Ironically enough, I already have ACII and am not interested in Fable III, so I don't really care about them doing this. :P ACIII... Maybe.
*tosses a dead flower on it's grave* It's sad that it didn't even have a chance to live. I wish that there was still meebo around so I could see all the reactions of Xbox fans and their rage who said: "Just wait until E3, they'll knock our socks off." Watching Xbox's E3 press conference. I don't know if it's the accents, or the way they say the words, but the speakers are annoying me. I'm not racist or anything, just saying that my first thought with the first speaker was: "Wow, kids in my high school spoke better."
Yeah, I edited it when I googled the article. Sorry about that. That was a knee-jerk reaction from me. Still.... Why? Why do that? It is WRONG. Killer Instinct has a huge fan base, and people would be scrambling to get it, now it's pay for every character. Why....? Oh yeah, and another rumor: You need Gold $60 a year, for Netflix. Hello, Sony. You have just won E3 despite Microsoft's efforts to block you, how do you feel?
Also heard that Killer Instinct is F2P, BUT you only have one character available to you, the rest you have to pay for. That is wrong... Just... Wrong... I grew up on Killer Instinct, and though I won't rush out and get it, I still am facepalming at this.
This is interesting, I heard that all the games Xbox showed was never shown for Sony because Microsoft paid them not to do it. And they STILL won E3. That is a massive tip of my hat to them.
I can't afford a PS4 when it comes out, but they're going to get me on Christmas of next year for sure. I can't wait, everyone in my state will be aiming for the 4. =3
Sony's got this in the bag... I actually am a Halo fan and I'm not touching this with a 100 foot long pole. I heard Halo is going to be on a desert next time, anyway.
lolz... Morning... wish I didn't stay up so late for the E3 conference, though it was worth it with the PS4.
Dear God, I love Sony's humor. I saw this at another site. They really are insulting Microsoft and it's hilarious to watch.
You know, for a long time I didn't feel any excitement towards any games coming out. I was just: "Eh..." For the new systems that are now out, mainly because I really found no reason to get them until way later. Especially with me being a huge PS2 fan and the PS3 having a six hundred dollar price tag I couldn't dream of touching and not touching the Xbox. But now, I find myself actually looking forward to PS4, I came in here thinking: "Well, PS4 couldn't do as bad as One." And they blew me away completely. Great work, Sony... You earned this.
Dear God, I hope not. I can't afford a PS4 this year and I was counting on the PS3 releases to play on there to get the games on the one system. If they did both consoles of KHIII and HD, I'd be thrilled.
The price is still too high for me, next year I'm guessing when the deals hit. *sigh* The whole online thing, I really honestly don't do, but if I had to, that's not a huge deal for me to do PS+, though I probably won't do much if any online stuff.
One moment: *walks outside and yells at the top of my lungs* I'm back. Damnit, I can't afford a PS4 right now... Why couldn't it be on both?! I love the trailer and I'm so excited for the game to come out. Maybe I can afford it depending on the price of the system. But I LOVE it already. Especially the heartless swirl and the possibility of it.
Pretty much what I thought: Sony: This is our new system, it is totally everything that the Xbox One is forcing you to do. Now watch dancing kittens for two hours and buy our consoles. And everyone buys their consoles. Yeah, when they go on sale, my wallet is too thin to get it this year. I am getting a 4 and no One. I saw the trailer for KHIII and the new system. PS4 won, hands down this round. Probably the war already. I can't wait to get it. Anyone know the price yet?
Xbox kinda reminds me right now about their systems with Windows. They always have a pattern of: "Holy crap, best OS ever." To: "F'ing hell, this is the worst OS I've ever seen." Though some people might like it, the general opinion is mostly from: "This is great" to: "DEAR GOD, MAKE THIS TERROR END!!!" I don't know what the original Xbox was like, I never played it or looked into it. But the 360 was REALLY good. Maybe Microsoft just has this never ending cycle like this and this is going to be another Vista, 8, ME of consoles for them. Their presentation seemed, eh... The only games I really seemed to like are for Kinect. I am interested in EA's offer.
