about how bad they felt and wanted to leave and so on. I don't know if there were a minority o us, but it was a distressing thing to feel and see friends experience and not being able to do a thing about it. Not all of it was as 'happy' as people made it out to be, as much as 2007 wasn't a good time on KHV for a lot of members too.

    And thinking that Staff should make decisions on a whim to please a few members seems a bit abusive of our powers on the site. As far as i'm aware, we run primarily as a democratic base, meaning we take all views into consideration and the majority making decisions. Less than 10 people agree to this suggestion so far, that doesn't constitute that most like it, only that most people have posted liked it. That's not a majority, you'd need 25,000 members posting agreeing to that, empirically speaking. In reality, i'm not sure how many, but more than a single group that isn't representative of the whole of the active community.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Peace and War
    I don't think since around 7 members have posted in this thread for the last two hours means that we should easily change to a system that affects 54,000 registered members and counting. There are many more opinions than the ones already posted.

    Rep wouldn't be any different, not change that.

    Again, you want to add more, reply in a thread, post on their profile, start a personal convo, contact on SKype, email them, seriously we have a ton of ways to communicate with each other, do we really need another one to add to the ones we don't use? It's not like you can't comment at all about said post, otherwise I would agree.

    If you want to include a 'staff view' instead of just my personal views, it would be worse for us in a lot of ways, it would men we have an extra job, something more to moderate on and get complaints from if people feel they were derepped inappropriately, offensively, etc. There are no Staff benefits, and honestly, that's not what we specifically look at, we look at whether it's a good enough benefit for all the members equally and if they actually want it, instead of simply including it if one person thinks it's a good idea or another person thinks it's bad. Were thinking of you guys, and my views are my views, obviously, it's not like there is a 'staff view' that encompasses all our opinions and dictates what we will post here.

    All rep was converted into likes, which I believe meant all rep values were converted to simply 1 like. So if your old rep was 3, 12 and 6 you would've had 21 rep points. With the conversion, they were wade into 1, 1 and 1, so you had three likes. I believe this is what happened, i'm not an admin nor a web guy, but I think that was what happened. Others may know more. And it's not as simple as on and off, the conversion of rep to likes was a massive ***** to do and was a headache for Misty, and took the site even longer for the conversion to Xenforo to take place. It's not as easy as people are making it out to be.

    For some reason, people seem to perceive staff as people wanting to monitor members actions and behaviour. We would rather you guys all got along and never upset the boat, we do moderate because we love this site and volunteered for this position and want to improve it in our own ways, where we can.

    And commenting on rep is optional, if you expect someone to always write you a message, you should look now when you get likes from members and don't get a reply in your threads. It won't always happen with rep, so if you think the system will necessarily encourage commenting, I suspect it won't because people on the internet are lazy, generally.

    In my experience, like I posted, it was not negligible, I remember people getting really upset about the amount of people who would gang up on them and neg rep them because of something they said. Reputation in my experience is just like a facebooker commenting on someone's status, which can be just as lovely or demoralising as your average facebook experience.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Peace and War
    Apps? What apps? We aren't an iPhone.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Peace and War
    To note, when we moved to Xenforo, your reps points were converted into like points.

    I'm not a fan. Likes are simple and easy to use, one click on the post you like and done. Comments an be nice and helpful in telling what you liked about the post, but you can reply in a thread saying why you liked it, Personal convo them, post on their status, really we have a reputation system in place it just works differently, which people aren't fully utilising I believe.

    Also the amount of people who use to actually take reputation seriously was phenomenal, and caused disputes. Dereps created arguments, call out threads and bitchyness.
    I can already guess several people who would leave negative rep and a comment 'You're ****ing worthless! Go **** off and die!' or the like, hell, I had three neg reps like that years ago.

