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  1. Sara

    E3 2013

    To change a quote from the 1990's Godzilla:

    "That's alotta boxes."

    *gets booed off-stage* IT'S A JOKE, EVEN IF IT'S A BAD ONE!!!

    I'm actually looking forward to E3 and seeing what they're going to show for games. Can't go of course. =3
    Post by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    I read an interesting fact:

    They did the movie in order so the kids would get attached to the teacher. At the end of the movie they were having a hard time doing the ending because of their emotions during it.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Sara
    Actually, from what I heard Steam is going by the way of the console: They're making used games available.

    Steam even with the lower prices has a massive advantage. I checked out Steam in curiosity because I heard so much about their discounts. I can get things 75% off the original price. Every single game there is on sale on the front page. They say you can wait a WEEK and get a brand new game half off. I have seen this once in a blue moon in say Amazon, but not that early in say, a Halo game or COD. The reason Steam is booming and is getting great press from gamers is because it's $40 for a brand new game, and then they slash the prices with discounts, they let you lend games, but you have to share accounts, and I've heard they're changing that, too.

    If they ever go into the console business, they will win by a landslide. Microsoft is trying this with the price of games at $60 dollars a shot. Though I heard rumors of it lowering, not sure.

    Maybe movies are more cheaper to make, but I have to disagree because they still have to do the work of making games be translated to other countries like it is from Japan to other countries. I'm guessing very soon if it hasn't happened yet, the games will hit the same playing level as movies with amount of cost. Movie production is hideously expensive, if they don't do well in the U.S., yes, they might do well in another country, but it's the same with games. I don't know how much that applies to the system, but I know most likely they make the consoles a mass production for all countries because you're asking for a lot more expenses if you don't.

    You do bring a point about theaters, but the price of a movie ticket is getting sky high in itself. I know places where they do false advertising for 3D movies to make you pay the extra price. (Angry Joe got that when he went to see The Last Airbender). I remember in the 1990's and early 2000's they said the movie and music industry was dying because of the piracy and it's been going strong since then.

    The consumers paying more for movies, music and games because they say: "We're getting ripped off." Is not the right solution. Making all these restrictions and rules is not the right restriction.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  4. Sara
    An interesting note about you and casual gamers:

    The Wii came in swinging for the casual gamers. I would someone to name more than 10 games that weren't made for party/kid/family/sport games. Including the ones like Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Mario and Pokemon. NOT including Japan which I've heard had a MUCH larger market than NOA, but that's another story. Wii really fell on the short side of this battle and might do okay in the U because of the One being so screwed up.

    Despite the casual gamers market seeming strong, and Wii was doing great for a while. It doesn't hold together for a long period of time. Nintendo lost 926 million in 2011. 26 million the year before. Overall, that doesn't affect Nintendo much, they can take strong losses and continue, but for Xbox that never hit a monopoly and is competing against a very strong PS4 and Wii U. I think they won't make it.

    As for piracy, yes, I know it is a problem. Is it crippling? No, the movie industry has had this problems since basically the start of movies, the music industry has hit severe problems with piracy too. Though Apple found a brilliant way of fixing it with Itunes where you can get one song for under two dollars, most one dollar. And they have continued and maybe not thrived, but are doing a strong enough job to continue and make a good profit out of it.

    Piracy is always going to be around, you can still make a profit with it, and you don't have to force people to be punished for going the legal way and buying your products and actually enjoy it without stealing it.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Sara
    Since the Xbox One came out, which I have gone into enough tangents now at least for this week, I was thinking about one of the reasons Microsoft is doing this whole thing:


    From what I've picked up, there was a shitload of piracy from the 360 and controllers, etc... So they have made this new system very strict on it's rules because of this. This isn't for just games, I'm talking about movies, cd's, etc... Anything that you can make an illegal copy of and sell and/or give away for free without permission or the patent from the company it was made from.

    So we all know it's illegal and most likely every single person has done some piracy around here at least once, but do you think as people who buy the systems/cds/movies legally, do you think we should pay and have a lot of rules and restrictions on how we watch/play/listen because of what happens outside our control?
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Sara
    I love this movie... I saw it in my English class.