I don't know, Sony seems to have really thrown everything out there this console. Right now, all they probably have to do is say: "We're doing the exact opposite of Xbox, watch some dancing kitties for the next hour." And they'd still have floods of people buying their consoles because of what they said so far. The trailers for the games Pre-E3 look fantastic.
With all the bad press they're getting and the rumors flying around about the One and what they're doing to make themselves look good. (Including a rumor that they're paying people to make good reviews and pay for/host a website that still say it's a bad console, not sure if it's true.) This seems a perfect time to quell the rumors. I saw the Pre-E3 videos and I was "eh..." During most of it. The only ones that caught my attention were Kinect. The price alone is way outside of my budget. I hope they don't pull a sony and only sell 4 per store or something.
I think we actually agree on something for once, Patman. :P The biggest part of the piracy is that they had years to adjust to it. Yes, the used game market is booming, partly because in my eyes, the games aren't as good as they used to be at least from the big publishers. Though there are games taking their place, like Catherine, Infamous, and other such games. The big industries who are still relying on the same old formula except for a few like Nintendo franchises mostly and the debatable Halo franchise if you look at 4 and consumers reactions, it's not working as well. Square except for Kingdom Hearts is depending heavily on their Final Fantasy series which with XIII and XIV though it was liked by some people, was still badly received by consumers. XIV reached a point where they did a public apology for how bad the game was. Rare which was FAMOUS for a TON of games on SNES and 64 is now last I heard recently making Kinect games. There are companies coming on their own, Ubisoft, the makers of Catherine, Infamous, companies like that will probably do well soon. But either it's people who don't buy those games often, (I haven't really heard of either Infamous or Catherine before this week.) or the fact that so many bad games are coming out from other companies consumers are hesitant to buy new games when they can get them cheaper used.There is more going on than: "This is piracy with used games and we're losing money due to easy access to piracy and used games." Maybe it's the cost of the system, the systems last I checked is still 200-300 dollars. That's a lot of money especially with the economy going as it is right now. Maybe it's MS just being an *******, Sony recently said: "We're not doing half the stuff that MS is doing with the PS4." Maybe they don't see piracy as a big enough threat to worry about it, or they see this despite the fact piracy will be easier because of the risk, the backlash against the One will be worth it. You have to have something to strongly compete in this kind of market today. You have to have something that really sticks out. Nintendo has it's brand name, Sony has the fact that they're riding on MS's bad publicity and the fact that they're trying their damned hardest to please the gamers this one. Microsoft is depending heavily on the casual gamers, the fans of games that are being made exclusive, and the poor schmuck who doesn't know any better and spends 500 bucks on a system not realizing what they're getting into. Will that work? Maybe, a lot of the fans are hoping it's not. Will it be popular as PS4, probably not, they'll lose money for this, and most likely blame piracy for that, too. Maybe it will at some point in the future it will get as cheap as Steam and as easy to access as Steam. Hell, it might be what it is like for Apple at some point and itunes. Or what the DVD player is like for movies. If it does, I still have a feeling we'd be blamed for bad sales.
Oh yeah, Sony confirmed PS4 WON'T have the DRM or the used games restriction: It's a good article also.
NOTE: I know there's dozens of different spin-offs, so here's the conditions: - Mario is the main character. (No Luigi's Mansion) - He has to be doing some kind of jumping activities and fighting Koopa. (So no Sports, SSB, Kart and Party) So what do you prefer? The old games, like Super Mario Brothers 3 which was linear and mostly platforming. Or the new games, with free exploration and collecting items like Super Mario Galaxy. I'm also looking for ideas for Old vs. New games, it has to be before the 2000's and a series that still is continuing today. I will give you credit for the idea. I have tried both Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy, but I never found both of them appealing to finish. Super Mario 64 for me was just long and boring, the tasks got repetitive fast and it felt massively headache inducing to get some of those stars. Galaxy I actually was enjoying, like the Manta Ray race, but they only had it as side games and though I went back to them, the main parts of the game couldn't hold me long enough to play through the whole game. As for the old games. I actually really enjoy them. Whether it's the simplicity of the levels, or the fact I grew up with these games. I enjoy sitting down at any time and playing them. Super Mario Brothers 3 is still one of my highest favorites of classic games out there.