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  1. Sara
    The saddest thing is:

    I know a friend of mine who lives in Brazil, and I don't know what your internet connection is, Menos...

    And his Internet is really ******. He lives in the capital and uses Wifi now at his college, but he had severe problems including dial-up before that. He had problems doing anything beyond posting in forums and chatting. I don't know what it's like for most of Brazil...

    But I know that most can't meet MS's requirements and the downloads.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    It's not the military that are affected by this comment. After Mattrick posted this, I heard a lot of people saying:

    "What if you live in a country area?"

    I live in a country area on the East Coast. I luckily didn't get hit hard by Superstorm Sandy, but I know NJ and NY were especially hard hit and lost a lot of their power, not just the rich people on the shore, either. They lost their Internet for WEEKS, their cell phones for as long if not longer, there's a storm that hit where I lived once where 25 million people were without power for months. It took six states to fix the problem.

    No matter where you are, no matter if it's at a base on Afghanistan, the middle of the ocean, Death Valley, Silicon Valley or somewhere along the East Coast. Things happen, storms hit, the Internet goes out, **** happens. If that ever happens, anyone can end up with a 500 dollar paperweight if I don't even try to get a connection. I have found more people who think it's stupid that I live in the country and a place where I enjoy it despite my somewhat bad internet, there's people who think if they don't like the policies that are in the military, people who risk their lives every day fighting in a war for years at a time with no way to talk to home 90% of the time should go home crying to their mommy.

    I know there's trolls out there, but the fact that those words started with a president who says if you live where I am, I don't have the right to buy what I want with my own hard earned money. I find a deep insult to me and a lot of other people, not only in this country, but places like Spain, Africa, Asia, and probably some places in Russia amongst others who just was insulted for living in a place they like to live in or are doing something with their lives to make mine better.

    I know this will drive MS hopefully to the ground and they'll come back in a year with not only an apology, but a much better system, but until they do, they've just destroyed themselves and they keep on continuing with their actions. They haven't tried to lift a finger to fix their problems and damage that they're doing to their consumers and keep on stubbornly plowing on thinking that they'll win from sheer ego. I am glad that I have an option to walk away and get a PS4 instead.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  3. Sara
    Oh Dear Lord.........

    I just am.......

    I can't say it.[DOUBLEPOST=1371171030][/DOUBLEPOST]
    From the Huffington Post in the UK, it's a comment about the interview.

    It was so funny I had to post it.[DOUBLEPOST=1371173703][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh wow...

    Microsoft bit the hands that feed them with rabies:

    Projekt Red who is based in Poland and is doing the Witcher 3, was never told that their country is not on the launch list. They found out when the list went out. And Witcher is for the One.[DOUBLEPOST=1371175569][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Don's not the only guy who's shooting himself in the foot with a machine gun. I can't believe that.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sara
    True, but most of Europe is excluded from the start of the One being sold.

    I had a map showing it that Mish gave me...

    There we go.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Sara
    Probably some other things tossed in.

    ****ing God... Just... Wow... I gotta stop because I think some people will be ticked who I keep sending this too. But wow...

    I have a feeling a lot of the gamers are going to sit down in front of a camera and just justifiably bash MS for an hour about the One and their stupidity.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sara
    I heard that part, about the invasion of places by people paid by Microsoft.

    I also heard they have a MS sponsored forum and people are still bashing the Xbox One.

    If this is true: What in the **** are they smoking?
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sara

    I said it to Joe and another gamer. I like doing this stuff. =3
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sara
    As a person who lives in a country like setting, in a state where if you go half an hour North unless you live in a college town and/or the capital the Internet just flat-out sucks...

    I find these comments getting very insulting. Not just from Microsoft and the Developers, but defenders and trolls. They expect me to move, buy a new house, and get the best Internet that is offered so they can sell their product to me, hell no.

    Life doesn't work that way. Stop telling me what to do and not do. Sorry for the rant, guys. I'm already spreading the word. =3
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara
    Oh yeah, googled the guys name.

    He was working before another company before leaving, oh, I get a kick out of this.


    He worked for EA before leaving in 2007.