    The ending is tremendously sad, but it has a lot of depth to it. It really shows what parents and schools were like back then and how much the kids changed under one teacher. A must see.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Sara
    Joe's going nuts on his Vlog, lolz...

    Anyway, he did bring up a good point, the whole system is making you RENT the games out. They even say themselves: "Hey, we can shut down this whole thing at any time and leave you to dry." That's always good to know, you can decided to totally shut down all the games I have and if you don't make it backwards compatible the new system if you even get that far, then people are boned.

    Wow, just wow... Microsoft.

    I keep on hoping that they keep on getting knocked back and learn. They didn't listen at Windows 8 and it bit them hard with no fixing the OS, (I have it and haven't seen any fixes. Just saying.) And now they're doing the same with the One.

    Oh yeah, Microsoft apparently cancelled their post press conference interview. Good way to keep the confidence with the consumers.

    I heard a really good point brought up, back a few years ago, Playstation's network was hacked, it hasn't happened with Xbox, but if they do and shut down the servers for a full month, what happens to all the gamers and the One? One person put it as: Now it's just a brick.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, you can have ten accounts using the game, but at least ONE family member has to have Gold. So you have to pay sixty dollars a year or maybe even more because now it's REQUIRED for multi-use accounts to play games. I have never used Gold except the month that I got it for free with the system. I liked it, but would I pay sixty dollars a year for it? With the paycheck I get? Hell no.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Sara
    This sorta reminds me of when my boss announced that they were going to record all calls and all I thought was: "Wow, they're going to get about 30 phone calls a month of me calling my mom before I head home." Now they're going to get a lot of recordings of my mom arguing with her family members. I pity the poor ******* if anything happens who has to sit through that.

    On a more serious note...

    I'm actually not surprised, especially since it's under the Patriots Act. This whole Patriots Act reminds me of the Red Scare in the 1960's and when wiretapping, listening in to phone calls and god-knows what else went on. If you never saw "Good day, and good night." I HIGHLY recommend that movie in just how much of a risk those journalists were taking to expose what the hell was going on in the system. Anyway, it's now a part of life, will it change anything for the good? Maybe, will it affect a lot of innocent people because of paranoia? Most likely, and hopefully at some point someone will realize how insanely out of control this is getting and stop it.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  9. Sara
    Thanks for proving my point about the Internet and used games, Libre.

    That still REALLY hurts the market for a lot of "small" retailers. This means I can't sell the games online and get my own profit for it which there's a huge market at Amazon, and the smaller stores most likely can't participate either, and I get MUCH more money and a deal with them than I do with gamestop. I won't go back into the whole: "What I get for a deal" because I'm tired of typing it. :P But it's a thousand times better than gamestop ever will be.

    I'm glad they're not doing the account sharing. That's suicide for anyone, the stories I can tell you about people sharing accounts...

    Anyway, it looks like Microsoft is loosening up and changing their tune. I keep on hoping their tune changes more and more so it becomes a REAL competitor for the other systems. Right now, it seems out because of how many groups are affected by the restrictions.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Sara
    The problem is Peace...

    The majority of the players don't have that much space in a room. The Kinect requires a certain amount of space for them to detect you, from what I heard last, 10 feet. I don't have ten feet of space in my room, I lived in a dorm room for two years and the most you get is ten feet of space in your room. the people who are in wheelchairs can't interact with the Kinect. I have read comments about this already, I have read gamers and huge fans of games from Halo and other series refusing to buy the One because of all the restrictions placed on it. Angry Joe who refused to buy any other system than the 360 is already saying he might not buy the system along with other gaming reviewers/LP'ers saying they might not buy the system because of these changes.

    There might be enough people to support the system, but even before One comes out if they don't change anything crosses out a lot of players due to their requirements and standards. Okay, they want to stop piracy and used games, wonderful. This has been around since the first system came out, the dark side of used games thread I already went into depth about why so many people don't like this idea: Microsoft wants people to dance to their tune and suck it up. Gamers don't want to do that, and with the new requirements, forget the Kinect even for a moment, many can't dance that tune because of what Microsoft is doing.

