Have to agree with Mixt, it's possible with just deleting and reposting, thereby time stamping at a later date with new edits in place, effectively super ceding the merging procedure. I use to do that when I wanted to double post in keeping with the rules, before auto merge.
I guessed you were quoting something, so couldn't resist. : p
Oh i had forgotten, alright will get it up some time soon after the next Trivia Tournament episode, just so neither outshines each other, so in a...
Gameplay wise, hmmm perhaps. Story wise, you're of your nutter, man. Though the plot is a lot more thought provoking and in depth, it's helluva lot of work to cope with.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is a great game and even if you've never played the other games, it's easy to get into (I started the series there). Might add more when i go to look at my collection later.
The seq hunting seems a little gimmicky, but the naval looks as strong as ever. Also, do appreciate the water effects more after actually properly looking at them, I can tell a few improvements over AC3 like how the water physics interact with the shore more naturally and waves look to bounce of each other a bit better.
Thank you mysterious forum member. I'm pretty PaW-some, but your More-some! :p
That's.... a lot of gameplay hours, ha. I really find having all of these, too much almost, like having a thousand things to think about. I mean, Oblivion I spent over 120 hours on, with Skyrim 150 hours or so. I'm still playing Skyrim and I haven't even finished the main quest, that's how much content one Elder Scrolls has. Still, good you can get it all in one place.
Fallout modern. Both Fallout 3 opened me to an FPS that involved a lot more of gameplay than just running and gunning. It combined stealth, puzzle, adventure, RPG, open world and so on. It offered a new way to savour gunplay, since you didn't actually have to shoot every target in the world. I really love the series, so I thought i'd play the original game, bought them both and loaded it up. I was left feeling like I was in a very.... slow time warp. I can say clearly, I hate RPG games where you are required to play a certain style, increase certain stats and so on to make the game winnable. If I can't choose how I want to play an RPG game where I want to play a specific role, charming hostage takers to give up and turn themselves in, run into the room with a giant hammer bashing skulls in, or sneak your way into the back to untie the hostages, or hack turrets used by the hostage takers to turn them against their masters. That's a really good open world RPG in my mind, and the first Fallout felt less like a choice to what you want to do and more of a way to push you towards following the path to success whilst any other path leads to failure.
In terms of the subs, it was alright but no clue of the dub that's coming so hedge your bets.
Well i feel like almost all the human characters, girls and guys, got enough screen time and plot inclusion to be accepted as a part of the overarchjng narrative and interest. Yolie had that big family that meant she was basically looked over and would fight with her siblings but still loved them and wished they could get along. Sora was being the mother because she expected to be, being the only female, but couldn't take the stress, but in the end realised it was her genuine love for her friends that she treasured. Mimi was the spoilt brat who cried at any sort of work, but over time she learnt the value of responsibility and doing it with other people, along while passionate. Just in later seasons it gets worse.
I will defend Digimon and say it is not sexist. I mean, Xros Wars was pretty bad in representing women... And Season 4 had one female throughout the whole series pretty mucb.... But come on we all know that Kari is the mega ultimate champion female protagonist of the whole Digimon universe. And Rika in Season 3 was a well developed character throughout that series, even if she was difficult to warm up to. I think it really depends on the writers/director/publisher as to how good the female characters are. A shame really.
Beggars are clearly winning. Spoiler
Apparently Misty has already won the second round and is in the finals. Good to know i don't have to record this weekend then! : p
Practice Beer Pong or talk to the girl more? Prioritise, mate!
Oh come on the dubs of the first two are a REQUIREMENT to watch the show. Childhood was good. The Xros Wars was the first sub of Digimon I watched, and it was alright, but I hate subs in Japanese anime purely for the female voice acting of girls. They shriek and laugh like they're being possessed or they've been attacked. It's an inhuman frequency. Honestly, the only time I care for subs over dubs is in foreign speaking films, but that's because of generally terrible translation scripts. Digimon was always written from the ground up pretty much to incorporate the dub, and I think you can tell, it's a great cheesy script with heart and madness.
Throwing the hat back into the ring
Only if you ignore the funkiness from me in general : )
Truly the internet covers all niches