    He was offered president of this division and he left EA. Wow... That explains a lot. It's on the company's website. Along with more and more articles about what's going on with that Interview.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sara
    Xbox One will not be available MS is predicting in Asia until late 2014:

    There goes Asia for any sales. Especially since Sony is based there and has the market with Nintendo for a year.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    I like the huge wad of cash that was passed over. That was classic. Who knew a five second video can be this famous?
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sara
    Found it when showing a friend of mine the Sony video:

    I have to admit, it's very hilarious.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sara
    True, but the 360 most likely will reach obsoletes at some point. Note: Most likely, I can't tell the future.

    Maybe it'll stay until the brand new console after this if MS makes it that far, but most likely not. The lifespan of a new console after the new one comes back is usually very short, though some have lasted longer than the new one. (I.E.: The Atari 2600 off the top of my head.)

    Maybe it's best that they support the PS4 because of MS screwing them. But the comment was still out of line and insulting to other countries. I see your point, but still semi-disagree with the way that he said it and/or handled the situation.[DOUBLEPOST=1371149705][/DOUBLEPOST]An interesting note:

    Don Mattrick who is being interviewed and I mentioned before, is from EA. He left in 2007 to Microsoft. Oh yeah, I spoke to my friend who's training to be in the Navy. He said it's all over the base this news and he finds it funny and insulting at the same time. He's also refusing to buy the new system though he plays several games on the 360.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  14. Sara
    Maybe I did over exaggerate it a bit, but the comments are still pretty bad. I mean, just the "go to 360 if you have bad Internet connection" alone is pretty bad when you're trying to see your next generation console. Especially in an interview.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  15. Sara
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sara
    I have to respectfully disagree, Peace...

    A lot of soldiers use the 360 as downtime to relax after a hard day of defending the U.S.. The Navy contact uses it as downtime from his training and when he goes on a nuclear sub, kill time until the next shift. A lot o the armed forces bought the 360 for this reason.

    I feel it says: "You choose to defend our country and because of that, you can't have the same rights as any other American consumer has." It's not a direct insult, but i find a lot of it insulting and so do a lot of people who are in the armed forces. A guy retired from the Navy where I posted this thanked me for alerting the game reviewer of such nasty comments because he found it insulting to him. That's saying something.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Sara
    Actually, he's an exec of the branch. Which is probably marketing, but with a fancier title and more of a salary.

    These comments really anger me and a lot of people in the armed forces. If you read past all the trolling (and there's a ton of trolling, I don't recommend it.) There's countries that are from third world/second world countries who are pointing out the flaws, members of the armed forces, and people who are in the U.S. who just have bad Internet or even just unstable Internet. (Me and anything past half an hour in my state. Not kidding.)

    These comments really just say: "You have to be rich and/or live in a area where you have perfect connection with Internet companies bending over backwards and a perfect modem that never fails you for you to have this system. If not, just get the PS4 and/or 360, we don't want you."

    It's just insulting, I see another firing and massive apology going out. Though it won't change anything, this is entertaining, I have to agree with you there.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  18. Sara
    Posted this in Current Events of the Debate Section. Gave you credit, Hatok..

    Wanted to spread the word more.=3
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sara
    Sorry dude, I posted it in Discussion as news. I did give you credit for finding the video. I just thought it should be shown more than the Spam Zone.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sara
    Sorry if this is in wrong area, and kudos for Hatok finding this and posting it in Spam Zone or I wouldn't have found it. There has been a lot of controversy over the Xbox One's requirements, and a lot of anger from people in the armed forces who don't have a good enough Internet connection to be able to meet MS's new standards. In an Interview with Spike tv, he spoke during the "down time" when they had technical difficulties with the microphone about his opinion on the One. It caused such a backlash after it was posted that Spike was asked to remove it, but not before someone else posted the video and the news now has their hands on it:

    Original Video:

    Anyone who doesn't know who Don Mattrick is, he's the president of the Interactive Entertainment Business branch of Microsoft.

    I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I still don't partially believe he said that. I liked 360 but wasn't planning on buying a One because I don't meet the requirements despite me not serving. I do have two friends who serve/are in training to serve in a submarine who haven't replied to me sending the link to them, but it's downright insulting in my opinion and there's no excuse for it.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 12, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Current Events