    I live in Maine, the Southern edge of it, my mom just called me 30 minutes away from our home on her cell and can barely get any connection with me on her cell, the connection is terrible. Go an hour or two away from where I live, you have no service at all, period. My mom tried to call someone from a rural town and they said the only connection is two feet of space in the middle of a bridge across a river. And they were dead serious, we tried it.

    The Internet isn't reliable up here, I lived in a college area northern Maine and during storms I had a terrible time with the Internet. There's times when the power goes out for weeks to months. I know a storm here that knocked out the power for 25 million people and it took two months with six states helping us to recover. It's a part of life, how are you supposed to check in every 24 hours when your power and Internet goes out days at a time? Or are you supposed to just suck it up? And this is in the United States, what about Canada? I know someone who lives in Northern Canada who has the same problems I do if not worse with his Internet, what are they supposed to do?

    What about the people who don't have much money? Or the people who are uncertain about a game? We should buy the game new and just realize if we don't like the game we have to keep it? Is that really fair? Or a friend who wants to loan a game to a friend who can't afford one right now? Should he say: "Too bad, you can't pay the fee for the game, suck it up?"

    This affects a lot of people. The media thinks it's wonderful, great... They can keep their systems. The gamers who love Halo and Fable and whatever other games come out for the system who meets Microsoft's requirements, great, they can have it.

    But what about the rest? What about the ones who can't meet the requirements? I know some people will buy the system, even if I wanted to play Halo, even if I wanted to play Fable, I can't simply because Microsoft has made it impossible with this system. the only thing that will make it possible is if Microsoft changes it themselves to more of the consumer demands. If they do this, even after E3, and they come out with great games...

    They have a lot of their fans back. Right now there's a lot of fans upset and angry about this because Microsoft is making their system, just from the reveal and what is said afterwards, completely inaccessible to them because of their standards.[DOUBLEPOST=1370560310][/DOUBLEPOST]I should also mention: If we take this laying down, and I've heard this A TON of times since the conference:

    This will continue. It will become the new standard of gaming as much as the Wii Mote and motion sensors. There will be no more lending games to friends, no more used games that we can get/sell, none of this. It will be used on each and every system and the reaction and thought of this is angering a lot of people.

    Hell, even STEAM where you can get a game for 40 bucks brand new and can't sell used is changing their policy from what I heard. They're trying to go into the used game market and they have been booming from the start. That alone says something about the used games market.

    EDIT: Another interesting note, when the games were bought and people spent a lot of money on games for Atari. I don't know if this was before used games became a seller, it crashed the industry. People no longer bought games because they had no idea if the games were good and when they sucked, they stopped buying.

    I'm not saying this will happen now, the market is MUCH more stable than it was back then. But it's an example of what can happen with stuff like this.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    She interprets art as it is in the most simplest form: Art hung on walls and/or sculptures.

    She even sees movies/tv shows as entertainment. Even the most unforgettable tv shows/movies are considered entertainment, even the Wizard of Oz. Which I think is art, including several games.

    Hell, Assassin's Creed could be considered art at least for me when I play it I get a different interpretation and thought process than others.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Sara
    The thing is, though...

    The press conference didn't have to FOCUS on the tv. They spent 90% of the conference, an hour long press conference, I might add. Talking about television and EA Sports. The dog got the most press for about three minutes of being focused on. I hope they do focus on games, but them saying, and this stuck with me the most as did the commentator I watched: "We have 15 exclusives being made, and 8 of them original."

    But why didn't they SHOW us gameplay for ANY of those games? Why show us over and over and over and over EA sports when usually it's a casual market. I know most likely, there are other gamers who play them, but I'm saying in general. Why not even show us a trailer? They had one, and it was good, I admit, but the info on it being exclusive or anything else was nil.

    This shows at least to me, they are saying stuff they don't know is happening. Right now as far as we know, it could be a contract with EA or one of their many merged companies to make these games and they haven't even started them yet or written down any ideas for them. With the Indie market gone, they have to depend on the large companies to make these games, do you think if they see no promises in the console and the fact that their company is making up stuff as they go along without proper research. That they would join up with a system and spend god-knows how much money making exclusive games for Microsoft without any guarantee of a profit?

