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  1. Peace and War
    I still have the one for the original game, and it still holds up!

    Still, the new content is most likely what will be good for veterans, and good in general for first time players. Always more to play.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Peace and War
    That is indeed a rarity. I have the First Digimon World too and Rumble Arena, that's probably rare for a reason.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Peace and War
    First Mario game on the GameBoy I suppose?

    Dunno, It's hard to distinguish rare by price really.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
    Evil and good are different reactions to the same event.

    For example, a prison warden is ordered to kill a prisoner. His colleague watches on as he slits the man's throat. A man who reacts in disgust and sympathy for the prisoner and doesn't want to feel like this again, is a 'good' man, and wishes to change this event occuring again. Whilst a man who enjoys the sight of a prisoner dying away is a 'bad' man, who enjoys the control and the sight of blood gives them pleasure, and would incentivise and promote killing someone again.

    Fundamentally, creation is good and destruction is evil. But the world isn't as black and white as that, thinking it is means not taking the breadth of a situation and possiblities. You could kill a man going to kill another, is that evil? Not as simple as that. And does helping one person make you good and erase your bad?

    At the most basic, good and evil rely on each other, without one there is no opposite. I believe in harmony of the two, the best of both worlds if possible, though I promote more selfless good then selfish evil, because you learn less from being selfish and more from selflessness. The harder the challenge that you surpass, the more you learn from it, y'know.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Peace and War
    It's true, introverts are not anti social, they are just reserved and not as expressive in extrovert manners. Still individduality and all, no one is the same as the other.

    I don't think extrovertism and introvertism is as easy to define as black and white, left and right, short and tall, and so on.

    I teeter on the edge of both of these sides a lot in my life, I primarily would've been consider an introvert years ago, but hanging around with extroverts brought that side out of me. I like going to my busy pub with my group of friends which can move into double figures and enjoy myself, as much as I can sitting by myself at home playing a single player video game.
    I don't think forsaking the other side of the spectrum, and as much as introverts might prefer small, contained interactions, once in a while they should expose themselves to a party or a club, something large and wild. This should also work vice versa with extroverts who should appreciate a time to sit down, relax and breath in the solidarity of life. I'm a believer of moderation in as many thigs as possible, and this is no exception.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  6. Peace and War
    Jayn, the judge in all artist will continually tell you you're bad at what you do and what you love to do. Believe me, writers, actors, painters, sculptors, singers, all have that little nagging voice in their head saying 'You're terrible!' But remember that the judge is a bull shitter, and we love your work and as long as you love doig what you do, we'll keep listening! : )
    So yeah, love your work, and I hole you keep getting those subs, and most importantly you need tobelieve in yourself a bit more!
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  7. Peace and War
    I mean, my oldest close friends are still the same childish individuals they were in essence, they've matured in a few ways and gotten worse in others. But peeling the layers back, they haven't change, whilst i myself have dramatically altered since i me them. And still, no matter how mch maturing i've done or experience i've gained that they haven't, or their laziness compared to my drive to do, they've ropped me into illegal stuff because I felt the need to keep and eye on them (nothing major, i'll add) and still acf insulting to me at times, even after all of the **** we've been through... They are still my friends. I don't know how to put that any other way, they care about how I am and I care about how they are. And i guess, we've had some crazy times that we've got theough that has bound our friendship tighter together.

    We've drifted apart since Uni, they've moved to other parts of the country, so I only see them over holidays and the summer, not day to day as I use to. It's easier to deal with their annoying behaviour, but i miss them more now then i use to. Maybe it was the distance, the not seeig each other as much, or maybe it's just friendship? Idk.

    I suppose, unlike you, these guys helped my personal development, unintentionally i'm assured. They helped me be more open, extrovert and get out of myself which was always my problem, it was easier to do with other people. Even with all the **** they put me through, it's not been all rosey, I've learned from them.

    Also, I disagree with almost everything one of my friends does, like drinking, drugs, cheatig on his girlfriend, ignoring his course, sleeping with anyone, wasting his money away on ****, stuff like that and really it's his views and wants, and as much as i've hated what he's done and would kill for the opportunities he's had, but I respect that he's decided them, not another. It might irritate me, but in the end i'm glad We still care about each other even when we don't agree and respect each other for it.

