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  1. Sara
    I disagree, the fact there's been tons of petitions from fans for several games that haven't been released out in the U.S. shows that there's been a demand. Mother being one of the most famous after the Earthbound game. Xenoblade being another one that really was underestimated and now is hurting sales because of it's rarity and fact they refuse on making more for the U.S. market. Lets not mention the Final Mix series that's FINALLY going across the ocean after practically a decade of being at Japan only.

    There are probably some games that won't make it, but there are U.S. based games that don't make it in the U.S., there are U.S. based games that don't make it in Japan, it's just common sense. It's not prejudice, but it's also not because the market DOESN'T want the games produced here overseas.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  2. Sara
    Though I do agree with you libre about games not being made in the U.S. compared to Japan, I disagree on the market. Nintendo released recently "Xenoblade Chronicles" at 100,000 or a million. Some ridiculously low number. I wanted to get it because of the good reviews and found it on Amazon for over 200 bucks new and over a hundred used. Gamestop pretty much flat-out said that there's going to be no more copies made despite the VERY high demand for the game in the U.S. market.

    Japan might have it's reluctance to sell their games overseas, or the company's here are refusing them. *I've heard wonderful things about the Wii in Japan compared to the U.S. and all the party games we got, but I don't know if it's true* But there's at least a hefty market for some of the games. Beserk: Sign of the Falcon is popular and never came over. There was a HUGE petition for Mother 3 and that's been blown over. The market for the games is wanted, but it's not being shipped here.

    Maybe it's racism, maybe it's just that Sega is still going down the tubes and they're cutting a lot of corners for their business to continue. I don't know.
    Post by: Sara, May 31, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  3. Sara
    I would say sudden, but the thought of something going off makes me jumpy enough to affect my real life also. Loud noises expectedly except fireworks and sirens are usually okay for me.
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Sara
    Yes, it is when it's unexpected mostly. I went to the fourth and fireworks were going all over the place. Even after an hour and a half listening to my Ipod I flat-out refused to go to another fireworks display on our beach because of all the fireworks going off around us unexpectedly. They made fireworks legal in my state and it was insane there with fireworks going off at the beach properties, the beach itself and sometimes only five to ten feet away. It was way overkill for me.

    When I expect it, I'm usually okay, but I still get nervous around an object. If I see a little kid around me with a balloon, I immediately move away from the kid. Part of this is because I have had balloons pop around me. There's a lot of careless people who don't realize they can scare someone with their actions. For instance, a guy was jumping on balloons in a lobby when we were leaving at a restaurant and barely apologized when I freaked out seconds later when he did it again. Another instance was that I was walking with my mom and a siren went off right next to me, causing a very violent reaction with me where I collided into my mom to get away from the noise and go into a fetal on the ground. The cop actually turned around and apologized for doing that before leaving, which angered my mom more. With those two incidents, I find myself way more jumpy around these things because I always expect it to happen now.

    Thanks for your advice though, I'll try it. Anyone else with ideas?
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Sara
    Name of RP: Linkara: Fate
    Synopsis: Linkara found someone else on Vyce's ship, a prophecy handed down by the generations in his Book by the Entity that he doesn't understand. It's up to him and his new ally to figure it out.
    Genre: Entertainment/Fantasy
    Link: None
    OOC Link: None
    Activity: Looking for members to join
    Other: Hoping for a one-on-one, fine with a multi. Can't have minimum on posting limit, but has rp'd for years without problems.
    Created by: Sara
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sara
    I am going to say a little bit of casual, specialist and expert, here's why:

    When I'm having a bad day, I usually pop in a game to help make me feel better. Assassin's Creed, maybe Halo. I use the game to unwind and relax to get the stress out of my system. I do usually look into a game though before I buy it, so I'm not fully casual. Specialist I like the RPG genre. I usually go for old games of the RPG genre and aim for that, I do follow several series religiously and enjoy playing them when I can, but at the same time, I like checking out different types of games. Which brings me to expert: I look into a game. Sometimes I don't look into it after the game comes out, but I still do look into it. I go watch Lets Plays if it catches my eye, I go to gaming sites and make rp's about it. I usually expand when I think I can, I lean heavily in RPG, but lately I've gotten into FPS and puzzle with Halo and Portal which I haven't done until this generation. The thing is, though, I don't play everything, I have a very small library due to the amount of money I have and what I find that catches my interest.

