I think a much more efficient way to have said that would be "A virus that keeps Jerome from making group convos? I'll take 10!" Honestly just trying to help.
There's an instant messenger on Facebook
She's staff. That's all I did when I was admin, stalk people.
You think maybe it's just some virus only we have? =D
This man. Sexy *******.
Mm, If you responded to those messages, I didn't get them.
Yeah, I've been wondering where you are.
It's like you can read...Trig's Thread.
Seriously .
There is nothing wrong with an anime about Penises.
Eden of the East. :Y
Why the hell did I just read this in a scottish accent?
Missed The Boat > Float On
What, in this life could ever be called necessary?
I'm confused by the hair of the African American Population. This "Ice-T" to which you refer is the most puzzling yet.
Best part was the soldiers. "Oh Jesus" "Oh...my god." "Don'tfuckup don'tfuckup don'tfuckup OH SHIT". Btw: Blaxploitation is funny to a certain extent, but that was just stupid.
Take it from someone who knows, this coloring is mediocre at best. The same could be said of the shading. Dude, I assume you're not done, at least finish it before you post it.
HEYHEYHEY. Someone saved that pic and made a thread on /a/. I'm pointing fingers at Jube.
Anyone going to Japan soon? Better go quick... It's being deconstructed in August.