I love when I see the rainbow names slowly start to load in firefox. Kinda funneh.
I have my internet back. ****. ****. about time.
My false apologies.
NYC is ghettoooooooo like Cam.
No .
Duuuude I love those. o_o
He was beaten to a pulp and buried in a corn field. ... oh, wait, that was how Nicky died in Casino wasn't it?
Aided Industry Demeaning Systic-sewer-syndrome How about you?
DELETE IT Buy a new drive.
so who wants to jam?
Gravity goes up. This is true.
Fall out dodge duck dip dive... And dodge.
Dude it's raining nuts out here. Wisconsin SUCKS.
that joke is so old, every time... yeah it's so old i couldn't think of a joke.
you've done it too? -feels better-
My friend Nick and I do that to each other and all of our semi-intelligent and partially educated friends constantly. Not because we disagree with them or because they are dumb, we just like doing it to anyone. When it happens to us it usually sucks. It can be annoying, sure, on repetition. Although every now and then doesn't seem to make a difference to me. In fact it usually helps more than it hurts.
****in' love this ****. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c
You're right. -banning now-
Darrrrrn I wanted derep to just be gone entirely. lol