    I hope that explains it. :/
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara
    Alright, I was born with Asbergers, this has always affected my hearing and sensitivity to loud noises, despite me being deaf when born.

    It got a lot worse when I was a little kid a firework went off in front of me. I have been terrified of fireworks ever since. Though I have started using an Ipod to block out the sound. I still can't watch fireworks without them and the volume loud, accidentally several fireworks went off after a fireworks display and I had already turned off my Ipod and I freaked out at the last fireworks display.

    The biggest problem is, that it REALLY affects my life. I'm scared of sirens, motorcycles and balloons. I can't be around balloons at all without getting very nervous, especially if it's little kids holding them. My mom dragged me to a play last year and they were giving out balloons as props to all the little kids. I was surrounded by them and barely made it through the play despite me begging my mom to bring me home because of how badly I was getting, I jumped at every small thing and the balloons popped all around me when I came home a pretty bad wreck.The problem is also there's a ton of festivals that go around in my town and all of them usually have balloons.

    The sirens and motorcycles affect the way that I walk and get out of the car. If a motorcycle revs it's engine without the muffler which thankfully has become illegal in my state, I freak out. A few years ago a siren went off next to me without warning and I've been jumpy around them ever since. I want to seriously break this problem and/or get my mom to understand why it terrifies me so much. She seems to take it as a joke and/or not seriously and blows it off as: "You always blow things out of proportion." when I try to explain it to her. Or in the play's scenario, thinks of it as an excuse for me to get out of it because I hate going to the plays.

    Any ideas?
    Thread by: Sara, May 29, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. Sara
    I actually heard something interesting about how Xbox could use this, and I'm against them banning used games, but it's something I would go for IF I was getting a One:

    They could make it a market of it's own. You buy the game and are allowed through the Xbox system to post it when you want to in a system like Ebay works. You put a price up and people bid on it. The Xbox set an amount of games that are out for the system and get a certain amount of money for the resale of the game. I still don't like it because again, it sells short a lot of smaller companies and people who sell on Amazon who get most of their money back, but I see it working if Xbox does this reasonably.

    The biggest problems I see is that first of all, they take too much of the sale price. Another problem I really see is that they do a Nintendo of America like they did with: Xenoblade Chronicles and only make about a 100,000 where the demand is MUCH higher than the supply. Xenoblade is going for FOUR TIMES the original price on Amazon to give a HINT on how badly that went.
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Sara
    Ah... Apologies. Then that's very smart of Sony, going the Nintendo route who's done the same with their portables since Gamecube. If it improves sales, it's always good. I probably still won't buy a Vita because of the price, but it's a good idea.
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Sara

    And I had such high hopes for the PS4...

    I don't know the space requirements for the eye, but my room is SMALL. I know I have not NEARLY enough space for the Kinect, and finding out that I need either a Vita which I don't have any money for unless it comes with the system. And no space for the eye...

    This is turning into another XboxOne. Goddamnit, Sony why did you have to follow Xbox's and Nintendo's trail?!

    Maybe I'm jumping the gun. I hope so, the Vita mandatory which is VERY expensive with all the add-ons is not appealing. I would rather have them make an original controller like Wii U did. I hope they decide to add it as part of the console. There's no way I'm buying a Vita otherwise.
    Post by: Sara, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    Another really big thing about the One:

    They make it Kinect activated. I don't have ten feet of space in my room. My mom wold never accept having a console downstairs and ten feet of space there is debatable. Most college dorms don't have ten free feet of space available for them. People who are in wheelchairs are already saying that they can't buy the system because it won't work for them. That's putting a very small group on buying the new system. Yes, I do buy used games mostly, but that's because I don't have much money. If they REALLY want to help the market and get used games gone, which would still anger a lot of people because they're given no choice, is to lower the price from 60 dollars for a new game. Steam is 40 and not doing used games and is booming.
    Post by: Sara, May 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Sara
    Going into Libre's post...