    The reason why it went so well for them in the 360 was because the system was MASSIVELY popular. It was more liked than the PS3 in some cases. May be it was back and forth, but the 360 seemed to win the last console war by quite a bit. Companies made games for the system because they knew it was going to do well and they'd get a good if not great return. It sorta reminds me of the SNES days and Nintendo days when they dominated the market and most companies bent over backwards to make games for the system exclusively.Though I admit that this was a lot more even playing ground.

    Now with all the bad press and a lot of people and media, you can't forget the media in this. Saying that you shouldn't buy the Xbox and refuse to because of all the mistakes they are making with these companies watching, do you think they would honestly go and do this to make an exclusive game for the system?

    Most companies won't. Microsoft needs to pull it together and stop jumping the gun. E3 might show me wrong, if it does, fine. If they fix the many flaws that stop me dead from getting a One and many others, great. Right now they're drowning with no way out.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Sara
    Yeah, I confess I got this idea from the video.

    There's so many meanings to interpret games. Right now after watching the ending of Braid which is a MASSIVE art game and I highly recommend. People are still in heavy debate about the ending and the symbolism of it. What I interpret as the ending a lot of different other people are saying something different. Like a painting on the wall or a sculpture, I interpret it differently than other people do. Even the simplest games, hell, even Pong, can be considered art because people have a lasting memory of it.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Sara


    I just sat through a playthrough of it and I have to say:

    It is probably the most fascinating game I've seen in ages. Even better than Heavy Rain. The ending is a flat-out shocker, and the music and drawings for it along with the story is fantastic. It's a puzzle game where you take pieces of puzzles and make them. The whole goal is to rescue the princess that you want to rescue. You leave everything to do it.

    I won't tell you the ending, but the symbolism and meaning to the ending is heavy and it's an amazing game. I highly recommend it.

    Anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 5, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Sara
    One moment...

    I gotta lmao and put this down in my business class paper of: "How to make your company fall"

    Sorry, when I got my new laptop and was forced to "upgrade" to Windows 8 which is a MASSIVE train wreck for most users including myself who spent five days cursing over the damned thing until a company offered me five dollars to fix all the problems. With the logo I might add that says: "We actually listened to the consumers complaints about 8 and fixed them for you for five bucks." Where Microsoft tested the product out and GOT these complaints way before hand and still went with it because they wanted to and their product is doing terribly as a result...

    (yes, there's a point to this libre. :P)

    I see another Microsoft train wreck from Windows 8 coming at full speed and no brakes. I do like the Xbox, I am a fan of Halo and like the books. I am eh about Mass Effect and maybe getting it, but I do love Halo. I have seen users who love Xbox who are turning away because of Halo 4 which I think was an okay game, but it wasn't as good as the last two even though they're getting the system still.

    Microsoft, either it's the new president and maybe the higher ups (I haven't forgotten Adam Orth, living in a rural area.) who thinks that all his ideas are the best and isn't listening to anyone else, or has just gotten so far and so long without any problems it's falling into it's own pitfalls of arrogance of believing they'll never fall like Sega and sometimes Nintendo. Or they are just don't give a crap anymore and are going out with a bang as one of the worst consoles of all time. Or it's EA, who has their own reputation and the public's reputation as being the worst company in the U.S. if not the world two times in a row for any business.

    They're not listening to the gamers, they're not listening to the people who will buy the system. Hell, most of them don't even REALIZE that people with disabilities and most people don't have ten feet of free space in their homes, and I'm sure parents would be thrilled watching their kids slaughter Convenant in the living room in front of them and say god-knows what over the microphone in CoD and Halo multiplayer. Not including what fights will break out when a bratty sister comes in and tells Kinect to watch My Little Pony when the brother is playing a game.

    They got way too arrogant and who knows, maybe even lazy with this next gen war. They were at the top competing with Sony the last generation and it has bitten them hard this generation so far. One of my friends commented saying that it was obviously a last-minute throw together that whole conference. And the thing is: They DELAYED theirs for six weeks after Sony's conference. They DELIBERATELY delayed their conference after Sony's came out. One put it best: Why didn't you knock our socks off? Why didn't you wait until E3 when you were SURE about what was going on.