    I just don't see the relevance, considering we already have several ways to communicate with each other and praise them. For some reason praise needs to lead into having a popular reputation which isn't necessarily representative of the person and needs to be monetised into number values.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Peace and War
    I sleep on average about 7 hours. Actually the average might be lower during school, i seem to try and stay up later then.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Peace and War

    Welcome to the first KH-Vids Podcast Trivia Tournament!
    Presiding as Quizmaster for Round One of this Tournament, is the honourable, unbiased and unrivalled, Peace and War, asking the tough questions towards todays contestants. They are:
    • The green, green elite Reporter of KHV, the villain whisperer and ever vigilant, Krowley!
    • The Nobody of importance, with rhymes beating in time, the silver-haired big boss GhettoXemnas!
    • The blackcoat-wearing, chakram wielding, fire-breathing badass of the Organisation, the memorising, Lea!

    Hope you guys enjoyed and tune in for next weeks episode, Group 2, where I pit a new set of victims against each other, to test their Kingdom Hearts knowledge. And we'll find out who wins the grand prize of $40 worth of KH Merchandise and the title of Trivia Tournament Champion.

    Stay tuned and keep podcasting people!



    Intro: Precious Stars in the Sky - Yoko Shimomura
    Outro: Anti-Overthinking - ComPL3xX (aka GhettoXemnas) featuring Paige Shilling

    Thanks for the lovely new banner and logo by Llave!
    Great appreciation to libregkd for designing and making the league table!

    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.

    Thread by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013, 15 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Peace and War
    Welp, next time you can try to tell us! And maybe no technical problems next time, too.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Peace and War
    Profile Post Comment

    Half each.

    Half each.
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013
  11. Peace and War
    Maybe this is an American thing, could be very wrong I haven't travelled many places abroad and not at all in like 7-8 years, but I don't think I've never been or have encountered a tourist ever being rude or annoying.
    I've mainly gone on holiday with my parents around England and we've never been treated with disdain or exploited, nor have we ever got into an argument with any locals. I think when you're on your holiday, you relax more or should at least, and be less stressed and worried about this and that which may normally. Also, living in London, wherever else you go in England will be less stressful in general because the people are generally friendlier and are less stressed themselves. Cities cause the grief believe me.
    The one holiday i went on with my friends, it was to a camp site by the beach front town of Newquay, well known spot for teens to go and holiday. Now, even with mainly teens gathered in one area getting drunk and high in a small space, we all got on well. We shared drinks, came together to listen to music, shared fire, it was all pretty chilled and relaxed, even if I was on edge and trying to not worry about my stuff getting stolen or something idiotic.

    So, yeah, personal experience tells me you can easily enjoy yourself without being angry or some such, which would ruin it all. Never have done it, never expect to try it, ha.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. Peace and War
  13. Peace and War
    Profile Post Comment

    Depends whose paying.

    Depends whose paying.
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013
  14. Peace and War
    Huh, she had bourbon when we were finished.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    Oh yeah, great little strategy game, deserves a sequel or similar spin offs like it.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
  17. Peace and War
    Crossover was never done sooooo good. Would be funny to see Pokémon mash up with it, but i'm not sure how it'd exactly work
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    If they can do Pokemon Conquest and make it work, then they can do this.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    Casual racism acknowledged.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    I get what you mean with the books being a bad example of relationships, Twilight and the 50 shades series have both been really popular books in the last decade dedicated to a female perspective in modern relationships and what they desire. Twilight represents an effectively male controlling relationship because this teen girl falls in 'love' with him and is willing to die for him, whilst 50 shades is about a woman who is dominated by an abusive male because he gains pleasure from it.
    These types of books are not very well written, and they're are more of a simple read instead of a deep look into certain themes, which kind of makes them more 'dangerous' as you say. Without exploring it, the face value of it is that 'women fall in love with oppressive bastards' and that can transfer to impressionable guys and gals, and their empathy for the characters makes them experience similar feelings. Which is why you'll get girls cutting themselves in loss and desperation.
    It's not necessarily anyone's individual fault, but a combination of them, so banning the books wouldn't help, but I get where you're coming from. It's just being aware, like with films and games, that it's all fiction and shouldn't be taken completely seriously, and be aware if it's causing you to change.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner