I'm Okay, Yourself?
Don't be suckin'
... Moe. ...Suiting. xD
...Does anybody really care?
good evening, madam.
...*Cries.* ;_;
...lord. .
I feel so left out when you all have hundreds more posts than i do. >=//////////////////
I'm just surprised, I develop some stuff myself in FL studio. O_o EDIT: I got 3 answers to my question, sick.
... Since when did you people make music
Xaldin was fun. o.o Partly because he was hard as f*ck when I first tried to beat him. Oh, and Xigbar.
...I don't see how it's possible to hate tea. o.O
Oh Yes! And perhaps we can get a few scones and teacakes while we're at it at the country club.
Correct-o-mundo, Old chap.
So yeah, I've currently had about 7 cups today, one after the other. Is there something wrong with me?
Oh right, English. xD
Um, Don't really have any background. o.o I'm just one of those people who enjoys writing, and stuff. o: You?
Haha, Thanks, I guess. xD Thankyoooou. n_n Shur. xD Thanks. 83 Thankyooou. 0w0
Oh, Shur. :3
Sora is a secret homosexual who has a soft spot for going to the opera, and singing kareoke songs that make people throw up, why hasn't anyone gathered this?