    Instead they did it early and now it's REALLY biting them back in the ass. Exactly what happened with Windows 8 unless they sit down and start all over again and/or start listening to people again.[DOUBLEPOST=1370474401][/DOUBLEPOST]Btw, anyone who doesn't know:

    Adam Orth was a very higher up in the gaming section of Microsoft. He was twittering a friend of his about always online play which he says is now a part of gaming. You always having to have the console on and always connected. The conversation went to hell in a handbasket in five tweets and he was quickly sacked with a public apology.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Sara
    I got into a heated debate about this with my mom and have heard this bouncing around a lot in the last years. Do you think video games are Art or Entertainment? Why?

    I think they're art that is entertainment. Anything someone makes that's their own is art, but you are still entertained by the game, you can still sit down and enjoy the beauty of a game while playing and interacting with it. Heavy Rain and Shadow of the Colossus are two games I can never play simply because of it being so much art, it'd be hard for me to play through because of how hard the decisions made in it are.

    Note: Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 5, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Sara

    *notices everyone staring at me* .......... what.........? I'm no longer staff. I get to have fun. :P
    Post by: Sara, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  18. Sara
    Maybe it was the comments who did that. It's been a while since I saw it so might have gotten mixed up. I wouldn't blame the critic since it might've been my fault.

    People do say that, but then say: "Why do you take so long making videos? Why are you no longer making videos?" These videos take time, I know one critic who makes a series in his spare time of basically once a year because it takes him so long to do it, another group of critics are doing the same with another set of videos. If they cut back on what they do to make the videos to please their fans and have a job, it will lose the appeal of a lot of fans who watch it. One of my favorite critics I mainly watch for his fantastic storylines. He doesn't do it often, but when he does, it's well written and a pleasure to watch. If he found a job and tried to make videos, he wouldn't have time to do half the stuff he does in his videos.

    If you take the example of the three critics. Their whole humor is mostly based on what happens AROUND them. They are doing it in a cartoon setting with a lot of cartoon humor thrown in. That takes a lot of time to draw all those scenes since their reviews can run 45 minutes or longer. Not including them collaborating together and writing out these stories, jokes and ideas. If they had a job, they couldn't do 90% of the stuff they're doing in the videos.

    People love this entertainment. If they didn't, these videos wouldn't have survived as long. You wouldn't have people going into this business. Them asking for money is so they can sit down every week/month/year and make it for people to enjoy it. They take that money and ensure it continues without problems on a good schedule, if they had a job, they could do none of that and then people would STILL be complaining about why the videos now suck and/or are taking so much longer because they were too cheap/thought they were too lazy to find a "real" job.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  19. Sara
    I think they still get the money if it's skipped. Even if you don't, you can just let the ad play, mute it and go check your e-mails or something. Even the critic said that in his own video, he'll still get paid for it.

    No that you mention it Patman, there is only one or two french people on the site. Benzai being one of them, and I have a feeling he lives off it, but it might be he lives in the U.S. now and can. Maybe in the U.S. they get a better cut or something.I do know they do use effects in some of the series, one I constantly watch for the story always has extras and guests coming on along with special effects. So maybe they get paid more or something else.

    I think the Adblock thing is mainly because people want the choice or don't want to sit through a 60 second ad. Though it's funny they want to sit through 90 seconds of silence instead of a 60 second ad instead.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sara
    Actually, I know several critics who make a living off of this. If they went and found a real job, they would not be able to post the videos that people want as often or at all.

    The whole TGWTG crew is mostly supported by their revenue from the ads. The critic who spoke up about the ads does this for a living and said honestly it pays his rent. It's the same of a group of people who recently LOST their ad revenue from Youtube and was telling people they might have to close the show if they didn't manage to find another way to raise money via Blip and their website.

    There's others who are starting out who are doing this as a side thing but are hoping if they get enough support and money it'll become their living. I do agree with you, there are pirates who take the videos made by others and post them to get money. Hell, when this site started we had a shitload of problems with that before we made a logo in the corner of all our vids. I don't know if we do that anymore, though. It was hair-pulling for the owner and he was getting massively pissed about it.

    I do have to agree with your article, DA... They want everything for free and to be easy. When it's not, they say you're bitching and begging for money despite the fact you sit down and watch every one of our videos. It's pretty sad.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Discussion