Okay, This is going to turn out as more of a rant than anything, But I feel that I would like to express my opinions on this particular genre and the genres alike, because I feel that it's necessary. Again, I'd like to note that this post is entirely my opinion. Lately, I've become increasingly sick and disgusted of the mainstream pop music genre, and for a variety of reasons. One example is the mere fact that musical talent isn't truly needed anymore, and most new artists and bands making their debut in the popular music industry mostly(if not, completely) make their money through their sex appeal. Some examples are Girls Aloud, Pussycat Dolls, Katy Perry, The Jonas Brothers. None of these in MY opinion, have even the slightest bit of talent inside them, yet they still seem to become so popular. What also completely infuriates me is the mere fact that there ARE talented artists out there that sold themselves out purely for the sake of getting noticed more. I'll use one example, as it's partly the reason why I'm writing this thread now. Pendulum, a highly acclaimed Drum 'n Bass act, have been lately on the scene with their album "In silico." their genres vary from ambient/intelligent/dark Drum 'n' Bass to elements of rock music.(Don't get me wrong, I spend the majority of the time listening to metal music) I'd like to ask, who ever heard their "Hold Your Colour" album which was released 3 years prior? And who ever thought that the music that they were producing in the underground scene were of a much better quality than their style now? They did it for mainstream, no doubt. And hey, they got popularity, and alot of it. I don't really blame them for this, I also highly blame major record companies that are completely one-sided and extremely selfish. Underground music needs to be noted so much more in modern day, as most of the artists that work and produce music without the support of mainstream truly do have talent, and do take pride and care when producing music. Rock and Metal's an example of this, there are many, many, very many unsigned bands out there with so much undiscovered talent, which think about music as not something that's fashionable and will make money, but something that inflicts effect on other people, that makes you FEEL something. Bands like My Chemical Romance used to be like this(In my opinion), until they found mainstream with "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" and became alot more mainstream-friendly, even more so with "The Black Parade" to the point that they sounded almost completely different to their roots. Hell, Even Paramore have sold themselves out. though that really doesn't surprise me. Incidentally, "All We Know Is Falling" still continues to be my favorite album from them. So anyway, I thought I would post this because I needed a place to rant about what modern mainstream has evolved into, and it happened to be here. What do you guys think? Has Mainstream lost the true feeling of music and succumbed to sex appeal and extremely simple tunes that get played to the point that you want to commit suicide? Discuss.
...The cover for COM and the cover for KH1 are completely different.
Good day. o:
7/10. I've seen you around a fair amount of the time. But I've only been here for about a fortnight so lol. >:/
Cn I hv ur email addrss
Should I switch to Windows Vista. I thought I'd ask you all because I seriously can't decide right now.
...8DDDDDDD So I'm not alone.
Black Metal, Doom Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Groove Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal. Thought I'd burst your bubbles here. 83
Am I going to hell?
Fat bandit. I can't think of a more annoying, tedious, and off-putting heartless than that. I never understood why they made them so occurent in KH2.
You stole my idea. x[
Both suck donkey d*ck. But I reckon that disney has finally established that their primary audience(mainly...10-13 year olds) really couldn't give a flying toss whether they have talent or not, which is why they keep throwing these half assed angsty teenagers at us. Basically the same with the majority of the mainstream pop business these days also.(which is complete crap.) In other words, Miley Cyrus doesn't have talent, she has sex appeal. SO THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAKES HER COOL Not that I'm disagreeing.
My eyes hurt like **** today.
No. Toast is supreme. >:O jk I do rlly.
I absolutely love it. Do you? (Note that there really is absolutely no point to this thread, I made it out of intense boredom.)
It better be. >:C
Terminator - Sevendust o:
...You're so cute! :3 I can't believe you're thirteen, you look so much older. o.o Not that that's a bad thing xD;
Not much. Eating a sandwich with literally nothing but ham in it, cause we have nothing else. xD :c Updaaate it. I wanna see what happens.