Alot, It's pretty damn awesome. And Active, unlike most other places I've been too. xD;
Haaaaai. n_n Not much, And you?
One of these days... BAM.
Right, Thanks, guys. I'll keep these in mind the next time I try some attempts at banner making. Cheers.
...That made me choke on my spring roll. xDDDDD That was hilarious. And that was basically what the story in atlantica was about.
More importantly, whats the point in the world being there if the sole reason of you being there is to play some stupid linear song-and-dance minigame that makes your ears bleed and your little brothers cry. EDIT: Well that was KH2, but you get what I mean.
Yeah, the only reason why I added the scanlines in was purely because of the fact that the text wasn't easily readable without them. :/
It wasn't that dark before, but because I have a personal hatred for any sign of blur in my work, I tend to rape the contrast layer until I'm satisfied...And that was the result. ._. Just removed it.
Eew, I hate cameras so much. WHY IS MY NOSE SO LARGE Sup.
I think I'm getting worse at photoshop by the day. WHERE IS MY INNOVATION. Sup. With Text Without text In case you was wondering, the band in that banner is Panic At The Disco. I was listening to one of their most awesome songs and whipped this up. Sucks, I know. >_> Anyway, CnC, No ratings please.
Well I personally wouldn't mind so much if KHinsider (which has an extremely similar soundtrack collection) worked, but they're full of dead links.
Nothin' Much. Just making banners for another forum. o.o Yourself?
Haha. Sounded fun. xD
I r am gud thx. You? n_n I think I'm gonna die. ;_____________;
I like KH and the balance between square and Disney as it is personally, but I wouldn't mind seeing locations from previous FF games introduced as worlds, like Besaid, and Balamb Garden. I've wanted to see Midgar in a KH game, as it would probably serve well as a backstory for the dialouge between Cloud and Sephiroth in KH2 for those who havent played the actual game. It probably wont happen, but Eh. =[
Nobody answered my question. =[ EDIT: ...Never mind. I was about a minute behind xD
What do you even get out of it, anyway? o.o
Roleplay is that-a-way, thankyou, bby.