    Unless I knew what you're personally tackling and how this friend is impeding it, I can't really help you much. Though, if you're not telling, my advice would be to try and talk to him about it, see what's up with him and if he feels that's happening or maybe feeling similar thing.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  8. Peace and War
    This was one of those 'uh oh, this is looking one sided.' But thankfully that didn't stick throughout the whole thjng.

    Also, what is it with final questions recently being random/difficult answers that people answer? Wish I could make that sort of thing happen more often, ha.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Peace and War
    I'll say 4 because it had a lot of features that you wouldn't find in normal games, the in game ipod tracks where you play as the people speaking play is just an entertainig thing to me that you don't get elsewhere. Also, the active camo and being able to stealth through a battlefield without fighting them, all types of things never really accomplished before to such a degree before.

    In general the series has always pushed boundaries, I just find that 4 did it to a greater degree. Drama, gameplay, storytelling, boss fights, all that stuff.
    I'm not one of those people put off by cutscenes, if you can tell me a story that's good and develops well, then put them infront of me. Walking Dead and Heavy Rain basically did that but i like this interactive storytelling is all.

    Have to admit, the gun play is a bit... Meh though.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Peace and War
    Seriously, this is abuse of the legal system and these should be regularly turned away to stop more bs coming through.
    Don't even see the point, this will cost him more time and money than if he had bought the online code, and would've led a more fulfilled life. But nope. I'd get it if this was actually a problem, like codes were causing some sort of harmF but this is really just someone who feels like he's getting cheated by business and the best way to resolve that is to sue it all.

    Hope this doesnMt get through, i'm not defending GameStop, they should advertise this thing on pre owned sections of a store or website, but don't go to this extreme just to get your point across.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  11. Peace and War
    I'll think they'll keep KH2.5 on the PS3, more because I think that's what they're developing it for right now and this late stage would be inconsistent on their part and take a lot longer to produce. Not to mention, if they developed it for the PS4, i'm sure they would be pushed to develop it for the Xbox, like KH3 will and receive negative feedback for doing so. I'm not sure if there are copyright issues to the games only being able to be published on Sony consoles, but in general Square work on Sony consoles since that's what's always sold well in their native Japan.

    I just think the first KH game on the PS4 will be KH3.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Peace and War
    Speaking of Re:Coded, will it not simply be in the vain of Days in 2.5, wherein it will consist of cutscenes instead of being playable? If they are keeping this theme up, I presume they would.

    At any rate, a DDD port would be good to me for anyone who hasn't a 3DS to play it, since it's a pretty integral game in the series to me. Especially for KH3.
    I would love to see all these 1.5 and 2.5 games being playable on the PSVita, since i'd love to be able to play KH on the go when i'm away from the TV.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Peace and War
    Eh, perhaps older ones are better, though they usually haven't aged well and turn out to me to be a bit too fake if you know what I mean. I just think if you're objective is to scare someone and play on their fears, your going to be playing on common and clichéd fears that people have and for some that's just not applicable.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    So the wirters of the Bible are revising it for the modern day?

    Welp, glad they're being very thoughtful into it...

    This is so not how to modernise your religion, too many groups do this so badly and really selfish based ideas. I don't like video games, i'll make it a sin and something I tell everyone to dislike. Shameful. Then again the non-religious try to 'rebel' and don't really help their cases of being reasonable and analytical people when they get emotional about this kind of thing.

    Blegh, ignore madness is my motto.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    I like my idea better.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    Yeah, I mean trying to assimilate his memories was like trying to put a Windows on a Mac, with one in Mongolian and the other in Russian whilst not having a working monitor and no USB ports or disk drives and the memories were stored on floppy disks.

    Tricky, basically.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    What's a Twinkie? Is it a pet star in a bottle?
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    Have you played Coded?

    And she was a fine character, identity crisis girl, much like Riku Replica or Namine really though she was affected by everyone who saw her like a flood of identities she couldn't control and was losing herself over. Eventually, after trying to reject them completely, she accepted her fate but believed ultimately that Roxas could end her pain.
    Not a bad arc, just mitigated by the wiped meories of her which is bs.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    These things are not known to me.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    Well today you're in luck!
    A Sora, close to a Mickey, Axel and a Larxene.

    I teeter on the edge of these things constantly, the only thing I ever seem to keep constant is Intuitive over sensing. Well, high in the range of 50%. The rest are always in the 10%-20%.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone