I was hoping the series would end within the next 10-15 chapters. That dream seems sadly broken.
j: 結局ペイン戦で死んだのはジライヤとナガトだけ c: 结局是在佩恩战役中死去的只有自来也和长门自己 e: In the end the only casualties in Pein’s attack were Jiraiya and Nagato j: ナガトは里の皆を復活させてナルトに託して力を使いきり永眠 c: 长门把村子里的大家都复活了,并把希望托付给鸣人而逝世 e: Nagato revives everyone in the village, and dies entrusting his hope to Naruto Fuck it, giving up on the manga now.
I can't tell if the face that pops up is a young Biss Boss or Gray fox. Because of this, I'll just say it's either/or.
Can anyone read Japanish?
So. I've seen the letters PS3E3R5 now. Plus, Gray Fox/Big Boss face. Prequel/Remake on the Ps3, to be announced as E3. That's what I'm getting out of this whole thing. Edit: Apparently Raiden pops up as well.
Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall have been in the studio recording a new end-all version of the KH-Vids song, but don’t expect to hear the song just yet. The pop-punk band’s reunion trek hits the KH-Vids convention in LA on September 1st. “I think that [most] people want to hear about the new stuff right now, but we are thinking about the veteran members from when I wasn't banned†said guitarist/singer Alex Trimmer. “I think that people want to relive the old times, and the people who haven’t seen Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall yet want to see the songs they’ve been listening to the past few years. We’ll throw in some new additions to the song, but this is about reforming as a band and playing the songs that we grew up playing.†Trimmer, speaking at a party at the Hollywood Mexican restaurant El Compadre to promote the tour, said Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall is still signed to Interscope Records. Though the tour may be focused on old material, fans should rest assured that the band’s reunion trek, which also features Fall Out Boy and Weezer, is not to rehash the late ‘90s, when Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall were a staple on mainstream rock radio with “The KH-Vids Song (Live)†and “The KH-Vids Song (Acoustic).†The band will indeed hit the road with the new version of the song in hand. As to whether or not the new cut will be released as an official single before the tour begins in late July in Las Vegas -- that’s still up in there air. Said Trimmer, “Intescope will be putting out the song, but I don’t know if the song will be coming out as a release -- a for-sale version for the tour or not, or if we’ll just debut it for the tour and let it sit it in ... badly-played live editions.†Monday night’s Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall party came a few day’s after the band performed at a private party in Hollywood, and a day after one of Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall's tour-mates appeared at KROQ’s Weenie Roast. Weezer is said to have a new album due in the late fall or early summer, but sitting in the parking-lot adjacent patio of the Mexican cantina, the Rivers Cuomo-led band was not willing to entertain any questions on the band’s new material. “I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to talk about the record at all,†said Cuomo, looking to guitarist Brian Bell. “We want to talk about the tour we’re about to go on.†All right, fine. So what about co-headlining a trek with Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall and Fall Out Boy does Weezer want to say? Turns out not so much, as Bell said something about being “really honored†to tour with Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall, and “looking forward to playing all these cities again.†Cuomo promises hits and a few covers, including the latest from Lady Gaga. Whatever Weezer ends up covering, expect Trimmer to post it on his Twitter. The Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall principal has been averaging about 10 updates per day. “There’s actually a spam law against him,†says singer/pianist Nathan Hall. Alex added about the content of the song, "It's been over 2 years since I was banned from KH-Vids, so the song is a bit outdated. I hope the new members will still listen to it and enjoy a fresh scope of the past of the website they frequent so often. Although I may be banned, my 10,000+ posts and replies allowed me to get to know a lot of the members. This is the truest look at KH-Vids they will ever get... through music." Alex Trimmer & Nathan Hall plan to release the song on Thursday, May 28, 2009. "We want to release the song and get the past 2 years of recording over with," Nathan said. "That's a lie. We probably recorded it in a day." Alex & Nathan are working on putting together a "The KH-Vids Song EP" featuring the new 9 minute 36 second song as well as the older version and the live version recorded in front of a 300+ strong crowd on July 17, 2006. It will be released free via www.myspace.com/djtrimms on the 28th of May, 2009. Source: LA Times Music blog
Spoiler self-centered, arrogant, asshole.
I'll have to listen a few more times. Edit: These lyrics are so outdated. Half the members don't even come here anymore. (They're basically the same lyrics as the second version of the KHV song) I LOVE THEM. The yellow sky of twilight will be my guide tonight I walk a faded line that's faded by the many times I travel down these sunlit hills in search of what I'll never find I see clouds as deep as oceans that I left behind There are forests to my left and shadows to my right I walk through open fields of flowers that will bloom tonight The sun does cast a glow as sacred as the morning light And this I ask, forget my past, and I know everything will be all right When I joined KH-Vids I was such a n00b I bet I only had one pube After a while I called it my home But I was just another CFF clone Shadowjak's rants were really nice I bet Mish tastes like sugar and spice Xaldin's the biggest ****** on the site But unlike Sara at least he doesn't fight All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids They all live in their own little worlds Most of the guys have never seen a real girl Another thing that bothers me is this The girls are in love with guys that don't exist All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids Misty, how old are you? Forum helpers, what the **** do they do? Vivi quit the staff and Darky did too Sweqsora, oh how much I miss you Angel you loved a guy you didn't know Saving up for college but now you won't go Roxas still lurks on the site all the time See how many of his names you can find All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids They all live in their own little worlds Most of the guys have never seen a real girl Another thing that bothers me is this The girls are in love with guys that don't exist All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids Sara we dedicate this verse to you You're just so annoying I don't know what to do An on-line boyfriend is no way to go Cyber-****ing a guy that you don't even know I'm telling you this straight from the heart Talks about ripples are no way to start I don't really care if this makes you sad 'Cause the truth is it makes me laugh Alice was funny in a really creepy way And Deathspank always knew just what to say The best AMV's were made by DA And the best stories written by Soushirei Mish is way too hot for this site For her this is no way to spend her night Madi you support everything I do And Cin, I've fallen in love with you I'm in love with you It's too good to be true I'm in love with you So in love with you All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids They all live in their own little worlds Most of the guys have never seen a real girl Another thing that bothers me is this The girls are in love with guys that don't exist All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids Yaoi Cin, Yaoi Roxas Cin and Roxas, CinxRoxas Yaoi Cin now Yaoi Roxas Now we're on
Not happening until Alex releases it himself.
It's nearly 10 fucking minutes long. My ears are bleeding with joy.
It's National Star Wars day.
Mish thinks I'm hot. Brb, telling everyone I know.
I watched fansub s before I even posted the thread. Where are YOU checking?
So the counter fucking reset. Also, a 3 popped up once for me.
The first episode of the second season of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya premiered out of nowhere.
All songs made by Ben Gibbard and his side projects which include Death cab for Cutie, the Postal Service, and All Time Quarterback, as well as several self-titled projects. Go now.
Facebook is mostly mac****, Therefore hipper. Hey Misty add me on Facebook kthx.
I cry men.
God. lol.
Thanks in advanced for all your compliments Also in advance, fuck all of you for not giving me cnc.