All Horror films are boring. Psychological thrillers and the unseen monsters are the only interesting things to watch. Zombie films are usually the only good films. Usually.
sent again, hope it actually worked out this time.
Oh, hello! If you're reading this, then you've stumbled upon the second KH-Vids Mini Series Podcast revolving around a certain British sci-fi series. With Doctor Who's 50th anniversary fast approaching, Cat~, Llave, Ienzo, Fearless and The Hero of Time have gathered to discuss their thoughts on its past and their hopes for its future (though it's all very relative anyway). I probably should mention the fact that there are PRETTY BIG SPOILERS, so you should be careful about that. Well, why are you still reading this? Allons-y! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welp guys, side note here from me (PaW) saying this is our final Summer Podcast of this year. Thank you immensely to everyone who participated, hoped you enjoyed listening like I did! All the best, and keep listening in! [url][/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunes For more about the KH-Vids Mini Series this year HERE Spoiler: song credits Intro: The Name of the Doctor ~ BBC Orchestra (from Doctor Who Proms 2013) Outro: The Impossible Girl ~ BBC Orchestra (from Doctor Who Proms 2013) YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook
Eh I suppose, but Pokemon/Medabots never had that problem. I do think that the digivices should've been better utilised for humans to use, like a buff/debuff almost, which is what 3 kind of went into. The kids had more of a reason to be partners, after all, they could get armour or swords or boosts, like that. Never been able to see any of the Digimon movies apart from 'Digimon: The Movie' so I'll take your word. The article explains Mega forms much better, and I nailed the Mega Stone guess! : p
I found Season 4 to be so boring, I never even finished it, though that was mainly due to the death of the website where I could download it from. I also thought it went against a lot of what makes Digimon great, specifically the relationship between a human and a Digimom partner. It should focus on the development of a relationship with someone foreign and from another world, totally different, but you realise your similarities and how you can match up will and that your strong relationship and character builds a stronger Digimon. I can not stress why having Digimon partners is a great narrative device, not to mention a cool friend we'd all want to have.
And me I hope? I might have sent it to you in a weird place.
Varric as a party member! : D wooooooooooooo! So from what I can tell, the top setting looks like a Qunari fortress in Seheron because of exhibit a) the massive Qunari in the shot, and exhibit b) hot location and large structure. 2+2=Seheron. I'm guessing this means we'll be trying to gain the Qunari as allies to fight the newest Blight attack. The second looks like some new party members. VARRIC, the beardless dwarf wonder, Cassandra Pentaghast, inquisitor extraordinaire, and a female Qunari, which is a first in the games and even more intriguing what role. They appear to be fighting one of the new type of darkspawn that looks like a creepy, monster as Slenderman. Basically, yay, all of this is fantastic. EDIT: So libre you linked to an article. Sorry I missed it, photos got me so excited. Apart from that 'the return of multiple player races' is happening. Hello my dwarven brethren. This is.... I dunno, madness, I can't believe this has happened to special editions. Are they making a profit or....? This is stupid.
If i'm viewing that trailer right they'll have to hold a Mega Stone in battle. I don't see how this is even viable, like, every Pokémon is getting a mega version? I'd be good with this if it affected Pokémon that didn't have an evolution, but it seems like what's the point in upgrading really powerful Pokémon to be even more powerful ones?
I really want to watch the third season through, properly, with mature-er eyes, considering I just didn't get it when I was younger. Still, I do want to see those two again.
The price of PS Eye and aPS4 would be the same price as buying an Xbox One, which is why Sony dropped it from the bundle to appear more affordable, which it clearly has shown to be. So cheaper as standard, yes, but you're technically getting less compared to the Xbox One. Not necessarily, I got my friend a second hand 360 for a total price of £60, which is very cheap. The price of a new 360 is likely to go to £99, with the release of the Xbox One, which makes it as affordable as an Ouya, and alot of the top games for £10-20 each. The worst part would be having to pay for Xbox Gold which you can't really get cheaper elsewhere. But yes, overall it would be cheaper to get the PS4 with the information we have so far, but until we know what Gaiki offers and at what price, it's still hard to compare. Sony has been a bit quite with the PS4 and features, so it's hard to know for sure what will happen.