    The gaming journalists, I have heard are mostly in the pockets of the corporations now. They will bend over backwards to do whatever the corporations want. Whether it's because of control of new games, control of new systems, whatever it is... They do EXACTLY what the gaming companies want.

    I heard a good example of this from Angry Joe. He said that in a gaming journalists award show in England, they were GIVEN a free gaming console of their choice for the most creative promotion they could do of a game coming out. This was FREELY advertised by the promoters of the award show themselves. He also says it's very hard to make it now in that industry because the journalists eat you alive and mock you for going against the grain. He showed a video of him at one of these things to prove it.

    Another big thing about the Xbox One, and I've heard this being mentioned A LOT in the past week or so since the conference: So far, they haven't fully explained themselves on the video game sharing. This is JUST not used games here, this is saying to your friend: "Hey, I want you to try out this game, here..." And they go home and paying a fee, which I have heard of going from 5 to 60 bucks, to play it. I know a guy who openly CLAIMED that he was against the used games industry and that he hoped it died soon and he hit the roof about this. He was furious and publicly told everyone to not get an Xbox one. The fact that Microsoft has constantly changed their story, mainly because of bad press hasn't helped their case.

    There's billions of rumors flying around about the Xbox One. One about Gamestop making a deal with Xbox and they're going to be the only ones who sell used games from them destroying a lot of the rest of the market. Amazon, eBay and small used game stores come to mind. I don't buy at Gamestop anymore because I found a small used game store that's a LOT cheaper than Gamestop and gives you a much better deal. To that Xbox is going into the market themselves and making a monopoly of it because they will control the price of their product new or used, lets not forget the fact that they'd probably credit your account and you could only spend it on the XboxOne.

    As for the companies crying over the used games. Guess how that's working out? A lot of people have reacted badly to Nintendo deciding to charge money for Lets Plays. The reaction to used games for Xbox speaks for itself. Sony, they made a system where you can record the Lets plays DIRECTLY into the system and post it afterwards. They have adapted to the changes and people are loving them for it. They found a huge marketing ploy and they're taking advantage of it. Why is it a goldmine? Simple: The number of people who most likely watch the Lets Plays and decide to buy the game based off that is substantially high. If I'm torn about a game, I will go and watch a Lets Play to see if I like it. That's how I got into Assassin's Creed and Portal. They can't BUY that kind of advertising. Fifteen to maybe even ten years ago, you had to depend on word of mouth and commercials, no one else has adjusted to this and Sony is the first one to do so, and they'll most likely make a fortune off it and sell more games than ever.

    Xbox is not changing their tune to the dancers and are expecting them to adjust to us. If we say no, they try to force us to dance to their tune with hardware and technology. Yes, it hurts their companies to not sell nearly as many games, but they've had YEARS of this going on, first of all. They had time to adjust to this accordingly on this happening. The used game phenomenon has been around at least since the NES era if not earlier. And yes, they have tried, but no one has been buying or so few people have been buying that they decided to make us change instead of trying something new. The quality of games so far this generation hasn't been as spectacular as the last generations. How do i know this? Because they're cracking down now after years of doing nothing.

    Something has happened to the industry, maybe it's the economy, maybe it's the games, maybe it's something else, but something has changed for them to ban used games. Hell, Rare which is famous for competing against Square for some of the best games of two generations is now making Kinect games. Square is falling back on sequels that I won't get back into. This is overall hurting the industry. If Microsoft falls completely, another company will take it's place. It's actually good for the industry to go through something like this because it allows another company to grow and take it's place. It's a massive part of economics that helps the industry grow. And it will hurt some franchises, Halo probably being the worst, but things will take it's place.

    Used games will always be around, and the companies have to be used to the fact by now. If they're falling apart, it's their own problem.
    Post by: Sara, May 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Sara
    I've seen cases where people own big screen tv's, brand new cars, cell phones, video game systems, etc...

    While hoarding several dozens of animals while claiming they're fine with them being skin and bones. I do think in some situations it is abuse because they can afford it, but they don't want to pay for the treatment of animals. I do agree with Nights, you have to know your limits and know when to say no. A lot of these people are elderly and believe they're taking in the animals as their children, but if there was a family with 10 kids and they were starving, it'd be considered abuse.
    Post by: Sara, May 28, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Sara
    I grew up in an abusive household where it seemed like the only way to GET my dad to accept you was apologize. It became a very nervous habit when I hit teenagerhood and I have never really broke it or made any success on it. It drives my friends and mom crazy. I apologize for everything, to the point where I have to explain it. I can't find a way to break it, but when I feel bad for someone, I apologize for what they're going through and if I feel I did something wrong.

    I think some people need to accept that some people just like apologizing. For me all my friends and my mom wants me to break it even though I can't seem to get over it. It is a part of life.
    Post by: Sara, May 26, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    Another thing that really got to me is the barking. I have very sensitive ears. To the point where I can hear a dog whistle going off in a movie and/or in real life. I've had this since I was a little kid and honestly didn't know that I wasn't supposed to hear the dog whistle until my teens and was very surprised to hear that I wasn't supposed it. My mom blew a dog whistle in a room I was in and I heard it as clear as day and my mom said that wasn't possible.

    The thing is with me, is when I'm close to dogs that bark, it REALLY hurts my ears. My eardrums start rattling very hard and I can actually hear it. If I'm around a lot of dogs a long time that are barking, it really hurts my ears after a short time and sometimes I can go insane with the pain and it actually scares me. I used to work at a veterinary hospital and after a while with four dogs there I couldn't stand the noise anymore and had to leave early. The kitten is standing there next to a huge, loud barking dog in a concrete garage where the noise is bouncing and echoing back to it. I can't imagine how painful it is for the kitten to be exposed to that for a few seconds let alone a few minutes.
    Post by: Sara, May 26, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Sara
    I think whoever named it is going to get shot soon...

    The Xbox was named the 360 because Microsoft didn't want to call it Xbox2 because it wouldn't sound as powerful as PS3. So now they just took a step back and named it XboxOne instead.

    >< I just heard bout it, don't know if it's true.
    Post by: Sara, May 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sara
    I really did get a kick out of the fact that there was a dog twitter account. I probably shouldn't have.

    Knowing that my Internet doesn't work for some of the players. (Springboard and I have a deep and utter loathing for each other because of how crappy it is for me.) And that my cable service provider is the same place pretty much for me says I can't use the tv with my Xbox. Also, I should've made it more clearer: When the system comes OUT, it will only be available via U.S., most likely other countries will get it at some point.

    From what it sounds like, Microsoft has to make deals with the cable companies themselves to make this work. I wonder how many they have if any at all. If I'm wrong, correct me.

    Oh, this is a good one: You can't say Kinect AT ALL or Xbox when not playing or talking to your parents while playing. Apparently it responds to any voice command. Even the 360 does so:

    It apparently cut off the stream for a lot of people during the reveal because the Kinect for the 360 was responding to the vocal commands of the presenters.
    Post by: Sara, May 26, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Sara
    I found this video on Youtube recently, it's not graphic. But it angered me anyway and a lot of people defended it. I was curious to see what people thought:

    I would have to personally say, it was abuse. I looked at the kittens body language and it was obviously terrified and huddled. Yes, the dog thought it was a game, but the kittens back was arched and tail stiff. The owners deliberately poked it so they obviously weren't allowing it to run when it thinks there's a threat in front of it which leads to fight instinct in animals. Even tame ones.

    I have seen this happen before where I went to my godmothers relatives house and they had a cat. The cat loved people, it was rolling around on the floor, playful and very sweet. When the owners came home, he turned into a terrified, cornered animal. They teased it and at one point surrounded it and cornered it to the point where it fled into the basement. They thought it was a game and thought it was hilarious while I watched sickened. The cat years later at my godmothers house who spoils her cats rotten was still terrified of guests and hid under the bed whenever they came over.

    So what do you think, is it abuse or play what's going on?

    EDIT: Sorry about the screencap, it's not my choice on what it comes out as. ><
    Thread by: Sara, May 25, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion