Thanks, Midnight... I'm already getting a reaction from someone. I really can't give you credit. I also don't want to post credit to the site because, well... If MS ever finds out... I don't want to get them in trouble. So sorry, guys.
I totally agree, libre... I think there could be a business class just on how this is going for MS. I ironically enough don't feel bad for them. There's all these warning signs being pointed to them and they continue plowing on towards obscurity thinking this is the best system. I do feel bad for the MS support who have to deal with this right now. They're probably not enjoying the fact that the higher ups are making all these decisions and are forcing them to say stuff like this while they just sit there and not even confirm anything. Now looking at it, I don't know if they just don't have their act together and are floundering about or they know what they're doing and know that the backlash will be worse if they say anything to confirm it. The longer they wait if it's the latter, the bigger of a chance it'll ruin them later on because it might die down to resurface when they confirm all this stuff in a press conference.
Thanks Midnight, I appreciate it. I don't like what's going on and am trying to keep other people updated who don't know what's going on outside the site. This is a big, deep grave. I actually never saw anything like this.
Can you give me a link to that twitter Midnight? I want to send that to some people outside the site. That is just, wow... I know, it was a big typo. :P A pretty big one. lolz... Guess I should make sure what I type next time.
Just an FYI... Will Smith was the big producer behind it. He wanted to make the movie with his son Jayden and helped with the directing and stuff. That's what I heard, anyway. He approached the studio about it. =3 I could be wrong. But yeah, I guess it's the same as gas stations who depend heavily on the convenience store revenue to come in and keep them in business. With the price of gas, they're getting a lot less.
I didn't mean to offend anyone, if I did, I apologize and someone can report it and have it removed. Sorry about that, Patman. I am one of people who haven't kept an eye on the game nor am googling this every time I mention it. I just thought it was an interesting note.
I totally agree with you, dude... I just realized the fact that it's not Indie Friendly means they have less competition. They don't have to work as hard and have less to compete against. Some Indie games, (Braid coming off the top of my head) were so spectacular that it's still going strong after all these years. Who still plays CoD MW 3 except for multiplayer as often? Who BUYS COD MW right now? Who buys ACIII? Who buys Halo 4? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see it dropping constantly on Amazon. The developers want to not compete against people who have a chance of making great games for the system and ousting them out. Survival instinct. Prices are dropping faster, there was a debate about whether or not it's going to drop next generation. Maybe it won't. But I think it will and there still won't be people buying the games because there's just a lot of games stagnant, like Final Fantasy which might have some life breathed into it, SE is holding the cards with that along with KH, which is why MS made a deal with them. AC after III I really have no interest in because of how bad III was. Halo even though I liked 4, a lot of my friends didn't at all and are looking for other series. That's a sign the devs are doing someithng wrong and are blaming the consumer instead of themselves for it. Sorry for the rant. =3
If it was just the used games, I don't think the backlash would be as bad. Except for the fact that most likely they would still cost 60 bucks. It's the fact that they're talking about forced Internet, a Kinect Camera which I heard rumors counts how many people are in your room and will charge your account if you have too many. A whole bunch of other factors and requirements. I personally wouldn't buy the system because my budget doesn't allow me to buy a new game and not sell the game if I don't like it. Some do, great... They can do what they want. I live in an area with bad Internet that can go out for days due to storms. Some don't, great... They can do what they whatever they want. But it ticks people off having these kind of choices forced on them and being told they're not "worthy" of having a product because they live in a area where they can't meet the standards of the company. Just the DRM can piss a lot of people off because 500 gigs with blu-ray games will basically be at max ten games with nothing else. I kid you not. These policies are called console killers. They will stop people from even thinking about buying the one. Not including some executive who doesn't know how to not shut up standing there yapping about not knowing what it's like to live on a nuclear sub defending this country. And/or the men and women overseas fighting in a war defending this country. That's what's ticking a lot of people off. And also, look at the reaction Sony got when they publicly spanked MS on stage. Really spanked them. It took five minutes for the cheering to stop when they told them that they are not doing any policy MS is doing, yes, they probably threw that in from the reaction from MS. But they had a right to, they knew that would help their sales and they knew that's what gamers want. At the end of the line, it's the gamers that matter. The people that pull out their wallet every day and buy a game/console/whatever. Forget the critics, the people who get money from this, this is the people who like me and most likely 90% of the people who go here to play games and have fun without having to worry about when the Internet goes out, or when MS stops doing servers for the One, or when MS's network is hacked and crashes, this is about these people who are the huge majority of gamers that are being screwed by these policies. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can have an Internet problem. My modem dies every two years, it's down until I get a new one. That will make me have a 500 dollar paperweight. The people with poor Internet, they will have a 500 dollar paperweight. Anyone who has a storm hit or even an earthquake which is massively common in California, they will have a five hundred dollar paperweight. The people in the armed forces CAN'T EVEN THINK about buying the system because of the regions they're in and don't have Internet who depend heavily on games for entertainment and relaxation as a reminder of home. I have two friends in the armed forces and one thinks this is as funny as hell and is angry about it also, not including what he thinks of Mattrick's comments about the sub, and he's a huge fan of Xbox. There will still be people who buy the system thinking it will not happen, and when it does, they'll probably be the first one complaining to MS about what happened. This isn't something that's: "Oh, we're losing money so we're making your life hell." This is: "We want you to be what we want you to be and give us more money when our system crashes because of all the requirements or because you don't play by our rules and suck it the hell up."
I wish I had a link on this, but I was watching the Today Show which had George Lucas and Steven Spielburg on together this morning for an interview. They were saying films cost more to make this day and age and doesn't have the revenue to make up for the money. Actors, CGI, etc... Actors alone cost millions of dollars. I was listening with mostly half an ear when they mentioned that the price should go higher. Way higher. To Broadway prices, 100-150 bucks per ticket. To compensate for the price of the movie. They used After Earth and several others as an example (which I think any movie that causes Spoony to get hammered after seeing it is not a good example) for a movie that cost a lot more to make that's not breaking even. I'm curious: Do you think the prices of the theaters should go up? Do you think that they have the right idea? Myself, I'm going to try to hold back as much ranting as possible here. But, are you serious? After Earth is terrible because it was made terribly. Will Smith has a ton of talents, but writing and directing is apparently not one of them, and hiring M. Knight Shamilayn as a director also who has come out with some of the worst movies ever made lately. Not to mention George Lucas's record for the last three movies he made. Steven Spielburg, yes, he has made good movies. I heard Lincoln was fantastic, and I am a fan of his work. But maybe it's the economy or other factors that have people reluctant to spend 8-10 bucks to 25 on a movie ticket. That's just me, when I went to a tight budget, I didn't suddenly go out every weekend and watch movies. Hell, I have barely gone to the movie theater since college. And that place costs ten bucks for the refreshments and tickets. And it was booming.
I don't think he deserves a pardon... Rape, especially for kids is very hard to talk about. I wasn't raped myself, but I was sexually abused in high school and never told my parents until my junior year after it started in seventh grade, they told the boy next time he came close, they'd call the police. I also had another sexual incident even younger than that. Some don't know what's going on, some are embarrassed, some don't know how to tell other people, and some tell and are either told to "shut up" or aren't taken seriously. Or in the case of this, the college was getting a massive winning streak from this guy and they wanted their reputation upheld. I watched this from the beginning and was angered not only he did all that to kids, but the wife heard it once and blew it off even though the kid was yelling. That's about as bad as the crime itself. I do know that Penn State got the very heavy end of the hammer dropped on them for covering up these abuse stories. Good, they should have. You don't abuse kids and expect to walk away with roses. I would've actually kept him in there for life. These kids were probably too terrified to tell anyone or mention it to anyone. I hope this teaches colleges a lesson if nothing else. I hope that they realize if **** like this happens in their college it's not just the coach who's being punished. Penn State had all the top rankings of a college football team and was ripped away from them because of their piss poor decisions, they're going to lose money, they're going to lose stature, they're going to lose a lot of scholarships that bring in the big players because of this. I hope the victims get more out of this than a criminal sentencing. I hope colleges learn from this and this guy burns in hell for what he's done. I don't care how young or old you do, if you do crap like this, you deserve as much jailtime as is offered.
I watched Red vs Blue Season 11 episode 1 a half-hour ago... It was pretty good. I hope they keep it up, and that's saying something after my hate for last season.
So basically sell more systems. I wonder what's going to happen when the One starts to have terrible sales. Anyway, I think Nintendo will get it's game together, but they really need to. I heard their E3 went pretty badly in the gaming side.
Dude, they're releasing in Brazil... And I have friends there who use dial-up still with poor Internet.I know some places are getting better, but most of it is pretty bad. A lot of the countries they're releasing to don't have good Internet.
What I think Microsoft is thinking right now is: "Everyone lives in California and the other high tech Internet/cell phone places where it's never down more than a few hours." I live on the East Coast, I got a breath of Superstorm Sandy thankfully, but two states south of me were so badly hit they're still fixing the problems on the coast. NJ had their Internet down for weeks, their cell phone towers as long. NY had the same problems. There's blizzards that hit this coast so hard and so badly you can't do anything for days, not even contact people. I am not even talking about hurricanes which we're starting the season of this month. Hell, a storm in the southern part of the East Coast knocked out power yesterday and most likely still being fixed. I haven't even mentioned the middle of the States with the tornado problems there. All these things make your One a 500 dollar paperweight. People around here won't buy a system if they know you have all these ridiculous conditions and gaming stores and other companies are telling consumers the same thing. If they're depending on the U.S. or anyone else to pick up their slack, they're in for a nasty surprise.
lmao... FTW!!! This actually reminds me of the shitstorm when Windows 8/Satan came out. (Anyone who has this POS when it came out (me) with NO TOUCH SCREEN!!!) Knows what I'm talking about. Five days of cursing, yelling banging my head against a wall and tears and I still couldn't get it to work. (Sorry, I know I'm ranting.) I finally found a program that gave you back the start screen for five bucks by another company whose motto was: "We all saw the complaints about Windows 8 and fixed them." And they did, I have used this computer ever since then without a hitch. They saw this coming, they saw it coming a mile away with the Beta and they refused to fix it. They insisted on plowing on and not care about what the complaints were. This is a company that dominated the market for 30 years, this is a company that made me love Windows 7 until I was forced to upgrade. This is a company that made me love FPS's which I swore to myself I'd always hate. And now in the next generation, I find myself loathing them. Not only their policies, but the outright insults to people who don't live like they do. The insults to people who live on the East Coast even in rich areas. A storm hit yesterday that knocked out a lot of power on the South part of the East Coast. They're not going to get it back today. The bullying they're trying to force on people and the bribes I'm hearing about to have people make their product something it's not. I never thought I would despise MS as much as I do right now.
It's not the child's fault that the money wasn't paid. Seriously, the reason why kids are fed in school is partly because if they don't eat they're hungry all day. Not including the fact they're still growing and need food to eat. It's stupid that they refused to give the kid food because he didn't have the money. When I was in high school, I got my lunch once in a while on credit because I forgot my money and paid them the next day without problems. The school made a poor decision and it's biting them in the ass. The principal sticking with the workers actually angered me for a bit, then my mom said that the principal always takes the school's side. I had a teacher scream at me and humiliate me for months along with forming a hate club under my name. She was a third grade teacher and did everything to make my life hell, the only reason she stopped was because my mom went in and threatened her a life of pure hell if she continued, that and she almost punched her. My mom went to the principal, superintendent, and god-knows where else and they took the teachers side despite several witnesses saying what the **** was going on in that classroom. It's sadly a part of life.
I think it's actually cool... I heard during E3 that one of their execs went to an Indie publishers house with a PS4 (I think) And they played together. They also had the Indie developers on stage during the show showing off their games. Sony if nothing else really treats their developers nicely.
Yeah... I can't believe they're selling to countries with bad Internet. Seriously... Oh yeah, huge update above in a double merge post. Projekt Red was excluded from the launch list and are pretty unhappy about not being told about it.
Wow... Yeah, I did hear that... And even without the massive price tag, you can't really carry it around you to hot spots and do the check in. (Yes, I've heard people saying that since you can go online anywhere, you can do that with the One.) I feel like taking my old VCR, handing it to them and saying: "Here, carry this all day and come back with it with no damage." They're not going to do well, minus all the negative press and comments they're saying about the consumers who don't have the lifestyle they do.[DOUBLEPOST=1371173260][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT: GUYS!!! They're not selling the console in Poland their first launch day. Projekt Red the developer of Witch Hunter 3, which IS for the Xbox One, is in Poland. They are surprised and not very happy right now from what I can tell.