Apart from the terrible initial marketing the XboxO isn't a bad console, no matter how people spin it, because ultimately the hardware of the two consoles are similar enough to support the same software if games, and ultimately exclusive games on the consoles will be primarily made for First Party developers of Sony and Microsoft. The rest will be because of trying to use features specific to the consoles, like Project Spark using the Kinect or to continue series associated with said console like Halo 5 on XboxO and Killzone on the PS4. In terms of preorders, both consoles are doing very well, and this is looking to be the biggest console launches so far, for both companies. The key thing will be to keep those sales stable and marketing it correctly, along with good games supported for both. So yeah, there is still a 'war' if you would like to call it that, because financially the are making money already. Gaiki services and prices haven't been confirmed yet, and the lack of openness is making me feel the prices are going to be.... not too cheap. I'm expecting the prices to be similar to the indie games being developed and sold on the Store. Just what I think, could be wrong and would be nice for a selection of the games to be free with PS+ but we'll find out eventually, more at Gamescom apparently.
It's never good when you list "Famous" people and then have to write why they're famous for a few of them.... Anyway, I now like Paramore because of Digimon fandom, it must happen even if I hate their music. Fan 4 Life! I'm so glad Shaman King is mentioned in any listing. Masi Oka, props man. Oh Afro, I miss thee and Ninja Ninja. Jackson is a great voice actor, shame he doesn't do more.
See, I get the argument that one console will be more powerful hardware wise, but that doesn't matter if nothing is being developed for the console. The PS3 was clearly more technologically advanced than the 360, but apart from primarily first party game developers, and a few select series that had been on the PS2 and had carried over to the PS3, we had basically the same game collection between the two by the end. So it didn't matter the PS3 was more powerful, in a lot of cases you couldn't tell much difference between the two ports and the 360 even ran some better than the PS3. Hardware didn't matter as much this gen or won't the next. And the Dualshock 3 had SIXAXIS, but that was barely used by the end of the generation, I don't know how much time and effort developers will put into making touch screen extra features, which is why the WiiU isn't getting a lot of ports, because developers would have to spend more money and time working to include a couple of gimmick features. It couldn't support proper gameplay like the WiiU platform. If it's anything like the Ouya, it'll help navigate webpages and menus, perhaps.
Pfft, so out of character Zelda, Zelda and Zelda, and you Zelda, you too Zelda, and I didn't forget you, Zelda, can't hide from me.
First off, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be on PS4 and Xbox One and it's okay that's happening. Second, the Ouya will never compete as a console in any respect, because it's not tailored to anyone but the poorest demographic who have the internet, which is a really, really small niche. Anyway, i'm going with the PS4, primarily because the multi media box that the XBoxO is offering won't be beneficial to me in the UK, since they have yet to secure anything properly and won't for years, along with the need of paying to use those features with Gold membership. Other reasons, because PS+ offers more to me considering I have a PS3 and PSV. And friends are moving to PS4 too, so much better that way Apart from that, the consoles are identical, and I was honestly looking to cancel my PS4 pre order when I didn't see the benefit, but I realised I need good looking consoles games : P
Always taking applications, more of a question if we ever get time to everyone, but yeah, apply away.
This room.... is so small...
Welcome to the first KH-Vids Podcast Trivia Tournament! Presiding as Quizmaster for Round Two of this Tournament, is the honourable, unbiased and unrivalled, Peace and War, asking the tough questions towards todays contestants. Do note he has nothing against Misty, except everything. Our contests for this round are: The Blue Queen of this fair forum, a woman with steel in her bones and ice water in her veins, she’s as cold and as quick as a Nobody herself, it’s Misty! The boy living in a Twilight dream, whose a nightmare to his enemies, he never leaves home without two weapons at his side, we have DualBladeRoxas! The femme fatale with the heart of the true underdog, yet still simply a Girl with Kingdom Hearts running through her mind, it’s KHGirl! Spoiler: Trivia Tournament League Table Hope you guys enjoyed and tune in for next week’s episode, Group 3 and our last group before the finals, where I pit a new set of victims against each other, to test their Kingdom Hearts knowledge. And soon we shall find out who wins the grand prize of $40 worth of KH Merchandise and the title of Trivia Tournament Champion. Stay tuned and keep podcasting people! [url][/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunes Spoiler: Music Credits Intro: HELP! – The Beatles Outro: Dearly Beloved (Dream Drop Distance Mix) – Yoko Shimomura Thanks for the lovely new banner and logo by Llave! Great appreciation to libregkd for designing and making the league table! Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook