I've heard of Fable, but not have really tried it. I would like to give it a go now, it sounds like a really interesting game. That and Fable II which is another I've never really tried.
Maybe I was wrong, the critic said that some countries like Canada have no ads. But maybe he was wrong and/or it's only certain parts of the country. I live in the U.S. so I don't know what happens in Canada and ads, tbh. I will always support a website for making videos. I actually go out of my way and try to find the best way to give them the most money via ads. I.E: Their website, or actually Youtube if you have a paying account with them apparently.
Nah... I still have my college stash somewhere around here, I dig into it once in a while.
As long as someone says: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In three years from now, or tomorrow......
Oh, didn't you know? EA owns Bioware now. *waits for the explosion to die down*
Uh, dude...? It's on the 360/PS4/Wii/PC.... *blows streamer* Though I have to admit, that was a show stealer.
That's what a lot of people said when the press conference was held, yes... Also, notice how 90% of the games was sports related and they even dragged out a representative of EA to talk during the conference.[DOUBLEPOST=1370291094][/DOUBLEPOST] I'm guessing if they do that, it'll cost more money. A lot more money. :P
I'm hoping for the latter, but I have a funny feeling since they teamed up with EA... IT's the former. EA has been voted the worst company of the year, twice... For ANY business.
Well, from what my friends are saying: "Halo only comes out on Xbox, we have to get it." That and: "We have stable internet connections, don't rent and don't give a **** about the rest." Or: "We'll wait until E3 for the rest." So I'm guessing Microsoft is depending heavily on the fanbase. A friend of mine was upset when I told him I wasn't getting one even though I was a fan of Halo.[DOUBLEPOST=1370219249][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah: "500 gigs is enough space for plenty of games, it's stupid people are upset about that." Just saying what I'm hearing from people who want it. I also get a lot of upset/angry comments, too.
Exactly how I feel. lolz... My friends who are huge Halo fans are really upset about this. One who lives at a military base keeps on denying that they will do it because he doesn't have ten feet of space for the Kinect.
Btw... if you want this to continue, I need ideas for old games that continue until today. It can be major changes to the games, or small, but they have to be old games from the 1980's to the 1990's that continue on today. Thanks, send me a PM and I'll credit you. I already have a few, so if you send one I already was planning, I'll let you know.
Since the last one seemed popular, which do you guys prefer, the old Final Fantasy games or the new ones? And when would you say you stopped losing interest if old. Or is it both? I would have to say old, the storylines seemed spectacular and grand. World exploration was an adventure just waiting for you and the leveling system was extremely simple. I would say I officially lost interest in XII, but now I can't play through after VII, so it's a toss up.
The amount of stuff you have to go through in the beginning. "This is what Pokemon are, this is how they're used, this is how you battle them, this is a Pokedex, this is how you catch a pokemon, this is how you use the Pokecenter..." Me: Isn't it the same as the rest of the games?
Yeah, I wish they made it OPTIONAL instead of forced. I played all the games, I FRIGGING KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO WITHOUT A REMINDER. *breathes* Though I know it's for the new people, but seriously... Make it optional for the people who are old hat.
lolz... That's a Bazinga... He's sitting there stretched out twitching his tail staring at the wall blankly.
It's 90 out and he's sleeping in the hallway with his fur sticking up all over the place trying to keep cool.
I meant bicycles, but you bring up a good point with motorcycles so I'll allow both. =3 Yeah, we have a biker bar outside of our town and we get a ton of motorcycles. It really bothers me because they usually remove the muffler which makes the noise unbearable for me. I've seen them do the same thing with motorcycles. It gets more dangerous with it and can cause more accidents because they're on the road completely with no rules other than the regular ones usually. I've seen several nasty accidents involving them, sadly. Though I don't know who's fault it was.
Alright, in my state there's a huge trend amongst bike riders and drivers called "Share the Road". Basically it means that bikers respect the space and avoid crowding the drivers while following general traffic laws like stopping at red lights, not taking up the whole street, and stopping on the side of the road if there's cars behind them. Cars at the same time are supposed to slow down and keep a respectful distance away from the bikes. There's also been hundreds of bike trails and adjustments made to the roads such as a wider and longer side of the road for the bikes. The problem is, I often see a lot more bikers disrespecting the rules and the cars than following the rules. They say share the road and have bumper stickers. But they're downright rude to the drivers, one was calling out insults to my mom when we were driving ahead of them and too slowly. They were also taking up a whole half of the road and ignoring the drivers behind them. They then cut across a intersection without looking while the cars for their side was stopped. I've seen this happen again and again with bikers. I have seen some bikers who respect the drivers and keep to the side of the road and/or pull aside and let cars pass when they're blocking the way, but more often then not I see bikers causing dangerous even deadly near-accidents with their actions. So I'm curious: Do you think Share the Road is good or bad? Oh yeah, bikers in this case=bike riders. Though motorcycles are allowed too. I meant bike riders in my earlier comments.
You can used Actio- *shot* X__________X I got it too, I ran into a few hitches, but am playing much better this time. =3